Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2074 Battle of Western Liaoning

Chapter 2074 Battle of Western Liaoning
Chapter 2072: Battle in Western Liaoning
Before Zhou Yu's first transfer, Fu Jian, who had set up an ambush early, adopted Lu Polou's strategy in order to lead Zhou Yu into the inland, and decided to use the strategy of showing the enemy his weakness.

Fu Jian led Fu Ya, Yao Chang, Yao Xiang and other generals to challenge Zhou Yu, a big fish, with [-] troops.

After the two armies met, Fu Jian sent Yao Xiang to challenge him, and ordered him to deliberately defeat the Qin army. After the two armies fought, they deliberately defeated and Zhou Yu led the army to pursue.

Once Zhou Yu chased him and went deep into the interior, the Qing army cavalry would dispatch and cut off Zhou Yu's retreat, and he would be unable to escape even if he wanted to.

It has to be said that Fu Jian and Lu Polou's strategy level is still very high, but they both underestimated Qin Jun and overestimated themselves.

Zhou Yu's new army of [-] sailors is indeed not strong in combat power, but the generals in the army are strong. In addition to Zhou Yu, a high-ranking general, as long as he is not confronting the main force of the Manchu Qing, whether it is an ambush or a side attack, It's all possible.

Zhou Yu has been covering up his lineup, but in order to prevent Fu Jian from seeing the truth of his side, he had to accept the challenge from the Qing army.

Although Zhou Yu's [-] navy is a new army, it was formed on the basis of the Yellow River navy, so there are still elites in the army, but there are too many recruits, and the veterans are promoted and scattered to bring new recruits, which causes the formation of the army. The dispersion of combat power.

In order to continue to mislead Fu Jian and prevent him from seeing the truth, Zhou Yu gathered those veterans who had been promoted to corps commanders at the cost of command confusion.

Fu Jian saw that although the Qin army only dispatched [-] troops, but the army was neat and orderly, and full of murderous intent, he could tell at a glance that it was an elite army. He mistakenly thought that the Qin army who landed were all elites of this level, and he became more determined. This prevented his plan to lead Zhou Yu into the interior to encircle and suppress.

Fu Jian first sent his general, Fu Ya, to challenge him.

Fu Ya was a famous general of the former Qin clan during the Sixteen Kingdoms period. When he led an army of [-] to attack Qiu Chi, he first defeated Guo Bao, the governor of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, in Shaanxi, and then defeated the main force of Qiu Chi in the Battle of Jiuxia, and captured Qiu Chi's Duke Yang Compiled, destroyed Qiuchi country, and deterred Tuyuhun from proclaiming himself a vassal to Qin.

Fu Ya has the record of leading an army to destroy a country. He is a general who is both a commander and a warrior. However, his force value is higher, reaching a super-class level, and he is considered strong among the super-class.

Seeing that Fu Jian sent Fu Ya to challenge, and Zhou Yu didn't have any information about Fu Ya, he directly sent General Lu Junyi to be on the safe side.

Lu Junyi has reached the level of a god general, Fu Ya is naturally impossible to be an opponent.

In less than ten rounds of fighting between the two sides, Fu Ya had already fallen into a disadvantage, and after twenty rounds it was even more dangerous.

Fu Ya was planning to feign defeat, but he didn't expect that the unknown Lu Junyi would be so strong. Even if he tried his best, he was still no match, and he couldn't even find a chance to escape.

Under Lu Junyi's all-out attack, Fu Ya had difficulty even protecting herself. If she escaped and exposed her back to Lu Junyi, it would be courting death.

Can't beat, can't even run away?Such a situation was beyond Fu Jian's expectation.

Fu Ya was from Fu's family, so he had to save Fu Ya, so Fu Jian sent Yao Xiang to help.

Yao Chang's younger brother, Yao Xiang, is strong and mighty, and is good at winning people's hearts. He is also a super-class general.

