Chapter 2065 Eighth Route Army

Chapter 2063: Eighth Route Army

Zhou Yu actually didn't quite understand why the lord agreed to this plan. Although the results would be great after success, the risks involved were too great. Lulongsai went.

After hearing what Zhou Yu said, Gongsun Xuanyuan smiled lightly, and then took out a blueprint from his bosom.

"This was handed over by the King of Qin to my subordinates before the division of troops. It not only marked the distribution of Qing troops in Liaodong, but also the distribution of Qing troops in Liaoxi County."


Zhou Yu suddenly took a deep breath, how did his own spies find out such secrets?

Zhou Yu took a look. Although he couldn't tell if it was true or not, since it was made by the master, it was unlikely to be fake.

After a little thought, Zhou Yu said: "With this map in hand, you can go around, but just in case, after you land, General, the governor can lead the navy to attack Liaoxi County to attract the attention of the Qing army in Liaoxi. In order to ensure the safety of the landing army."

Gongsun Xuanyuan was immediately overjoyed, excitedly grabbed Zhou Yu's hand, and said, "Gao Yi, governor of Zhou, Xuanyuan admires."

Zhou Yu's mission this time was just to transport troops. After transporting Gongsun Xuanyuan's [-] troops to Liaodong, all subsequent actions would have nothing to do with him, but he voluntarily led the navy to attack Liaoxi and help Xuanyuan attract firepower. took great risks.

You know, in order to prevent the Qin army's navy from taking the back road, Nurhachi not only turned the whole army from offensive to defensive, but also divided the troops into Youbeiping and Liaoxi counties.

At present, the distribution of troops of the Qing army in the two counties is: 20 in Youbeiping, and [-] in Liaoxi and Liaodong.

The Qing army has already set up a net in the west of Liaoning, and the net is waiting, waiting for the Qin army to land in the west of Liaoning, and then surround and wipe out the landing Qin army in one fell swoop.

If Zhou Yu pretended to attack Liaoxi County with a naval force at this time, although he could attract the attention of the Liaoxi defenders, it would be tantamount to sending them to their door, and the risks involved can be seen.

Zhou Yu could have completed this task steadily, and there was no need to take risks for Xuanyuan, an irrelevant person, but he took the initiative to put himself in danger. This behavior really made Gongsun Xuanyuan admire him.

Zhou Yu was a little unaccustomed to Xuanyuan's enthusiasm, pulled out his hands that were held by Xuanyuan, and said with a dry smile: "Zhou Yu just did what he should do."

"Gao Yi, the governor of Zhou, if we win this battle, the governor will be the first."


Zhou Yu quickly refused. Although it was dangerous for him to attack Liaoxi with a naval force, he was completely insignificant compared with Xuanyuan who went deep into the enemy's rear, and there was no possibility of any comparison.

Zhou Yu was only feigning an attack. As long as he avoided being completely surrounded by the Qing army, he could retreat by sea on the return ship. It was impossible for the Qing army's cavalry to chase Zhou Yu to the sea.

And once the traces of Gongsun Xuanyuan are exposed, all enemies will be under the enemy, except for a few top generals in the world who can fight out with their own bravery, the soldiers who follow the army will not be able to escape even if they want to, and only the whole army will be wiped out A fate.

The landing army took such a big risk, how could Zhou Yu steal their military merits?

After a night of talking, both Zhou Yu and Xuanyuan had a very good impression of each other, and the subsequent cooperation was naturally extremely harmonious.

Early the next morning, following Zhou Yu's order, the Qingzhou navy fleet immediately left Tianjin Port and headed for Liaodong County, hundreds of miles away.

Among the [-] elites of Gongsun Xuanyuan, whether it is the Qin army or the Gongsun army, most of them are landlubbers, and few even cross the river by boat, let alone go to sea.

However, if they have not experienced it before, it means that they have a sense of novelty. Therefore, when they just went to sea, the soldiers were obviously extremely excited. They ran to the deck to watch the scenery on the sea. After being reprimanded by the captain, they reluctantly returned to the cabin.

Of course, this excitement didn't last long, and after only one day, they felt the malice of the sea.

On the second day of going to Liaodong, there was heavy rain on the sea, coupled with the violent storm, the hull shook very violently. How could a landlubber who had never been on a boat bear this.

Soon, seasickness reactions appeared in the army, and the number was quite large, accounting for half of the total. Even because of seasickness, many soldiers were unable to eat, because they vomited out immediately after eating.

Among these seasick people, the most unexpected thing is that Sun Lingming, the strongest in the army, also developed seasickness.

The sea does not recognize people, no matter how strong you are, you will still get seasick.

The torrential rain at least weakened the Qin army's combat effectiveness by [-]%, but luck and fortune depend on each other, and with the rainstorm as a cover, the Qing army naturally couldn't find the Qin army appearing in the western Liaoning sea area.

Under the leadership of Zhou Yu, the Qingzhou navy sailed against the storm, and after another day of sailing, the fleet finally passed through the rainstorm area.

So far, only two to three percent of the combat power of the landing army is left, but the fleet has also entered the Liaodong sea area, and it is not far from the destination Pingguo County.

On the splint, Sun Lingming was lying on the armchair, looking sluggish and hopeless.

He was a person who had been on a boat before, and he had never experienced seasickness before, so he thought he would not get seasick, but he obviously overestimated himself.

Crossing the river by boat in the inland area and going out to sea are obviously not the same concept. Sun Lingming does not get seasick when taking a boat in the inland area, but it does not mean that he will not get seasick when he is at sea.

The voyage for the past few days had killed Sun Lingming, but he was tortured to death, and made him secretly swear in his heart that he would never go to sea again.

"My old grandson was not defeated by Luo Shixin, nor was he defeated by Yuan Hong. In the end, he was defeated by mere waves. It's really a loss of wisdom." Sun Lingming said weakly.

Jia Fu, who was not seasick, laughed gloatingly when he heard this, and jokingly said, "Sun Lingming, you don't know a lot of Chinese characters, yet you know how to use idioms now? But it's really good to use the word sagacity."

If this was normal, even if Jia Fu was the lord's cousin, Sun Lingming would teach Jia Fu a lesson in the name of a competition, but he really didn't have the heart to pay attention to Jia Fu's jokes right now.

Seeing that Sun Lingming didn't pay attention to him, Jia Fu lost interest. After looking into the distance with binoculars, he patted Sun Lingming on the shoulder and shouted, "Look, look quickly."

"You want to lie again? My old grandson is not going to be fooled by you."

"Who lied to you? This time it's true. It's the mainland. We've arrived in Liaodong."

Seeing that Jia Fu's expression did not seem to be fake, Sun Lingming was shocked immediately, and quickly got up and grabbed the binoculars. After a look, he found that it was really the mainland, and immediately howled excitedly.

"Finally we can disembark."

 Second update, 5 chapters still owed

(End of this chapter)

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