Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2095 Xue Dingshan VS Sticky Deli

Chapter 2095 Xue Dingshan VS Sticky Deli
Chapter 2093: Xue Dingshan VS Adhesive
Wei Qing's control over the battle situation was far superior to Li Gan and Tian Yu's. Just through the change in marching speed, he sensed something was wrong, so he decisively ordered Li Ling and Xue Dingshan to lead [-] reinforcements to support them.

Although Wei Qing's arrangement may be superfluous, if something goes wrong, it can save thousands of lives.

In addition, even if the vanguard army is really ambushed, as long as it can last until the reinforcements arrive, the two armies may not be able to turn defeat into victory when the two armies work together.

Therefore, Wei Qing's move is not only unnecessary, but may even become a stroke of genius.

But what Wei Qing didn't expect was that after Li Ganzhong's ambush, he didn't want to withdraw his troops to stop the loss, but to turn defeat into victory. In the end, not only did he die, but he also accelerated the defeat of the vanguard army, which can be described as harming others and himself.

After listening to Tian Yu's narration, the corners of Xue Dingshan's mouth couldn't help twitching. As someone who has just joined the army, he knows that the most important thing after the ambush is to get out of the predicament first, not turn defeat into victory, but Li Gan doesn't understand such a simple truth .

"Li Gan is really, really..."

Xue Dingshan opened his mouth, but he didn't say anything in the end. After all, Li Gan was killed in battle, and he couldn't say anything about a dead person, which would make him seem narrow-minded.


Tian Yu sighed, but then his eyes narrowed, and he quickly shouted to remind him: "My dear brother, be careful."


Xue Dingshan was stunned, turned his head and looked back, and saw a big man with a face like red copper and a beard like yellow rubber, wearing black armor, a golden crown on his head, and holding a purple gold sledgehammer, riding a black horse The divine horse rushed towards him from the right rear.

The black horse carried a burly man and a sledgehammer weighing more than a hundred catties, but it was still as fast as lightning, and the distance was shortened by more than ten meters in an instant.

"What a wonderful BMW."

Xue Dingshan's eyes lit up immediately, and he looked at the BMW under the black-armored knight's crotch with green eyes. His horse was already one of the best in a hundred, but it was completely incomparable with the mount of the Qing general behind him.

The word "horse king" suddenly appeared in Xue Dingshan's mind, and it also made him curious about the black armored man. After all, the horse king is not something that ordinary people can control. This person's ability to subdue the horse king is enough to prove that he is extraordinary. Who will it be?
The visitor was naturally ordered by Tuoba Tao to intercept Tian Yu's Nian Deli.

Nian Deli is one of the hidden characters of this foreign race's hundred summons. It comes from "Shuo Yue".

The level of force in "Shuo Yue" is not low, Gao Chong can be regarded as the recognized ceiling, and Nian Deli is one of the next few people.

Nian Deli's record in "Shuo Yue" is extremely strong. Niu Gao and Niu Tong's father and son were all defeated by him with one move. They defeated Zong Liang, Yu Lei, Ouyang Congshan and Zheng Shibao with one against four. Yue Lei sent ten members The young generals worked together to fight stickily but were still defeated.

Nian Deli is undoubtedly a fierce general who is good at group battles, but in the end he died in a group fight, and the people who participated in the siege of him were: Guan Ling, Di Lei, Lu Wenlong, Yan Chengfang, Fan Cheng.

Guan Ling, the son of Da Dao Guan Sheng, fought with Yue Yun for a day without a draw.

Di Lei, a descendant of Di Qing, is one of the Four Great Hammers.

Lu Wenlong, facing Yue Yun, Zhang Xian, He Yuanqing, Yan Chengfang and other fierce generals alone, killed Jin Guo's fierce general Lian Er Xin Shan.

Yan Chengfang, one of the four fierce and eight sledgehammers, fought with Yue Yun for more than [-] times, regardless of the outcome
Fan Cheng...

