Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2033 Threats from the West

Chapter 2033 Threats from the West

Chapter 2031: Threat from the West

"Reporting to my lord, General Jia Fu went to the Manchu camp to challenge him, but he was met by the Manchu's chariots...

General Jia Fu successively beheaded eight generals including Oboi, Xi Kangsheng, Yuanying, Wanyan Jiamu, Er Zhuyu, and Geng Jingzhong, and defeated the first fierce general of the Qing Dynasty, the Mountain Lion Camel..."

"it is good……"

The report of the soldiers made all the generals in the battalion applaud and practiced. After all, even beheading the eight generals of the Manchu Qing, the weakest of them was all super first-class. Several people can do it alone.

Sitting upright in the main seat, Qin Hao also expressed his appreciation. He has system prompts and has been paying attention, so he is quite clear about Jia Fu's situation.

Jia Fu's "Blood God"'s bloody fighting effect, let alone a trace of blood, did not even get serious injuries, which shows that Jia Fu has already swept away the masters of the Manchu and Qing countries with only minor injuries, which is very rare.

"Now General Jia Fu has escaped and is leading the army back, but Nurhachi has sent [-] cavalry behind him to give chase."

"Hehe, it seems that Nurhachi is in a hurry and has sent [-] troops to pursue him." Qin Hao said with a smile.

Now the whole of Youbeiping has been reduced to a battlefield, and every inch of land is the focus of contention between the two sides.

With the forces of both sides spread across the entire Youbeiping, Nurhachi was so irrational that he mobilized [-] cavalry to chase and kill [-] Qin cavalry. This was obviously completely enraged by Jia Fu up.

A strange look flashed in Qin Hao's eyes, he turned his head to look at Zhang Liang and Zhuge Liang, and asked, "The two military advisers, Nurhachi is in a daze, dispatching [-] cavalry at one time, there must be deficiencies in other places, do you think there is any defense from our army?" opportunity?"

Zhang Liang and Zhuge Liang shook their heads tacitly after meeting each other.

"My lord, Nurhaci dispatched [-] cavalry to chase down our army's [-] cavalry. It is indeed a fool's move, but the [-] cavalry were not drawn from one battalion, but from each battalion. The combat power, but the overall impact is not too big.

It can be seen that although Nurhachi was enraged, he has not lost his mind and is still guarding against our army.

Our army can take advantage of this to start a war, but even if we win, it will only be a miserable victory, not worth it. " Zhang Liang said unhurriedly.

As soon as the words were finished, Zhuge Liang continued to use his words to continue: "My lord, our army has already made a general strategy. It's better not to make extravagant problems at this time. If we startle the snake, the previous arrangements will be in vain."

After hearing what the two said, Qin Hao had no choice but to give up Yin Nurhachi's plan, and said: "Nurhachi can't afford it, and sending fifty thousand cavalry to chase and kill Wenjun, our army can't show weakness.

The order was sent, and Huo Qubing, Long Qi, Lu Bu, and Luo Cheng each led [-] troops to meet Jia Fu.

If Nurhachi dares to fight, he will fight. "


The number of cavalry of the Qin army in Youbeiping was naturally more than [-], but they were all scattered around to guard against the surprise attack of the Qing cavalry.

Now that the situation is sudden, the cavalry scattered in various places will naturally not be able to be transferred back within a short period of time. Even if they are transferred, they may not be able to catch up. The only army that can meet Jia Fu is the [-] cavalry of the Fourth Battalion of Huolongluluo.

Nurhachi sent [-] cavalry to chase and kill Jia Fu, while Qin Hao sent [-] cavalry to rescue Jia Fu. I have to say that there are not many people who are treated well in the world today.

Following Qin Hao's order, [-] cavalry from the Qin army left the camp and headed east to meet Jia Fu. It might be another cavalry battle.

Not long after the order was issued, Qin Hao suddenly received a system prompt that Arthur would be the third super general in the West.

[Ding dong, Arthur beheaded the great master Zhu Xi, and with a feeling in his heart, the skill 'Sword God' merged with 'Spear God' into the super magic skill 'Wind God', and he became the third super god general in the West. 】

This system prompt is nothing, after all, with the strength and potential of King Arthur, it is only a matter of time to become a super god, but the third western super god reveals that there are already two super gods in the west at this time fact.

"It has been many years since Alexander was born. If these two Western super generals are also under Alexander's command, then no one in the West in this era may be able to check and balance him." Qin Hao thought extremely worried.

Although the West is still in the period of the Roman Empire, just like the Han Empire, the Roman Empire at this time has also entered its twilight years, and this is undoubtedly a great opportunity for a hero like Alexander.

There is a shortage of talents in the west, and there are only three super generals today, while the east has already collected twelve super generals, and even the number of super generals who have died in battle is the same as the number of western super generals.

No one in the West can check and balance Alexander's people, but it's different here in the East.

There are too many outstanding heroes in the East, and Qin Hao has too many opponents to deal with, so even if Qin Hao's talent lineup is the best in history, it still takes a lot of time to unify.

Qin Hao broke through the difficult level, while Alexander broke through the easy level. Qin Hao is worried that if this continues, he may not have unified the big men, and Alexander, who has no one to restrain him, has already unified the entire West.

In history, Alexander wanted to fight to the East until his death. If the process of unifying the East was much later than that of the West, once Alexander's army came after unifying the West, it would be a catastrophe for the entire East.

"No, you can't make Alexander too easy, you have to find a few opponents for him to delay his unification of the West, but how do you do it?"

Qin Hao began to think in his heart.

Alexander was born in balance, and apart from him, there is no point in being a second western balance character, so trying to find an opponent for the pressure through balance, which involves too much luck, is not advisable.

In addition to balance, Qin Hao can influence the West's means, and there is only one Alien Hundred Summoning Card left.

After Li Cunxiao broke through the Grand Master, he burned his internal energy to single out the entire Tang Kingdom, and then the system rewarded him with a Hundred Call Card of Alien Race.

The Alien Hundred Summoning Card, as the name suggests, is to summon characters of other races besides the Han, and Western characters are naturally included.

When he first got this Alien Hundred Call Card, Qin Hao thought that he would never use this item in his life. After all, this is tantamount to giving talent to a foreign race. kind of strategy.

"Alexander's threat is too great, if it is not contained as soon as possible, it will become a serious problem sooner or later.

But once the Alien Hundred Summoning Card is used, the Manchu, Yuanmeng, Goguryeo and other alien tribes that are close to the Han will also be strengthened. "

Thinking of this, Qin Hao couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed. He wanted to delay Alexander's unification of the West, but he didn't want to see Yuan Qing and other forces strengthen again, so he couldn't help but fell into a dilemma for a while.

 Second update, 7 chapters still owed

(End of this chapter)

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