Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2081 Zhang Han VS Fu Jian

Chapter 2081 Chapter Hand VS Fu Jian
Chapter 2079: Zhang Han VS Fu Jian
Jieshi Road, Zhang Han led [-] troops to station here, and it took only three days to build a strong stronghold.

Not long after Zhang Han's Jianzhai was built, Fu Jian's [-] troops came one after another.

The geographical location of Jieshi Road is too important, it is the only road leading to Lulong from the west of Liaoning. If the big camp in front of him is not broken, Fu Jian will not be able to go to Lulong, and cooperate with Huang Taiji to attack from both sides to capture the stronger Lulong. ronse.

Therefore, after a little rest, Fu Jian immediately launched a fierce attack without waiting for the siege equipment from the rear to arrive.

In his opinion, although the terrain of Jieshi Road is steep, it is not even inferior to Lu Long, but the enemy army has only one stronghold after all.

Even if he couldn't use his superior force because of the terrain, it was absolutely impossible for him to block his [-] troops with only one stronghold.

In addition, since the Qin army traveled long distances, they would definitely not carry large defensive equipment, and the defensive materials must be insufficient, so they are destined to not be able to defend for long.

Fu Jian's guess was right. Xuanyuan did not bring any defensive equipment for this trip in order to travel lightly, and there were not many defensive materials, but without these things does not mean that he could not fight.

Long before Zhang Han built his camp, he discovered that Jieshi Road was rich in wood and stone resources, so he sent [-] soldiers to cut down trees, carry stones, and use local materials to make stone and rolling logs for defense.

In addition to this, there is also a large collection of dead grass and vines, which are used to make a little flaming fireball.

After three consecutive days of felling, transporting, and hoarding, Zhang Han hoarded a lot of defensive 'materials', which were immediately used in the war, and continued to use local materials while consuming them.

In the next two days of attack, Fu Jian exhausted all means, even beating drums to boost morale himself, but he still failed to break through the Qin army's camp, and on the contrary, [-] soldiers were killed or killed.

After two days of onslaught, Fu Jian found that the defense materials of the Qin army seemed to be inexhaustible, which made him feel extremely confused, and did not understand where these materials came from.

After being reminded by Lu Polou, Fu Jian finally came to his senses. The Qin army's supplies for the defense of the city were stones, logs and grass balls, and these things were abundant in Jieshi Road, so they could be obtained locally.

Realizing that the Qin army could use local materials to make defense materials, Fu Jian decisively stopped the attack, waiting for the siege equipment in the rear to be transported before attacking, but he didn't want to wait until it was indeed Nurhachi's order.

In the biography of Feige, Nurhaci asked Fu Jian to retake Lulongsai regardless of casualties, which also made Fu Jian aware of the critical situation in Youbeiping, but he still did not continue to attack, but chose to wait for the equipment behind.

Fu Jian didn't have to wait long. After only one day, a large amount of equipment was transported from Feiru to Jieshi Road, and this was the real test Zhang Han faced.

After the siege equipment arrived, Fu Jian launched another fierce attack, but this time, regardless of casualties and at all costs, the Qing army launched the most violent offensive.

Fu Jian's offensive regardless of casualties put great pressure on Zhang Han, but he still relied on his command ability to defend the Jieshi camp for ten days.

Ten days later, the Jieshi camp was completely changed, and it was in danger of being breached at any time. The 1000 defenders suffered [-] or [-] casualties.

"General Zhang, Fu Jian's offensive is too fierce, no casualties are considered at all, the soldiers really can't hold on anymore." Gongsun He yelled, gritted his teeth.

Hearing this, Zhang Han's eyes flashed with struggle, and he roared: "If you can't hold on, you have to hold on. General Xuanyuan's order is to stick to the Jieshi Road for a month, and now half a month has not yet arrived, how can you do that?" Just give up?"


Gongsun He opened his mouth, but he still didn't say anything.

What Gongsun Xuanyuan said was to stick to it for a month, which was a month under the normal attack intensity, but now the Manchu Qing did not count casualties at all, so let alone a [-] army, even a [-] army would not be able to hold it for a month.

Gongsun He wanted to persuade him again, but Zhang Han didn't give him a chance to speak. He picked up his saber decisively and shouted: "Soldiers, General Xuanyuan's reinforcements are coming soon, hold on."

After saying that, Zhang Han, who was the guard, gave up his command and rushed forward with his weapons, fighting with the soldiers.

[Ding dong, Zhang Han's skill 'Strong Army' is activated...

Strong army: strong voice to show power, strengthen our military prestige. (Different people have different effects.)
Effect 1, when leading an army alone and in a field or defensive battle, the commander +2, the marching speed is greatly increased, and the morale of the entire army is partially increased.

Effect 2, when personally participating in the battle, own force +3, the force of the whole army +1, and the morale of the whole army is greatly improved. 】

[Ding Dong, Zhang Han's skill 'Strong Army' effect 2 activates, his own force +3, and the whole army's force +1.

Zhang Han's basic strength is 100 (+1), sword king +3, and the current strength has risen to 106.

Gongsun He's basic force is 96 (+1), sword king +3, and the current force has risen to 100. 】

Zhou Yafu also has the skill 'Strong Army', but Zhou Yafu's 'Strong Army' is completely different from Zhang Han's.

Zhou Yafu's "Strengthening Army" has three effects, which are divided into cavalry and infantry for the promotion of the commander, while Zhang Han's "Strengthening Army" has only two effects, and it does not distinguish between cavalry and infantry, and it also has the effect of increasing the entire army.

Therefore, in general, Zhang Han's "strong army" is better than Zhou Yafu's.

Gongsun He, who was already wounded, saw that Zhang Han was going into battle in person, gritted his teeth, then picked up his notched broadsword, and rushed up following Zhang Han's pace.

"Tarzi, I will fight with you."

The morale of the Qin army has gradually declined, but Zhang Han's personal battle has boosted the morale instantly. Coupled with the increase in his skill "Strong Army", the soldiers of the Qin army are stronger than before. To fight.

A bloody battle ensues.

"General, look quickly, the guard of the Qin army has personally gone into battle to kill the enemy."

Fu Jian regained his energy immediately, took a closer look, and laughed loudly: "The Qin army is going to be overwhelmed, so send an order to let the soldiers work harder, behead the Qin general, promote him to the third rank, and reward him with a thousand rewards." .”


Fu Jian didn't care about the fact that the Qin army's combat power had become stronger. Instead, he thought that the Qin army had run out of fuel and the current outbreak was just a flashback, but he didn't expect this flashback to be so long.

One day later, the Qing army still failed to capture the Jieshi camp, but instead lost a thousand soldiers, and three other generals died in the hands of Zhang Han.

Two days later, the Jieshi camp was still not captured, and four other Qing generals died in the hands of Zhang Han, but Qin general Gongsun He was also killed by Qing general Lu Guang because of his serious injuries.


(End of this chapter)

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