Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2055 Luxurious lineup

Chapter 2055 Luxurious lineup
Chapter 2053: Luxury Lineup
"Xue Dingshan and Yue Yun are the same age, they have the same potential, the same strength, and the same background, and they have always regarded each other as competitors.

Yue Yun has always been by Yue Fei's side, fighting with his father, and after being honed in battles, he not only reached the peak attribute early, but also surpassed himself and became the God of War.

Xue Dingshan's potential is no lower than Yue Yun's, but he wasted a lot of time, and now he has been overtaken by Yue Yun in terms of force.

However, Xue Dingshan is still young, and although he has taken some detours, as long as he works hard to catch up, he may not be able to catch up with Yue Yun in the future. "

Qin Hao thought to himself, and decided to train Xue Dingshan well. After all, there are too few of Xue Dingshan who is as high-ranking and martial arts, and has good looks and general talent.

Qin Hao still valued Xue Dingshan more than Yue Yun. After all, Yue Yun was a fierce general who specialized in martial arts, while Xue Dingshan was not only strong in martial arts, but also had the potential to become a famous general.

Famous generals and famous generals, after all, famous generals are more popular, even if the current Qin army does not lack famous generals, Qin Hao will not think that there are too many famous generals under his command.

The arrival of Xue Rengui made Qin Jun's lineup even stronger.

At present, the Youbeiping Qin Army, the commanders who can lead an army alone are: Bai Qi, Xue Rengui, Su Dingfang, Huo Qubing, Long Qi, Wei Qing, Gongsun Xuanyuan;
In addition to the above seven people, Qin Hao, who is the lord, can also lead the army alone.

The military advisers are: Zhang Liang, Zhuge Liang, Liu Bowen, Wen Zhong, Tian Feng, Jushou, Xun Kan;
In order to prepare for the final decisive battle with the Manchu Qing, Qin Hao deliberately transferred back Liu Bowen who had stayed in Tianjin Port, and also transferred Wenzhong, Tian Feng, Xun Kan, Jushou and others.

Although Tian Fengjushou and others were appointed as prefects, it doesn't mean they can't go to the front line. They just need to arrange the real things in the county properly before leaving, or hand them over to the county magistrate directly.

As for the generals in the army, there are countless, namely: Sun Lingming, Jia Fu, Lu Bu, Zhou Yafu, Zhang Han, Hu Luguang, Duan Shao, Jiang Jiong, Luo Cheng, Qin Yi, Yuexi, Li Jin, Yu Ziqi, Zhongli Mei, Ding Yanping, Su Xian, Shi Bao, Pang Wanchun, Hulu Qiangju, Cao Jingzong, Zhu Ling, Bian Xiang, Han Xun, Tian Yu, Li Ling, Li Gan, Gongsun Yu, Gongsun He, Han Zeng, Xue Dingshan...

The above are all generals who are already in Youbeiping, but not in Youbeiping, but the Qingzhou navy that can participate in the war also has a large number of generals, such as: Zhou Yu, Qi Jiguang, Jintai, Taishici, Lu Junyi, Guan Sheng, Lin Chong , Qin Ming, Hu Yanzhuo, Shi Wengong, Shi Jin...


After learning about the situation on the front line, Xue Rengui was immediately astonished. He couldn't believe the situation where elite soldiers and strong generals gathered on his own side. After fighting for so long, he only destroyed more than 2 troops of the Qing Dynasty. This really surprised him. up.

Qin Hao saw Xue Rengui's doubts, and explained to him: "When our army was on the defensive, the Qing army only surrounded but did not attack, but shortly after the reinforcements arrived, the Manchus turned from attacking to defending, and rarely took the initiative to fight. There will be no more than [-] troops in battle.

So since the beginning of the war, there have been many battles between the enemy and ourselves, but the scale is very small, and the largest one is no more than 5000 people. "

"I see."

Xue Rengui looked stunned, and at this time Qin Hao said again: "From the beginning of the war to the present, the battle situation in Youbeiping can be divided into two stages. In the first stage, Qing attack Qin and defend; in the second stage, Qin attack and Qing defend;
During these two stages, our army fought 23 times against the Manchu and Qing Dynasties, and the one that dispatched the largest force was the one that responded to General Jia Fu. A total of [-] troops were dispatched, but the war was not officially launched that time.

In 23 battles, our army wiped out more than 38 enemies and killed [-] enemy generals, eight of whom died at the hands of General Jia Fu alone, while our army suffered more than [-] casualties. Four generals were killed, including two People, two captains. "

Speaking of this, Qin Hao walked to the sand table in the middle of the hall, pointed to the layout above, and continued: "Now there are still [-] troops left in the Manchu Qing Dynasty, with Wuzhong and Junmi counties as the largest. Fifty large camps have been set up in dangerous places such as mountains, rivers and rivers. The camps are connected and echoed from the beginning to the end. It can be said that they can advance, attack and retreat.

Before, our army had fewer troops than the Qing army. If we forcibly attacked the fortified villages, our army would surely suffer heavy casualties if we took the fifty fortified villages one by one.

Therefore, this king has not launched a decisive battle for a long time, but is preparing to use tactics to lure the snake out of the hole.

But I don't want Nurhachi to be too cautious. Faced with the temptation of our army, he will not be fooled at all. Even if he can't stand it, he will send troops to fight, and the number will not be too many.

In the 23 battles, except for the generals, there were only five real hand-to-hand battles.

Now it seems that Nurhachi doesn't want our army to fight at all. The reason why he sinks his troops is just to hold back the main force of our army and prevent these more than 20 elites from being dispatched to other places. "

"My lord is right."

Tian Feng stood up and said: "The pre-war preparations of the Qing Dynasty were insufficient, and there were a large number of Liao troops in the army... Chen Guo surrendered troops, and the combat power was weak. With such an army, it is impossible to defeat our army, let alone defeat us." Don't talk about capturing Youzhou."

Tian Feng originally wanted to talk about the Liao Kingdom, but when he saw Gongsun Xuanyuan frowned and looked at him, he immediately realized that the Liao Kingdom had already been usurped by Gongsun Shu, and Chen Baxian usurped Liao as Chen, but was ostracized by the local family. Chen Guo surrendered to the Qing Dynasty, not the Liao Kingdom, so he quickly changed his mind.

After hearing Tian Feng's words, Qin Hao nodded, and said in a deep voice: "Nurhachi knew this, but still persisted, so it can be seen that he just wanted to hold back our army.

Nurhachi thought he could afford it, but I, Qin, couldn't afford it, but I didn't know that our army could also afford it. Even if it was a stalemate for a year or so, our army would still be able to bear it, but his full supply of food and grass would definitely hold up. Not so long. "

Hearing Qin Hao's words, the generals breathed a sigh of relief. They were not afraid of going to war with the Manchus, but they were afraid that there would be insufficient food and grass during the war.

You must know that the Qin army is now fighting against the four major powers of Manchu, Tang, Chu, and Shu. Under the multi-line war, each front is consuming a lot of food, and the daily consumption of food is astronomical.

If the food and grass can't support it, it will not affect one front, but all fronts will be affected. How can this make people not worry?

Qin Hao knew the worries of the generals, so he directly told them that we have enough food and grass, so that everyone can fight with peace of mind.

However, although there was no problem with the Qin army's food and grass, Qin Hao had to end the war as soon as possible due to the occurrence of an incident, and this incident was the death of Liu Xie.

 one more

(End of this chapter)

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