Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2072 Outsmart Lu Longsai

Chapter 2072 Outsmarting Lulongsai (final)
Chapter 2070: Outsmarting Lulong Sai (final)
Among the many famous generals in the world, not only Zhuge Liang has the ability to control the climate, but Gongsun Xuanyuan can also, but only the climate in his hometown of Youzhou is the most familiar.

Before landing in Liaodong, Xuanyuan had observed the climate and wind direction in Liaoxi. After landing, he deliberately avoided rainy days to ensure that there would be no sudden heavy rain during the fire attack.

As for the direction of the wind, during this time the northeasterly wind prevailed in western Liaoning, and Xuanyuan, located on the unnamed mountain east of Lulongsai, could use the force of the wind to make the rocket shoot farther if it was projected with a bed crossbow.

After waiting for less than half an hour, the originally weak northeast wind suddenly strengthened a lot, as if the heavens were helping.

"The wind is strong enough, take the candle and prepare to light it." Xuanyuan ordered excitedly.

After the soldiers heard the news, one of them manipulated the bed crossbow to fill the rocket, and the other took out the candle from his arms, without using his mouth to blow it, it ignited spontaneously under the blowing of the wind.

After the 44 candles were lit, Xuanyuan decisively ordered: "Light it up."

The next moment, all the rockets on the bed crossbow were ignited.

Qin Jun's eight-ox crossbow can shoot up to five arrows in one round, and the 44 bed crossbows can shoot 220 arrows in one round.

In fact, with the technology of Qin Jungong Institute, it is completely possible to make a bed crossbow with one crossbow and ten arrows. If there are more, the current technology cannot reach it, but the corresponding range and penetration will be greatly shortened.

The Qin army already had various standard crossbows in terms of short-range firepower, and the Baoxu crossbow was originally a bed crossbow for long-range attack. If the range and power were ignored in pursuit of firepower, the gain would outweigh the loss.

It is also based on this consideration that Qin Jun's eight-ox crossbow will choose a round of five arrows.

In fact, if it is changed to one round of one arrow, the range of the eight-ox crossbow will be farther, even without the help of wind, it can still shoot to the Crescent Tower.

But if only 44 rockets are fired in one round, the area covered by the firepower will be too small. After getting rid of those shots that missed and missed, it will be a question of whether the Crescent Tower can be ignited in the end.

This is also the biggest reason why Xuanyuan relied on wind power. The eight-ox crossbow's range of five arrows in one round cannot reach the Crescent Tower, so it must be pushed by wind power.

"Fire arrows."

Xuanyuan's shout broke the silence of the night sky, and then...

huh, huh, huh...

220 rockets pierced the lonely sky and flew towards the Crescent Tower in the distance, lighting up the night sky with fire.

The rockets used by the Qin army are not ordinary rockets, but special ones. Even if they fly a thousand kilometers away at high speed, they will not be blown out by the airflow and wind. It burned more violently.

Boom, boom, boom...

After the rockets landed, only a small number of them deviated, and most of them landed in the area where the Crescent Building was located. They immediately ignited the Crescent Building and quickly radiated towards the surrounding grain depots.

Seeing this, Xuanyuan quickly ordered to adjust the throwing angle of the bed crossbow, and then said: "No need to save ammunition, just shoot all the rockets in one go."


The soldiers yelled in response, then quickly loaded the rockets, then ignited and released the arrows.

After Xuanyuan's adjustment, the accuracy of the bed crossbow has been greatly improved. In this round, almost all the rockets landed in the target area, so naturally there is no need to adjust the angle in the next round.

Under Xuanyuan's command, the rockets shot towards the Crescent Tower one after another, and soon all the surrounding granaries were ignited.

"The granary is on fire, please put out the fire..."

"Water, find water quickly..."

The fire broke out in the Xinyue Tower and ignited the granary. The defenders in the pass were in chaos. They rushed to fight the fire like headless chickens. However, the grain and grass are flammable, and once they are ignited, how can they be so easy to put out? of.

General Lu Long, Dai Shan, who was already asleep, was awakened immediately after hearing the loud shouts in the pass, and hurried out dressed in armor to check the situation.

Daishan was originally on the front line, but as Aguda took the initiative to hand over power, Nurhachi couldn't continue to protect him, so he punished Daishan to guard Lulongsai in the rear.

Daishan, who was relegated, did not feel depressed after coming to Lulongsai. Instead, he did his best to be his defender, hoping that his performance could be seen by Nurhachi, so that he could be transferred back to the front line as soon as possible.

When he saw that the Xinyue Building and the grain depot had been covered by the fire, Daishan was dumbfounded. He pulled a person over and asked angrily, "How could it be? What's going on?"

"Hall, Your Highness, Xin, Xinyue Tower, lost, caught fire."

"Nonsense, I'm not blind, I can see it, what I'm asking is, did the Crescent Tower ever catch fire?"

"God's punishment, it's heaven's punishment. Many brothers have seen it. A lot of flames fell from the sky, directly igniting the Crescent Tower."


Dai Shan had a look of disbelief, but when he followed the direction pointed by the soldier to the blind area of ​​his vision, he happened to see fires falling from the sky, and the falling area happened to be where the Crescent Tower was.

Daishan's pupils shrank suddenly, and subconsciously thought it was God's punishment, his heart was suddenly surrounded by panic, he didn't understand how he had offended God, could it be that he had killed too much since entering Youzhou?

After all, Daishan is not an idiot, and soon found out that something was wrong.

