Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2088 Two-legged sheep

Chapter 2088 Two-legged sheep

Chapter 2086: Two-legged sheep

Although Xuanyuan knew that the key to defending Lu Long was not Lu Long but Jia Fu, but he couldn't give Jia Fu more support.

The army that landed across the sea was only [-] in total. Zhang Han took [-], and Jia Fu took another [-]. Now Xuanyuan only has enough troops to defend Lu Long.

Once Lu Long is lost, even if Jia Fu defends it, it will also be meaningless.

Thinking of this, Xuanyuan couldn't help clenching the Xuanyuan sword in his hand, and said softly to himself: "General Jia Fu, the rest is up to you."

At the same time, Jia Fu, who was given high hopes by Xuanyuan, was facing Fu Jian's overwhelming offensive.

"Fire arrows."

Following Jia Fu's order, a rain of arrows shot at the Qing army, but most of them were blocked by shields, and only a small part of them killed the enemy army.

Although Fu Jian's siege method does not count casualties, it is impossible for the soldiers to consume Jia Fu's arrows with their flesh and blood, and he still has the shields for the defensive shield array.

Seeing that the rain of arrows had little effect, and the Qing army not only rushed down the mountain, but also set up a catapult array and a crossbow array, Jia Fu's eyes suddenly flashed a trace of solemnity.

This Fu Jian is also very skilled in siege. From the arrival of the army, to the deployment of the troops, to the command of the attack, it can be said to be done in one go, without any stagnation during the period, which is beyond Jia Fu's expectations.

Fu Jian's siege level has been greatly improved. In fact, he was mainly trained by Zhang Han. He competed with Zhang Han, the commander-in-chief of 97. His experience in siege is hard to improve.

Jia Fu's commander-in-chief attribute of 93 points is naturally inferior to Zhang Han's. In the case of occupying a favorable location, it is still no problem to guard the Jieshi exit, but the premise is that Fu Jian does not use human life to force it.

But under normal tactics, even if Fu Jian's commander is higher than Jia Fu, it is absolutely impossible to break the camp in a short period of time, so even Fu Jian has no other way but to use human life to force it.

In other words, the situation Jia Fu is facing is not optimistic.

"Prepare to roll stones and roll trees. Once the Qing army attacks, I will immediately smash them hard and kill these tartars." Jia Fu said viciously.

woo... woo...

The horn of the attack sounded, and thousands of Qing troops attacked the phalanx, and began to charge towards the camp of the Qin Army, while the Qin Army smashed down the prepared rocks and logs.

"Ah, ah..."

There were screams one after another, but the Qing army still screamed, as if they were desperate, and launched a mortal sprint towards Qin Ying, and then they were either shot or smashed to death.

Seeing this scene, Jia Fu was deeply moved. Such a fearless army is rare even in the Central Plains. He suddenly understood why the princes of Youzhou were always suppressed and beaten by the Manchus.

While charging at the soldiers of the Qin Army, the catapult formations and crossbow formations on the Qing Army's position also tilted their firepower towards the Qin Army's camp, but because they were firing upwards, and Jia Fu deliberately sent the soldiers to the Qin Army's camp. The battalion was built on a high place, so there were not many stone bullets and arrows that could actually hit them, but the accumulation also caused a lot of casualties to the Qin army.

Seeing the number of casualties under his command gradually increasing, Jia Fu's complexion also changed for the worse, and he said to himself: "In the face of such a fierce and fearless attack by the Qing army, Zhang Handu can still hold on for half a month. In terms of defending the city, my Far inferior to Zhang Han."

Jia Fu believed that facing the Qing army's style of fighting regardless of casualties, he would never be able to defend for half a month with [-] soldiers like Zhang Han did, but he didn't need to be like Zhang Han.

Zhang Han guarded for half a month, on behalf of the Youbeiping Qing army, consumed half a month of food and grass, so how much food and grass are left for the 20 Qing troops in the west now?

Jia Fu reckoned that the food shortage should not be far away.

At this thought, Jia Fu was full of confidence and shouted: "Soldiers, hold on, the end of the Tartars is not far away. Kill the Tartars."

"Kill the Tartars."


Jia Fu's prediction was right this time, Zhang Han held on to Jieshi Road for half a month with great difficulty, and the situation of the Qing army in Youbeiping was not much better than that of Zhang Han.

While Nurhachi had to resist the attack of the Qin army, he also faced the risk of food shortages. The sourness was simply chilling.

No matter how frugal Nurhachi is, the total amount of food and grass for the Qing army will not increase, and if it is used, it will be less, and when it is exhausted, it will be the end of the Qing army.

Nurhachi has a strong sense of crisis. Although the Qing army has not run out of food, he will never wait for this day to come, so he began to rack his brains and try his best to get food and grass.

The food and grass in Wuzhong and Junmi counties had been looted by the Qing army long ago. Since a large number of people starved to death in the city every day, it was natural that the people could not grab the food and grass.

Since it is impossible to get food from the people, it can only rely on mountains to eat and water to eat.

At this time, the Qin army had not yet broken through the Yanshan defense line, so Wuzhong Junmi counties and the surrounding mountainous areas were considered safe, so Nurhachi ordered the army to go hunting in the mountains and fish by the sea.

Nurhachi wanted to increase income and reduce expenditure, and rely on two methods of hunting and fishing to relieve the pressure on the Qing army's food and grass, but this is obviously impossible.

With increasing income and reducing expenditure, although the consumption rate of the Qing army's food and grass has been alleviated to a certain extent, it is only a matter of delaying the date of food shortage for a few days, which is of no help to the overall situation.

The method of increasing income and reducing expenditure is not effective, and it is difficult for Lu Longsai to regain it in the short term, and it is not known whether the lobbying of Wang Mang and Oda Nobunaga will succeed, which makes Nurhachi feel more and more crisis in his heart.

At this moment, Nurhachi's eldest son, Chu Ying, who was cruel and narrow-minded, presented a vicious strategy to Nurhachi, which was to massacre the people in the two cities of Wuzhong and Junmi, and take human flesh and make it into dried meat for military rations. .

As soon as Chu Ying said this, he was immediately opposed by the majority of people, and among them, Wanyan Honglie was the most opposed.

"No, absolutely not."

Wanyan Honglie didn't care about Chu Ying's identity at all, pointed at Chu Ying's nose and cursed: "Chu Ying, you are simply not a son of man, you feed on human flesh, and both humans and gods are angry. Do what's good."

Chu Ying's face suddenly turned cold, he didn't expect that Wanyan Honglie would dare to insult him in public, disregarding his elder brother's face at all, and he felt a killing intent towards Wanyan Honglie in his heart.

"Hmph, why not? For my prairie man, the Han people are like two-legged sheep. The ancestors can eat it, why can't my younger generations eat it?"

After saying that, Chu Yinghu glared at Wanyan Honglie, and said with a sneer, "Wanyan Honglie, I think you may have been assimilated by the Han people, and you have forgotten the traditions that your ancestors are proud of. Are you a Han Chinese or a Manchu?"


Wanyan Honglie glared at Chu Ying, and was about to refute, but Chu Ying didn't give him a chance to speak, and quickly said to Nurhachi: "Ama, Wanyan Honglie has been influenced too much by the Han people, and he is no longer a pure Manchu. In my child's opinion , we should let Wanyan Honglie eat the two-legged sheep first, to prove his loyalty to my Qing Dynasty."

 Make up for Thursday's guarantee

(End of this chapter)

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