Chapter 2039 Rome Split
Chapter 2037: Rome Divided
Not only did Alexander not destroy Britain, but he deliberately let Britain go, and his purpose was naturally to support the bandits. After all, if the "Kou" were all wiped out by him, what would he do as a general?
In addition, Britain and Rome have already hated each other like seas. When he rebelled against the Roman Empire in the future, Britain could become one of his allies.

Under Alexander's careful calculation, he not only became the commander in chief of one side by virtue of his military exploits, but also sat on the position of governor of a province step by step, becoming a big official of the frontier.

What Alexander didn't expect was that the Roman emperor would appoint him governor of Macedonia's military administration. This not only allowed Alexander to return to his hometown where he had been separated for many years, but also made his future rebellious actions easier.

Soon after returning to Macedonia, Alexander began to take back the military and political power, but found that Macedonia had been ruled by Rome for a long time, and the backbone of the people had been bent, and they had long been accustomed to Roman rule.

It is not an easy task to arouse the hatred of the Macedonian nationals and become independent under Roman rule.

It only took two years for Alexander to go from obscurity to governor of a province, but it took three full years to twist Macedonia into a single rope.

Three years later, Macedonia was still a province of Rome on the surface, but it actually belonged to Alexander alone. The people didn't know who the Roman emperor was, but they knew Alexander.

Not long after, the Roman emperor Commodus was accidentally strangled to death by a wrestler, and the two new emperors who succeeded him, Pertinax and Julianus, were assassinated in the same year. Since then, the civil strife in the Roman Empire has been completely break out.

After the civil strife broke out, the huge Roman Empire fell apart in a short period of time, and the governors of the provinces became independent one after another, and they fought with each other.

The civil strife in Rome was naturally a golden opportunity for Alexander, so under the banner of countering the rebellion, he annexed surrounding forces to expand his own power, making the bottom-ranked Macedonian province the largest province in Rome.

The civil strife in Rome lasted for three years, and when Alexander was about to launch an anti-flag and establish an independent country, what he didn't expect was that Severus won the support of most provincial governors and was elected as the new Roman emperor. The civil strife in Rome ended in a short time.

Severus moved too fast, and before Alexander could react, he had already received the support of many provinces, and the civil strife in Rome was over immediately.

Although the governors of the Roman provinces still had their own ghosts, they were on the surface in harmony, at least temporarily agreeing with Severus' rule.

Before Severus came to power, he had demonstrated outstanding political means, and since he became emperor, he has already taken over the righteousness. I am afraid that he will be able to resolve internal conflicts in a few years and bring the decayed country of Rome back to life. The last thing Alexander wanted to see.

After weighing the pros and cons for a long time, Alexander decided to raise troops to make Macedonia independent from Rome. Of course he knew that doing so would be an enemy of the entire Roman Empire, but this was the only way to arouse conflicts within Rome.

The contradictions within Rome have not disappeared, but Severus's methods are very clever, and these contradictions are temporarily suppressed.

Now it has been difficult to intensify the contradictions in Rome from the inside, so Alexander can only use force from the outside to intensify the contradictions within the Roman Empire.

After learning of Alexander's rebellion, Severus was stunned. He couldn't believe that the "loyal" Alexander would rebel.

Not long after the reunification of the Roman Empire, the largest province in the country declared its independence. This was undoubtedly a big blow to Severus, but he quickly cheered up and sent troops to attack Alexander. Macedonian War of Independence ended And so it struck.

Although Severus unified Rome, he did not have many troops directly under him, not even comparable to Macedonia, so he could only recruit troops from various provinces to form a coalition to attack Alexander.

Of the 52 provinces of the Roman Empire, only 22 sent troops, and these were forces supporting Severus, while none of the remaining [-] provinces participated.

Although most of the provinces did not participate, these 22 provinces were enough. In addition to Severus' direct troops, a total of 60 troops were dispatched to crusade against Macedonia.

The 60 army, which already accounted for half of the entire Roman Empire, and the Macedonian national army at that time was only 20, which shows how afraid Severus was of Alexander.

The Macedonian War of Independence lasted for two full years. In the end, Alexander was superior and defeated the invading 60 Roman army. He won the war and made Macedonia officially independent from Rome. The prestige has once again resounded throughout Europe.

After Severus's defeat, most of his power was consumed, and he was no longer able to suppress the governors of the provinces. Rome's split again was just around the corner.

"Your Majesty the Emperor, the provinces of Egypt, Britain, Belgium, Gaul, Lyon, Gaul, Nalbon, Upper German, Lower German... and other ten provinces All have declared their independence. Other provinces such as Severus Province, Pannonia Province, and Rhaetian Province are preparing for independence.”

After hearing this, the Roman Emperor Severus overturned the table angrily, and cursed: "These damned parasites, the great Roman Empire, will never let these traitors go."

The Macedonian War of Independence was not only of great significance to Macedonia, but also to the Roman Empire, marking that Rome was once again splitting and entering a period of multinational melee.

"Your Majesty, those ambitious people are nothing to worry about. The real serious problem is Alexander's Macedonia. Macedonia must be wiped out as soon as possible."

Hearing this, Severus smiled wryly and said: "Macedonia has grown bigger, and Rome has no power to destroy Macedonia. Besides, even if they can still send troops, who can defeat Alexander?"

Alexander was too strong. Except for Arthur, he was invincible all over Europe, and no one could match him.

Now that Rome has just suffered a big defeat, and its strength has not yet recovered. If Alexander does not come to fight Rome, Severus should burn his incense. How dare he take the initiative to provoke Alexander.

"Your Majesty, Alexander is not that scary. Italian Governor Caesar, and Alexander, are also known as the twin stars of the empire. His military capabilities are not weaker than Alexander's.

Octavian, Governor of Sicily, Anthony, Governor of Pontus, Trajan, Governor of Sardinia... They are also capable men, and they are loyal to Rome and His Majesty.

If His Majesty can reuse it, even if he cannot defeat Alexander, he can still check and balance Macedonia to continue to expand its strength. "

Hearing this, Severus couldn't help hesitating. Of course he knew that these people were capable people and were loyal to the Roman Empire, but he didn't know whether they were loyal to him. He didn't want an Alexander to appear among these people. .

 One more...

  The foreign powers just briefly explain it, and they won't describe it in depth, and it will pass soon.

  I have an appointment to hang out with friends this weekend, I am afraid I don’t have much time to update, and the time next week is a bit tight.

(End of this chapter)

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