The fire is a bit small, if it is really a punishment from God, shouldn't it be a big fireball?
"No, it's not God's punishment, it's a rocket."

Daishan said with an unbelievable face, he is extremely confused in his mind now, he doesn't understand how the enemy army came around to Lulong, and he also doesn't understand how the enemy army shot the rocket at such a long distance, but now Obviously, when these are not considered, fire fighting is the first priority.

"Quick, put out the fire."

Daishan quickly directed his men to put out the fire, but the fire had already started, and the rockets were still falling continuously, so it was impossible to put out the fire.


Dai Shan gritted his teeth angrily, looked at the position of the Wuming Peak with resentment, and said bitterly: "This king wants to see who you are."

"The rest of the people continued to fight the fire, and sent out two thousand soldiers to follow me out of the city to have a look."


Xuanyuan on the top of the mountain was planning to withdraw after releasing the arrows, but he didn't expect that Lu Longsai would close the gate and open it wide. Afterwards, the guard led two thousand soldiers and horses out of the city, and was immediately overjoyed.

Xuanyuan had predicted the reaction of the guards in the pass after the food and grass were burned, and the most likely thing was that the whole army would save food and clothing and wait for reinforcements, but he never expected that the guards would leave the pass directly.

It is very unwise to go directly out of the customs and fight under the enemy's light and darkness. After all, what if there is an ambush?
Guard General Lu Long didn't even understand this. He was obviously an incompetent general, so it would be easier for the Qin army to capture Lu Long.

It is better to change the plan. Now there is no need to delay until the defenders run out of food. Even if the follow-up plan is not implemented, Xuanyuan still has several strategies to capture Lulong.

"If you pass down the order, you are not allowed to go down the mountain, and wait here for the Qing army to attack."


Immediately, Xuanyuan sent a message to Jia Fufei to Feige, ordering him to march towards Lulongsai immediately to wipe out the Qing army that had left the city.

Before Feige's letter arrived, Jia Fu had already dispatched troops. Xuanyuan didn't need to remind him. After learning that the guards had left the city, he and Sun Lingming immediately led the army and rushed over.

At this time, it was almost dawn. After Daishan led the army to the unnamed mountain, he immediately ordered to encircle the mountain. He wanted to trap the Qin army on the mountain to death, but he didn't want to kill a Qin army behind him, so he had to lead the army with him first. to fight, but he didn't expect that the opponent's number was more than him.

The reason why Daishan dared to go out of the city was because he thought that there were not many enemy troops outside Lulong Pass, otherwise it would be impossible to hide from the Qing army scouts along the way, but now there are so many enemy troops outside the city, which is obviously far beyond than he expected.

"Get out, get out."

Seeing that the situation was not good, Daishan quickly ordered to retreat, but Jia Fu would not let him retreat, so he quickly led an elite army to block Daishan's retreat.

Lu Longsai's deputy general, Er Zhu Xinxing, saw that Daishan's retreat was blocked. Considering Daishan's status as the prince, he didn't dare to leave the city to rescue him, so he hurriedly led the army out of the city to rescue him.

Erzhu Xinxing didn't even have time to rendezvous with Daishan, so he encountered Sun Lingming's interception on the way, saved Daishan but took his own life, and was beaten to death by Sun Lingming within less than one round of the fight.

After Sun Lingming killed Erzhu Xinxing, he routed the Qing army out of the city, and then ordered the whole army to cover up and prepare to rush directly into the city, but in the end he was a step too late, and the city gate was closed before he had time to enter.

At the same time, after defeating Daishan's troops, Jia Fu rode up to Daishan on his own. Just as he was about to kill him, he heard him shout in horror: "I am Daishan, don't kill me."

Jia Fu was overjoyed, stopped immediately, and captured Daishan alive, waiting for Xuanyuan's fate.

After Xuanyuan went down the mountain, seeing that Jia Fu had not only captured General Lulong alive, but also that this general was Nurhaci's son Dai Shan, he was overjoyed, so he sent people to carry Dai Shan to Lu Longsai to threaten the inside of the pass. The defenders opened the city gates.

Looking at Lu Longsai who was still on fire, Gongsun Xuanyuan smiled coldly, pulled out the short knife from his waist and stabbed Dai Shan directly on the left leg, and Dai Shan immediately wailed in pain.


Xuanyuan looked at the screaming Daishan indifferently, and said indifferently: "Let the guards who closed the gate open the city and surrender, otherwise I will kill you immediately."

Dai Shan, who was sweating from the pain, turned paler when he heard this, and Xuanyuan stabbed him in the right leg again during this hesitation.

"Ah, I said, I said, listen to the guards who closed the gate, this king is the second elder brother Daishan, this king orders you to open the city immediately..."

Daishan shouted vigorously, but there was no movement in the pass for a long time, and Xuanyuan frowned.

"I said, the defenders in the pass don't care about Daishan's life or death?" Jia Fu said.

"No way? If that's the case, then what's the use of acting good? It's better to just chop it up and feed it to the dogs." Sun Lingming said.

After hearing this, Daishan fainted from fright, but Xuanyuan said: "Daishan is still useful, and he can't be killed yet."

At this moment, Lulongsai suddenly opened wide, and the defenders in the city took the initiative to open the city and surrender.

What Xuanyuan and others didn't know was that while they were waiting, there was already a fight in the pass due to surrender and refusal to surrender. In the end, the surrender faction won, and then opened the city gate to surrender to the Qin army.

At this point, Lu Longsai was captured by Gongsun Xuanyuan, and Qin's counterattack against Qing will officially begin.


(End of this chapter)

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