Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2057 is not far from becoming emperor

Chapter 2057 is not far from becoming emperor

Chapter 2055: Not far from proclaiming emperor

As the "Ni Ming" in the mouth of the big man, but now belongs to the Ming family of the Qin army, he has no affection for the big man, so naturally he will not be sad because the emperor of the big Han passed away.

Liu Xie, the last orthodox Han, died, and still died in the hands of Liu Bei, the emperor of the Han. Doesn't this just mean that the man's life is exhausted, and God wants the lord to replace the Han to establish a new dynasty.

For the Ming Department, this is a very good thing, so there is nothing to be sad about.

If it weren't for Qin Hao who was crying sadly and looked loyal to the big man, everyone in the Ming family would probably have a good celebration.

In order not to dismantle the lord's position, the generals of the Ming dynasty suppressed the secret joy in their hearts, and celebrated in private after the meeting was over.

Different from the Ming Dynasty, the generals of the Qin, Jin and Hebei three departments also thought that Liu Xie's death was good news, but after all, they were still Hanchens in name, and they had to pretend even if they were pretending, so they all Weeping bitterly with Qin Hao.

Not everyone is like Qin Hao, who has acting skills at the actor-level. Except for a few of these tough guys, most of them can't cry for a long time and can't cry. They can only howl on the spot. That scene can be described as It's a group of demons dancing wildly, which is extremely funny.

Seeing this scene, Sun Lingming picked his nostrils with disdain, and said without hesitation: "I said, you guys are too fake..."

Before he finished speaking, hundreds of devouring eyes glared at him, which immediately made Sun Lingming's goosebumps rise, and immediately shut up and dared not say a word.

The generals of the Qin and Jin dynasties were all weeping bitterly at Liu Xie, the 'first emperor', and their crying continued for a long time.

It's not that they don't want to stop, but that the lord Qin Hao is still crying there. If their subordinates don't cry, what would it look like?So even if you can't cry tears, you must howl until the lord stops.

Sun Lingming couldn't get used to this scene, and wanted to leave early, but Long didn't let him go. Seeing that everyone had been crying for so long and it didn't end, he couldn't help it anymore, and muttered dissatisfiedly: "It's almost done!" .”

Sun Lingming, who was angry again, looked at him. Sun Lingming didn't expect his voice to be heard in such a small voice, so he couldn't help laughing and said, "I didn't say anything, I didn't say anything."

Being disturbed by Sun Lingming, the atmosphere of the scene has also deteriorated. Zhang Liang stood up and said to Qin Hao who was "heartbroken": "Please don't be too sad, my lord. The first emperor passed away unexpectedly, and now the imperial capital has no leader. Please, my lord." Return to the imperial capital as soon as possible to preside over the overall situation."

As soon as Zhang Liang's words came out, most of the generals did not react, but a few people such as Bai Qi, Su Dingfang, Xue Rengui, Long Qie, etc. were all impressed.

Zhang Liang's words are no longer a hint, but a clear statement that now that the country has no emperor, the lord should return to Luoyang as soon as possible, preside over the overall situation, and stand on his own in place of the Han.

Realizing this, Bai Qi waited for the acquaintance to see the fiery look in the other's eyes, and then knelt down on one knee and shouted in unison: "My lord, please return to Luoyang and take charge of the overall situation."

The generals who didn't realize this were stupefied, they didn't understand that the decisive battle was about to start, why did they send the lord back to Luoyang at this time?

Although Luoyang really needs the lord to take charge of the overall situation, if the lord leaves at this time, no matter what the purpose is, it will definitely affect the morale of the army.

Of course, some of the generals reacted afterwards, and they followed suit.

Suddenly, more than half of the generals wanted Qin Hao to return to Luoyang.

Seeing this, Qin Hao wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes, and said firmly, "No, I will never go back until I defeat Man Qing."

Both Zhuge Liang and Liu Bowen were a little surprised. Zhuge Liang persuaded first: "My lord, the Manchu Qing is no longer a threat. Even if my lord is not here, with Bai Qi, the governor, us, and all the generals present, we can still defeat the Manchus. The situation over there depends on the lord."

"Yes, my lord, please clarify your priorities and don't be too emotional. If you come to Luoyang later, my lord, the situation in Luoyang will not be stable for a day." Liu Bowen persuaded.

Zhang Liang, Tian Feng, Ju Shou and others also wanted to persuade them, but before they had time to speak, Qin Hao preempted them.

"Okay, there is no need to persuade me anymore. This king has made up his mind. He will never return to Luoyang until he defeats the Manqing. There is uncle in Luoyang, so there will be no trouble."

Although Qin Hao's tone was light, it was unquestionable. All the counselors could only hold back their words, and at the same time, they also thought about the real reason why their lord did not want to return to Luoyang.

Qin Hao is not a monarch who does not listen to persuasion. It is obvious that Luoyang needs him more now, but he still insists on staying at the front line. There must be other more important reasons.

Zhang Liang, Zhuge Liang, and Liu Bowen, the three top counselors, guessed Qin Hao's thoughts in a flash. Although Tian Fengjushou and others were a little bit more interested, after a period of contemplation, they probably understood Qin Hao's thoughts .

Why doesn't Qin Hao want to go back to Luoyang now?The reason is very simple, if you go back, you will not be far from becoming emperor.

Qin Hao is now very dissatisfied with Jia Xu, although Jia Xu's report said that Liu Xie's death was an accident, but he is almost sure that Jia Xu is secretly hiding something from him.

The Black Ice Terrace had already infiltrated the imperial party, and with the Qin army's layout inside and outside the palace, how could Liu Xie escape from the palace?The only possibility is that Jia Xu did it on purpose, he let Liu Xie out of the palace on purpose.

With Qin Hao's resourcefulness, coupled with his understanding of Jia Xu, it is not difficult to see Jia Xu's purpose. He must use Liu Xie's death to completely cut off the dragon veins of the Han Dynasty, so that Qin Hao can stand on his own in the Han Dynasty. .

Jia Xu silently planned so many things for Qin Hao. Although Qin Hao didn't say anything, he was still very moved, but what really annoyed him was that Jia Xu didn't know about such a big thing from the beginning to the end. Knowing himself, even without hinting, he set up such a big game first and then played, and did he take him as the master seriously?
Qin Hao knew that Jia Xu was also doing it for his own good, but the problem now is that the cautious Jia Xu has completely changed. He has completely let go of himself by relying on his uncle's status, and now he dares to kill before asking for instructions.

Even if Jia Xu's intentions are good, Qin Hao still can't tolerate it. After all, Jia Xu and him not only have a relationship of uncle and nephew, but also a relationship of monarch and minister.

Master of Heaven and Earth.

Before you kiss.

Now in Jia Xu's heart, the status of Qin Hao's nephew is obviously more important than that of the king, but Qin Hao hopes that the status of the king is more important in his heart.

Thinking of this, Qin Hao couldn't help but make up his mind, he must beat Jia Xu hard after returning home, and he can't let him continue to let himself go like this, otherwise he won't be able to go to heaven in the future.

 Make up for yesterday's guarantee

(End of this chapter)

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