Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2042 Huo Qubing VS Aguda

Chapter 2042 Huo Qubing VS Aguda

Chapter 2040: Huo Qubing VS Aguda

"Report... General Qi reported to the sentry to report that General Jia Fu did not escape the siege of the Qing Dynasty.

Under the containment of Wanyan Aguda's troops, the marching speed of General Jia Fu's troops slowed down, while Daishan and Wu Sangui's Qingqi troops took a small road and detoured to the front of General Jia Fu's troops. The Ministry is already surrounded by the Quartet. "


Huo Qubing suddenly showed shock, if the three thousand Qingqi were really surrounded by fifty thousand cavalry, even the god Da Luo would not be able to rescue them.

"This Wanyan Agu fight is not easy, as soon as he makes a move, he creates a problem for the general."

Huo Qubing muttered to himself with a solemn face, and then shouted: "Bring the map."


As soon as the words fell, two soldiers, carrying a pair of Youzhou map of two meters in length and width, were spread out in front of Huo Qubing. Huo Qubing's eyes focused on the direction of You Beiping, and the map automatically appeared in his mind. Generate the locations of the various armies of the Manchu and Qing Dynasties.

After a while, Huo Qubing asked in a low voice, "Report the locations of the three generals Lu Bu, Long Qi, and Luo Cheng."

"At present, General Lu Bu has arrived..."

After hearing the report from his subordinates, Huo Qubing quickly marked the positions of the other three cavalry on the map.

Since the four cavalry belonged to different camps, so far there has been no joint army, but there is no need to join them now.

Soon Huo Qubing thought of a way. After a bright light flashed in his eyes, he sneered and said, "Immediately fly a letter to the three generals, Long Qi, Lu Bu, and Luo Cheng, and let the nearest Luo Cheng come to join our army. There was no need for Lu Bu's troops to come over. They immediately divided into two groups, left and right, and outflanked Wu Sangui and Daishan's troops.

Ben was about to launch a counter-siege to Wanyan Agu, to see if he wanted to continue to encircle our army's [-] fine cavalry, or Bao Daishan and Wu Sangui's [-] cavalry. "

Huo Qubing surrounded and blocked Jia Fu's Daishan and Wu Sangui's troops with [-] cavalry. Faced with this situation, Wanyan Aguda had only two options:

One is to encircle Jia Fu, but Daishan and Wu Sangui's troops will be attacked on three sides by Huo Qubing, Luocheng, Lu Bu, and Longqie.

The second is to let Daishan and Wu Sangui withdraw their troops. In this case, Jia Fu's troops will naturally jump out of the siege of the Qing army.

If Wanyan Aguda had chosen the former, Huo Qubing would have given up Jia Fu's three thousand Qing cavalry, but Qin Jun would not suffer a loss if he exchanged them to defeat the twenty thousand Qing cavalry.

As for Jia Fu's safety, Huo Qubing was not worried at all. He believed that with Jia Fu's strength, he would be able to protect Su Dingfang from the ten thousand troops alive.

As for the life and death of the three thousand Qingqi?Then it is no longer within the scope of Huo Qubing's consideration. After all, there is no one who will not die in a war, and three thousand is exchanged for twenty thousand. Everyone knows how to choose.

Of course, if Wanyan Aguda chooses the latter, everyone will be happy. Huo Qubing can bring Jia Fu back without hurting a single soldier. Maybe the attack is not as big as the former, but Huo Qubing obviously doesn't care.

What Huo Qubing did was tantamount to turning passive into active. Originally Wanyan Aguda was the active one, but now he can only choose passively.

[Ding dong, Huo Qubing's skill 'Ji Shen' is activated, leading the cavalry is commander +2, basic commander is 100 (+1), and the current commander is increased to 102. 】

Qing army here.

When he learned that Qin Hao sent [-] troops to meet Jia Fu, Wanyan Aguda still felt a little unconcerned. After all, his encirclement circle had been completed, and even Qin Hao himself could not save Jia Fu.

But what Wanyan Aguda didn't expect was that Huo Qubing, who came to the rescue, was so ruthless that he would rather give up supporting Jia Fu than encircle the [-] cavalry he sent to block the road. He would rather die than make him feel better.

Of course Wanyan Aguda knew that Huo Qubing didn't really give up on Jia Fu, he just used this method to force himself to retreat.

If it was normal, Wanyan Aguda would have given in just one step. After all, at the cost of [-] iron cavalry, fighting off the Qin army's [-] light cavalry, this can no longer be said to be a loss, but a naked fiasco. will do so.

But the situation is different now. Before Wanyan Aguda led the army to pursue, Nurhachi gave a death order, asking him to bring back Jia Fu's head. If he retreats now, wouldn't it be a chance for Nurhachi to cut his military power.

Thinking of this, Wanyan Aguda's eyes are full of gloom, Nurhachi is targeting him more and more maliciously, but he can't do anything about it. When will such a day be the end?
"We can't retreat, and we can't let Jia Fu go. It seems that we can only go to war."

Thinking of this moment, Wanyan Aguda's eyes flashed a ruthless look, and he said with a ferocious expression: "Huo Qubing, Huo Qubing, do you think this will force the king to retreat? It's just a dream.

You use [-] iron cavalry to attack our army's [-] iron cavalry on three sides, and this king surrounds you with [-] iron cavalry and [-] light cavalry, to see who will be unable to hold on first. "

Huo Qubing's anti-encirclement of the Qing army, although it can be called a stroke of genius, has a weakness in Wanyan Aguda's eyes, that is, the Qing army must have persisted longer than the Qin army. After all, there are a total of [-] Qing troops surrounded , while the Qin army surrounded by the Qing army had only three thousand.

From Wanyan Aguda's point of view, in the case of [-] against [-], at most one hour, he can wipe out Jia Fu's [-] Qingqi, and Huo Qubing's [-] against [-], even if the Qing army loses, he can at least be able to Persist for two hours.

As long as Wanyan Aguda took the first step and wiped out Jia Fu's troops first, he would lead [-] fresh troops to join the battle, and even have the possibility of defeating Huo Qubing's [-] cavalry.

"Immediately send an order to Prince Daishan and General Wu Sangui, ordering them to delay Huo Qubing for two hours to wait for reinforcements from our army." Wanyan Aguda ordered with a cold expression on his face.


[Ding dong, Wanyan Aguda's skill 'Ji Shen' is activated, the commander +2 when commanding the cavalry, the basic commander is 98, and the current commander rises to 100. 】

There is nothing wrong with Wanyan Aguda's strategy. Under the current circumstances, as long as Daishan and Wu Sangui can hold on for two hours, after he wipes out Jia Fu's troops, with an army of [-], it is indeed possible to defeat Huo Qubing's troops Ministry, but he ignored the most important point, that is the human heart.

Daishan is the second son of Nurhachi, and Wu Sangui is a descended general of the Han Dynasty. Although both of them have good abilities, they are only good. Facing a famous general like Huo Qubing, they lack confidence.

If the troops were equal, Daishan and Wu Sangui would still dare to fight, but now Wanyan Aguda asked them to fight with [-] cavalry against Huo Qubing's [-] cavalry, who is the only cavalry in the world?
Even if they could hold on for two hours, Daishan and Wu Sangui didn't have the guts, not to mention that their opponents were not only Huo Qubing, but also Lu Bulongqie, Luo Cheng and other famous generals, how dare they fight against each other?

 one more

(End of this chapter)

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