Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2031 The Bloody Battle of Qin and Qing Dynasties

Chapter 2031 The Battle of Qin and Qing Dynasties (5) Bloody Slash
Chapter 2029: The Bloody Battle of the Qin and Qing Dynasties (5)
In fact, Jin Wushu still has great potential, after all, in the Battle of Niutoushan, he also fought with Yue Fei to a close.

Yue Fei can be promoted all the way from Jiwu 98 to God of War, and as his old enemy, the Golden Wushu, even if its potential is not as good as Yue Fei's, it will not be much inferior.

The last time he intercepted and killed Meng Tian, ​​his basic strength was still 100 Golden Wushu, but now it has grown to 102.

Of course, compared with Yue Fei, who is already the god of war, Jin Wushu still has a long way to go, and it may be impossible to catch up in a lifetime.

[Ding dong, Oboi's skill 'Axe' is activated, force +3, base force 100 (+4), equipment +2, current force rises to 105;]

Although Aobai was not the strongest group of generals in the Manchu Qing Dynasty, he was the general who followed Nurhachi the longest. When the Manchu Qing Dynasty was still in the Wuhuan era, he was already under Nurhachi's command.

Over the years, although Nurhachi fought in the north and south, he has experienced hundreds of battles, made a lot of achievements, and his force has risen from 96 to 100, stepping into the ranks of gods.

The four generals who came to support, apart from Jin Wushu and Aobai who are god generals, the other two are all top-notch, they have a lot of reputation in the Qing army, and they are very popular with Nurhachi.

With the addition of the four generals, the pressure on Shan Shituo dropped sharply. With the joint efforts of the five, the situation was gradually brought back.

The mountain lion camel and other five generals surrounded Jia Fu with a frantic bombardment, while Jia Fu responded calmly, even if it was a one-on-five without the slightest panic.

Jia Fu found that there was not much tacit understanding among the five people, so he used this as an entry point, and focused on fighting the weak ones, so that the five people could not be twisted into a rope, and they had a faint advantage with one against five.

The six men fought in a group, the dust was flying, the bells of the weapons were ringing, and the sparks were bursting, and the soldiers of the two armies were even more mesmerized.

At first Jia Fu was the dominant side, but as the battle progressed, the five generals, including the mountain lion and camel, cooperated more and more tacitly, and gradually suppressed the stronger Jia Fu.

After [-] rounds, Jia Fu was already at a disadvantage. While resisting the pincer attack from the mountain lion camel and Jin Wushu, he accidentally cut his arm in a surprise attack by Oboi.

Oboi, who was not strong, became the first person to injure Jia Fu in this battle.

[Ding Dong, Jia Fu's skill 'Blood God' effect 3 bloodthirsty battle is launched, as long as you receive even a little damage in the battle, your force will immediately +2; when you receive light injury damage, your force +3 again; When inflicting damage, force +4 again; when entering residual blood state, force +5 again.

Jia Fu is injured, strength +2, and the current strength has risen to 127. 】

Jia Fu licked off the blood on his arm with his tongue, then turned to look at Oboi who was attacking him, his eyes were full of killing intent.

"Report your name... Forget it, there is no need to report, the dead are not qualified to be remembered by General Ben."

Jia Fu originally wanted to ask Oboi's name, but he was not interested anymore, but his words angered Oboi.

Aobai was a rough and irritable person, how could he endure Jia Fu's insult like this, he roared angrily and raised his ax to chop at Jia Fu.

When Oboi made this move, the mountain lion camel and the other four had to act as well, because the five of them had already formed a coordination, and the five of them could fight Jia Fu as one, even if they were dismantled, they would not be Jia Fu's opponent.

The five generals joined forces to attack here, but Jia Fu was not afraid at all. He shook his halberd in his hand, rushed forward after a loud shout, and once again fought with Wu Wu into a group, and was not at a disadvantage in the slightest.

This time Jia Fu changed his style of play, he was not as conservative as before, even if he was injured, he would not let the opponent feel better.