Nian Deli first fought Guan Ling for [-] rounds. Seeing that Guan Ling could not win, Di Lei came to help. After the two teamed up and fought Nian Deli for more than ten rounds, Lu Wenlong, Fan Cheng and Yan Chengfang stepped forward to help One day, Lu Wenlong shot Nian Deli's mount in the eye, and Yan Chengfang beat the horse to death with a hammer, causing Nian Deli to fall off the horse. Then Fan Cheng shot him in the throat and died in Huangquan.

Among the five people who participated in the siege of Nian Deli, only Lu Wenlong has been born so far, and his strength is firmly at the level of a god of war.

Guan Ling can fight Yue Yun evenly for a day, even if he doesn't have the strength of God of War, at least he has the potential of God of War.

In the case of these two people joining forces, there are also three masters at the level of gods to help out, and this is how Nian Deli is finally beheaded. It can be seen that Nian Deli's strength is at least at the level of God of War.

Seeing Xue Dingshan looking at his mount, the eyes of the golden-eyed black dragon horse revealed a look of greed, and a trace of coldness flashed in Nian Deli's eyes, and then restrained his breath, making himself appear not so strong, and wanted to use this to lure Xue Dingshan Come get the horse.

Xue Dingshan wanted the golden-eyed black dragon horse. After all, the magic weapon BMW is the second life of the general, but the opponent's aura suddenly weakened. There is obviously something wrong with it. He is not a brainless person, so naturally he would not fall into such a clumsy trick. So it ran faster instead.

Seeing that Xue Dingshan was not fooled, he was not discouraged, after all, with the speed of his golden-eyed black dragon horse, it was only a matter of time before he caught up with Xue Dingshan.

Nian Deli waved his whip and chased after him, the golden-eyed black dragon horse ran faster under the pain, seeing that it was getting closer to Xue Dingshan, so he laughed ferociously and said: "Boy, get off the horse and surrender, I will leave you alone!" A whole corpse."


After Xue Dingshan snorted coldly, he turned around and shot an arrow.

[Xue Dingshan's skill 'Arrow King' is activated, force +4, base force 103, current force rises to 107. 】


Sticky, who had been prepared for a long time, didn't even activate his skills. The giant hammer acted as a shield to block, and the arrow was directly knocked into the air without the slightest slack.


Xue Dingshan's eyes were startled, he never expected that his arrow with all his strength would be blocked so easily by the opponent.

"This person is not simple, he is a master."

Xue Dingshan thought to himself, and then he got all energized, but his movements were not slow at all, he aimed at the vital points of Nian Deli's body, and shot arrows one after another.

Seeing that Xue Dingshan was getting excited, Nian Deli dared to use him as a target, arrow after arrow, his heart suddenly surged with anger, and he waved the hammers in his hands, blocking all the arrows with great precision, but when he blocked the arrows, The speed will inevitably slow down.

Xue Dingshan only brought a pot of arrows, and half of them were used up when he rescued Tian Yu, so he used up the remaining arrows in a short time.

Without the restraint of the bow and arrow, Nian Deli quickly caught up, staring at Xue Dingshan and Tian Yu who were on the horse 20 meters away, and threw the sledgehammer in his left hand directly.

[Ding dong, the sticky skill 'Hammer God' is activated, force +4, basic force 105, purple gold hammer +1, golden-eyed black dragon horse +1, current force rises to 111. 】


Seeing the sledgehammer leaping over, Tian Yu shouted in horror, while Xue Dingshan's pupils shrank sharply.

It turned out to be a flying hammer. The last person who dared to use a hammer like this was Li Yuanba.

 Thanks to the book friend ATTTTTTTTtT8, for being able to reward the book with 20000 starting coins when the author's update is so weak, I am moved, thank you for your support.

  Recently, the author really doesn't have the energy to code words, and the desire to code words is lacking, and the state of code words is not good. The speed and efficiency are not as good as before. It is really shameless to see the book friends in the group, so I dare not enter QQ recently. .

  I'm really sorry, the author may need to adjust it. Except for weekends this month, I'm afraid there is only guarantee.

  Also, there is no eunuch in this book, so even if the author doesn't write a book, at least he has to finish it.

(End of this chapter)

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