Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2076 The ever-changing

Chapter 2076 The ever-changing

Chapter 2074: Changes in the blink of an eye

"Trash, it's all a bunch of trash..."

You Beiping, inside the tent of the Qing army commander, Nurhachi is roaring with red eyes, expressing his inner anger.

"What's the use of raising you trash? Qin Jun sneaked to Lulongsai, and no one found it. Are you all blind..."

Under Nurhachi's reprimand, all the generals of the Qing Dynasty bowed their heads aggrieved, and no one dared to speak out at this time, because this would only make the Qing emperor more angry, and they would be punished more severely.

At this moment, Huang Taiji walked in with a solemn face, and said in a deep voice: "Ama, my son personally took people to check all the main roads in Youbeiping, and even the small roads were not spared, and no one was found. Traces of a marching army."

Hearing this, Nurhachi frowned tightly: "So, the Qin army didn't take the detour from You Beiping?"

"Sure, our army has 55 coalition camps in Youbeiping, with five steps, one sentry, ten posts and one post. Under such strict defenses, unless Qin's army grows wings and flies over, or our people collectively go blind, otherwise How could there be no movement at all." The mountain lion camel said with an aggrieved face.

Nurhachi didn't pay attention to the mountain lion camel, but fell into deep thought, and said to himself: "If it wasn't for You Beiping, then only Liaoxi would be left."

As soon as the words fell, Nurhachi's eyes flashed coldly, and he said murderously: "There is a traitor."


Huang Taiji, Mountain Lion Camel and others all exclaimed, but a strange color flashed in the depths of Tuoba Gui's eyes.

"If no one leads the way, guides the way, and gives way, the Qin army will never be able to reach Lulongsai so easily, so there must be a traitor from the Qin army in Liaoxi County." Nurhachi said firmly.

Everyone nodded secretly when they heard it. After all, Qin Jun's surprise attack on Lu Long was too secretive and sudden, and it couldn't be justified without an insider.

"But who is this spy?" Tuobagui asked cautiously.

A figure immediately appeared in Nurhachi's mind. After taking a deep breath, he said coldly, "Yao Chang."

Nurhachi also thought about it with Fu Jian, and he didn't suspect A Guda, but Yao Chang. After all, who made Yao Chang the guard of Fat Ru, and Fat Ru is the nearest county to Lulong. Lu Long's loss of Yao Chang is naturally the most suspect.

Yao Chang is Nurhachi's favorite general, and he doesn't want to believe that Yao Chang has rebelled, but now only Yao Chang's rebellion can make sense.

"Send an order to Fu Jian to try his best to immediately remove Yao Chang's military power." Nurha said coldly.


What Nurhachi didn't expect was that before his order was issued, the news from Fu Jian's side came first.

Seeing that Nurha hadn't spoken for a long time after reading the letter, Huang Taiji couldn't bear it anymore, and asked and answered: "Ama, what did General Fu Jian report?"

Nurhachi glanced at his son, and said: "Fu Jian received the news earlier than us, and his reaction speed was very fast. As soon as Lu Longsai was lost, he immediately suspected Yao Chang, and sent troops to cut off Yao Chang's military power. , in order to prevent Yao Chang from directly raising troops to rebel and colluding with the Qin army."

Huang Taiji nodded appreciatively. He was able to make such a correct decision in such a short period of time under such a chaotic situation, which shows how extraordinary Fu Jian is. He immediately praised: "General Fu Jian , I am worthy of being a famous general of the Qing Dynasty, according to the distance, he should have been fat, I wonder if he succeeded in cutting off Yao Chang's military power?"

A deep look flashed in Nurhachi's eyes, and he said: "The military power has been lifted, Yao Chang did not resist, and later cooperated with Fu Jian in the investigation.