Fu Ya and Yao Xiang, neither of them are Lu Junyi's opponents, but they can barely compete with Lu Junyi, but they can't last long, losing is only a matter of time.

The three fought back and forth, and after fifteen rounds of fighting, Zhou Yu sent Guan Sheng to fight and helped Lu Junyi block Yao Xiang.

Seeing this, Fu Jian was shocked, and quickly swung his army to cover up the killing, trying to save the two generals, Fu Ya and Yao Xiang, but it was still a step too late.

Without Yao Xiang's assistance, Fu Ya, who was approaching her limit, could hardly stop Lu Junyi.

With a blow with all his strength, Lu Junyi directly knocked Fu Ya's weapon into the air, and then shot across with his backhand. A bloodstain instantly appeared on Fu Ya's neck, and he fell off the horse on the spot.

Fu Ya died in battle, Yao Xiang no longer had the heart to fight, and he didn't dare to fight again, he turned his head and ran away without saying a word, but was caught up because his mount was not as good as Guan Sheng's. He chopped off his head with a single knife, and another super-class general fell to the west of Liaoning.

The deaths of Fu Ya and Yao Xiang made Fu Jian extremely sad, but he did not forget the purpose of his trip. He planned to cheat the enemy shortly after the start of the decisive battle, but the death of the two super-class generals was already a huge It affected the morale of the Qing army, and eventually the false defeat turned into a real defeat.

Under Zhou Yu's pursuit all the way, Fu Jian lost more than half of the 1000 elite, and only [-] of them escaped smoothly.

Seeing that the fake came true, although Fu Jian felt sorry for the casualties, in order to achieve his goal, he had no choice but to make a fake show. Fortunately, his play was good and he had already attracted Zhou Yu and his main force.

Just when Fu Jian thought the plan had come true, Zhou Yu's army that was chasing him suddenly stopped moving, as if he had sensed Fu Jian's plot.

Fu Jian was in a hurry, and hurriedly launched the plan ahead of time, and he didn't care about the total annihilation, as much as he could kill at this time.

But what Fu Jian didn't expect was that Zhou Yu seemed to have anticipated their plan, and set countless traps for them along the way, which not only greatly delayed the Qing army's marching speed, but also set up an ambush, and went to copy them. Cavalry in the rear.

Zhou Yu ordered Lin Chong, Qin Ming and other generals to lead eight thousand troops to set up an ambush on the back road, waiting for Fu Jian's cavalry to come.

Sure enough, after Zhou Yu's main force went north and went deep into the inland, Fu Pi's [-] Eight Banners cavalry detoured and crashed directly into the ambush circle of Qin Ming and Lin Chong.

Qin Ming and Lin Chong relied on the favorable location, and as soon as Fu Pi entered the encirclement, he immediately fired all arrows, directly causing heavy casualties to Fu Pi's army.

Fu Pi didn't know the reality of the Qin army, and thought that the enemy army was far superior to him. Seeing that he was in an ambush, he decisively led the army to break through, and dared not move forward.

After breaking through the siege, Fu Pi tapped the army and found that only two thousand cavalry were killed in battle. He couldn't help but exclaimed how lucky he was, and hurriedly led the army to join Fu Jian.

What Fu Pi didn't know was that with his combat power of [-] and Eight Banners cavalry, even if the Qin army's navy set up an ambush, he would still be able to break it by force if he fought to the death, and he could see through Zhou Yu's falsehood, but he didn't Dare, so that I missed this opportunity in vain.

After Fu Jian and Fu Pi joined forces, they pursued Zhou Yu together, but they did not catch up until they reached the seashore. Zhou Yu had already boarded a boat with the whole army and went around to Lingzhi County dozens of miles away to land again.

After Fu Jian's calculations, he not only failed to wipe out Zhou Yu, but also lost [-] troops and two super-class generals. Naturally, he would not let it go.

 Make up for yesterday's guarantee

(End of this chapter)

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