Chapter 2093 Small defeat for a while

Chapter 2091: A small defeat

"Tuoba Tao, you, a shameless person who can only play tricks, do you have the guts to fight your grandpa Li Gan to the death?"

While slashing wildly, Li Gan roared angrily, wanting to provoke Tuoba Tao and behead him again, so as to turn defeat into victory.

Yes, the battle has already reached this level, but what Li Gan wants is not to stop the loss in time, but to reverse the defeat and wash away the shame.

There are only two results for this kind of behavior, one is to turn defeat into victory, and the other is to pay a greater price.

If the opponent is an idiot, with the excellent equipment of the Qin army, coupled with the fighting spirit that is not afraid of death, maybe Li Gan can turn defeat into victory, but Tuoba Tao is obviously not among them.

With Tuoba Tao's wisdom, it is naturally impossible to give up the advantage and put himself in a dangerous situation when he is fully dominant, watching Li Gan's performance like watching a monkey.

Gradually, there were fewer and fewer people around Li Gan, and even Li Gan himself was about to give up. When he wanted to withdraw his troops to stop the loss, Tuoba Tao took the initiative to appear in front of Li Gan.

"Li Gan, don't you want to fight me to the death?"

A hint of amusement flashed across Tuoba Tao's handsome face, then he sneered and said, "If that's the case, I will fulfill you."

After saying that, Tuoba Tao took a long spear ahead of time, rode his horse and rushed towards Li Gan.

[Tuoba Tao's skill 'Spearman' is activated, force +2, basic force 94, equipment +2, current force rises to 98. 】

Li Gan was overjoyed to see this, he directly abandoned the army, brandished his weapons, and charged at Tuoba Tao.

[Li Gan's skill 'Spearman' is activated, force +2, base force 95, current force rises to 97. 】

On the other side, Tian Yu, who was commanding the army to resist with difficulty, saw that his own army had suffered more than half of the casualties, but Li Gan still did not order the withdrawal of the army, and he was confused and anxious.

"What the hell is Li Gan doing? Why isn't he withdrawing his troops?"

Holding up the shield, Tian Yu yelled to ask and answer the guards around him, but he was already scolding his mother in his heart.

Tian Yu opposed the pursuit from the very beginning, thinking that there was something wrong with it, but Li Gan refused to listen to him and insisted on pursuing.

When he arrived at the ambush site, Tian Yu's first reaction was that there was an ambush, but Li Gan thought that the Qing army had been defeated and it was impossible to set up an ambush, so he took the initiative to walk into the Qing army's ambush circle.

It was a good situation, but because of Li Gan's single thought, it turned into the current situation, which made Tian Yu feel ashamed of Wei Qing's entrustment.

"Guo Rang, Li Gan is impatient, courageous and foolhardy. If you have a disagreement with him, you can back down on small issues, but on major issues of right and wrong, you must remember not to back down, otherwise it will easily fuel his arrogance. heart of."

This is what Wei Qing said to Tian Yu before leaving. Although Tian Yu has always kept it in his heart, when he really had a disagreement with Li Gan, facing Li Gan's gesture of fighting if you don't agree with me, Tian Yu is very serious. It's because he can't get angry, after all, he really can't beat Li Gan.

If he had known that this would lead to the current situation, even if Tian Yu fought with Li Gan a few times, he would never let Li Gan go like this. Unfortunately, it is too late to say anything now.

"General Qi, General Li Gan is fighting to the death with the chief general of the Qing army."


Tian Yu's eyes widened suddenly, and anger rose in his eyes.

This is going to wipe out the entire army, Li Gan is still showing off his bravery, and putting the entire army in danger, this is really outrageous.

Tian Yu immediately guessed what Li Gan was thinking. It was nothing more than beheading the chief general of the Qing army in order to turn defeat into victory.

Tian Yu's guess was not bad at all. The reason why Tuoba Tao took action in person was because he saw that Li Gan wanted to run away. In order to hold Li Gan back and kill more Qin troops, he did not hesitate to fight Li Gan himself. World War I.

Now that the Qin army has suffered more than half of the casualties, if Li Gan is allowed to continue fighting, the entire army may not really be wiped out.

"Pass down the general's order, the whole army retreats immediately." Tian Yu ordered with a gloomy face.

"But General, General Li Gan did not give the order..."

"If you are told to pass it on, you can pass it on. If something happens, I will take care of it." Tian Yu roared angrily.

"This... No."

The messengers left in a hurry, while Tian Yu led hundreds of elite troops to meet Li Gan.

Tian Yuyue issued an order to withdraw troops, which was tantamount to putting Li Gan in danger, so he had to personally meet Li Gan, the chief general, otherwise his military career would be over if this matter was reported back.

Tian Yu led the army to kill Li Gan, and saw a scene that made his eyes tear.

Li Gan, who had already been wounded by an arrow, gradually lost his strength after fifteen rounds of fierce fighting. As a result, Tuoba Tao shot his weapon into the air, and was immediately pierced by a gun in his throat, falling off his horse and dying.

[Ding Dong, Tuoba Tao defeated the strong with the weak, beheaded Li Gan, permanent force +1, current five-dimensional: commander 96 (98), force 95 (+1), intelligence 90, politics 96, charm 95 (99) ;]

Tuoba Tao is a Confucian general, and he is not good at force. His basic force is 1 point lower than Li Gan. The reason why he was able to defeat the strong with the weak and kill Li Gan was that Li Gan was injured by an arrow. The main reason is the blessing of equipment.

Originally, Tuoba Tao was going to fight Li Gan for a while to delay time, but when he saw that Li Gan didn't order the Qin army to withdraw, he immediately stopped thinking about continuing to play, and decisively killed Li Gan with a single shot.

Tuoba Tao, who had just gone through a great battle, had exhaustion that could not be concealed on his face, but his eyes were full of excitement. After dismounting and beheading Li Gan, he held up Li Gan's head and shouted: "Li Gan has died!" Death, those who surrender will not be killed."

Immediately afterwards, the Qing army all over the mountains and plains shouted: "Li Gan is dead, and those who surrender will not be killed."

Seeing this, Tian Yu suddenly showed a look of panic.

Although the Qin army was defeated for a while in this battle, it has gained momentum. As long as it is not a fool, it will not surrender to the Qing army at this time.

Therefore, after hearing the shouts of the Qing army, the Qin army not only did not surrender, but ran faster, but this fell into Tuoba Tao's calculations.

Tuoba Tao knew that the reorganized army would not surrender, but he still asked the soldiers to shout "Li Gan is dead, and those who surrender will not be killed". The purpose was not to persuade them to surrender, but to spread the news that Li Gan was dead, and the purpose was to defeat the Qin army His fighting spirit turned the Qin army from being defeated but not defeated to being completely defeated and fleeing.

As Tian Yu expected, with the news of Li Gan's death, the morale of the Qin army plummeted. The soldiers no longer had any fighting spirit, and turned their heads and ran away, all focused on fleeing for their lives, regardless of the formation.

"It's over."

Tian Yu was completely desperate. If he had evacuated in time, he might have saved 3000 or 500 people, but now it is considered lucky that [-] people can go back alive.

"Tuoba Tao, I remember you, just wait for me."

Tian Yu stared at Tuoba Tao, as if he wanted to remember him forever, and then turned his head and ran away with his subordinates. If he stayed any longer, he might follow in Li Gan's footsteps.

(End of this chapter)

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