According to Fu Jian's investigation, Yao Chang was not a traitor, and he was not the one who put Gongsun Xuanyuan into Lulongsai. "


Huang Taiji exclaimed again, and said with a look of astonishment: "It's not Yao Chang? Who else could it be?
Qin Jun wants to sneak to Lulong, should he go to Youbeiping by land? Or go to Liaoxi by sea?Besides these two ways, is there a third way? "

This is not the question of Huang Taiji alone, but also the question of everyone present. After all, it is impossible for Qin Jun to fly to Lulongsai, right?

Nurhachi thought hard for a long time but couldn't think of the reason, so he stopped wasting time and said: "The most urgent task is to recapture Lulongsai and open up the grain road between Youbeiping and Liaoxi.

Although the Qin army captured Lu Long in a surprise attack, the number of troops dispatched must not be many, at most no more than [-].

Fu Jian had already dispatched [-] troops from western Liaoning to attack the rear of Lulongsai. You Beiping only needed to dispatch [-] troops. Under the pincer attack, is it possible that Lulongsai might not be taken back? "

As soon as these words came out, all the generals who were flustered suddenly calmed down.

That's right, Lulongsai was lost, and the grain road was temporarily cut off, but Youbeiping's grain reserves can last for more than half a month.

Under the attack from both sides, are you afraid that Lulongsai will not be defeated in more than half a month?

Nurhachi put his hands on Huang Taiji's shoulders, and said in a deep voice: "Huang Taiji, the task of retaking Lulongsai is entrusted to you, and the life and death of Youbeiping's 20 troops are also entrusted to you."

Hearing this, Huang Taiji only felt that the burden on his body was heavy, but he didn't have any fear.

"My son will definitely live up to Ama's hope, but Ama, we can't put all our expectations on recapturing Lulong. We need to find other ways to transport food from western Liaoning."

"But Your Highness, if you don't capture Lulongsai and open up the grain roads, how will the grain and grass from Liaoxi be transported?" Yang Dayan asked suspiciously.

Although Nurhachi didn't speak, the meaning in his eyes was obvious, which meant the same thing as Yang Dayan, but he soon realized Huang Taiji's intention.

"Huang Taiji, do you mean transporting food by sea?"

"That's right, the Qin army can transport troops by sea, attack me, Lulong, and cut off my food road, and our army can also transport food by sea."

"But my Qing Dynasty has no water army. Although it can recruit civilian ships and merchant ships for transportation, the Qin army water army will definitely intercept it. It is impossible to transport grain and grass to Youbeiping."

Speaking of this, Nurhachi couldn't help regretting for a while. Both Yinzhen and Yinhu brothers had proposed to form a navy as soon as possible, which would be of great use when they went south to the Central Plains in the future, but he, who was obsessed with cavalry, didn't listen.

Now it seems that the proposal of Yinzhen and Yinhu brothers is extremely correct. If the Qing army had a navy in hand, how could the Qin army's navy break through the coastal defense of Liaodong so easily?
"Ama is right. The Qin army's water army is powerful. I have no water army in the Qing Dynasty, so it is impossible to break through the blockade of the Qin army's water army."

At this time, Huang Taiji's eyes flashed brightly, and he said with a sneer, "I don't have a navy in the Qing Dynasty, but Oda Nobunaga in Dongying and Wang Mang in Sanhan do.

Wang Mang and Qin Hao have an unresolvable hatred, and Oda Nobunaga is also increasingly conflicted with Qin Jun because of the Japanese pirates.

The emperor can send envoys and spend a lot of money to hire the navy of these two companies to help our army contain the Qin army's navy, so that the grain and grass in western Liaoning can be transported to Youbeiping by sea. "

After hearing what Huang Taiji said, Nurhachi's eyes immediately brightened: "The matter has come to this point, no matter how slim the hope is, we still have to give it a try.

Both Yinzhen and Yinhu are in Shengjing now, so let their brothers go to Dongying and Sanhan respectively. "

"Ama is wise."


(End of this chapter)

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