After five rounds, Jia Fu seized an opportunity. After repelling the mountain lion camel and Jin Wu, he ignored the shot that the gun-wielding general drew, and let him hit his back armor with one shot. Turn around with all your strength and chop at Aobai with a halberd.


This shot hit Jia Fu's back armor fiercely. Although it failed to break Jia Fu's armor, it made his face look a little unnatural, and his halberd also attacked Oboi. .

[Ding dong, Jia Fu received minor injuries, the skill 'Blood God' effect 3 Bloodthirsty Berserk was activated, the force was +3 again, and the current force rose to 130. 】

Seeing this, Obai was shocked, and quickly raised his ax to block it, but with the strength of his junior general, how could he block a blow with 130 points of force?

Under Jia Fu's halberd, Oboi's halberd was directly shattered, he couldn't even hold the weapon, and then he was cut in half by the shoulder-length halberd, and fell on the spot.

"Mighty, mighty..."

Seeing this, the generals of the Qin army raised their troops and shouted.

Seeing this, the mountain lion camel and Jin Wushu turned pale with shock. They were fine just now, so why did Aobai die in the blink of an eye?
It can only be said that the blow just now was planned by Jia Fu for a long time, and there were no two people who even had the chance to rescue him.

Ao Bai was much more important than the other two, once he died, the pressure on the remaining four increased greatly, and Jia Fu still suppressed and beat the four against one.

Seeing this, Nurhachi in the rear was also shocked. He failed to win five fights and one, and even defeated his favorite general Oboi?Is this Jia Fu the reincarnation of a god?No wonder Temujin can be beheaded.

The situation was critical, and Nurhachi couldn't care less about his face. After all, losing face was worse than his subordinates, so he quickly sent his second general, Yang Dayan, and four generals including Xi Kangsheng.

Seeing that Nurhachi sent someone again, although Jia Fu was angry at his shamelessness, he was even more urgent in his heart. He danced the halberd faster and faster, and wanted to kill all four of them before Yang Dayan and others arrived.


Jia Fu roared like a wild animal, and danced the halberd in his hand faster and faster, a large number of phantoms appeared, all he could see was his halberds, covering the mountain lion camel and others.

The mountain lion camel and other four generals gritted their teeth to resist, but there is a gap in strength between them after all. Two super-class generals were stabbed one after another. Only the mountain lion camel and Jin Wushu gritted their teeth and persisted until Yang Dayan and others arrived .

In a blink of an eye, two more generals died in battle, which made Nurhachi almost go crazy.

The Qing Dynasty had a shortage of talents, and it took a lot of resources and energy to cultivate a super-class general, and a god general was a talent that was hard to come by.

As for God of War?Sorry, it can't be cultivated at all, it depends purely on personal talent, so the entire Manchu Empire has only one mountain lion camel.

And in such a short period of time, one divine general and three super-class generals died at the hands of Jia Fu alone. How could Nurhachi accept such a huge price?

"Jia Fu, I want you to die."

Nurhachi gritted his teeth and looked at Jia Fu with murderous intent.

[Ding Dong, Yang Dayan's skill 'Sword God' is activated, force +4, basic force 104, equipment +2, current force rises to 110. 】

On the battlefield, seeing that the mountain lion camel and Jin Wushu were about to fail, five generals including Yang Dayan and Xi Kangsheng joined in time and saved their lives.

 At the third watch, 8 chapters are still owed.

  To correct a mistake in the previous article, the Golden Wushu uses an axe, not to. In addition, its weapons and horses are: chi tail crested goose ax and red charcoal fire dragon horse.

  Another question I would like to seek the opinions of fellow readers. Generally speaking, it cannot be summoned during the war, because it is tantamount to assisting the enemy. However, some book friends suggested that during the Qin-Qing war, you can use the Alien Hundred Call Card, and then let the The protagonist clears a large wave.

  Do you think it can be used?Please leave your opinions in this chapter, or in the book review area, this will affect the direction of the story of the next book.

(End of this chapter)

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