Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2134 Qin Qing right to the Treaty of Peiping?

Chapter 2134 Qin Qing right to the Treaty of Peiping?

Chapter 2132: Qin Qing Youbeiping Treaty?

Qin army camp.

For Qin Hao's move to attend the meeting alone, most of the generals opposed it. However, his master was already extremely powerful, and he clearly stated that he had absolute certainty to escape. Once the other party has any misconduct, immediately rescue.

Lu Bu held the bow and arrow in one hand, and rested on the quiver with the other, keeping an eye out for the vicious-looking Qing generals on the opposite side.

When Xue Rengui was seriously injured and unable to participate in the battle, Lu Bu was the number one archer in the Qin army, so he naturally assumed the responsibility of protecting the lord.

When they saw that Nurhachi also came to the meeting alone, Lu Bu, Luo Cheng, Long Qie and other generals were all stunned. Obviously, they did not expect Nurhachi to have such courage.

"Is Nurhachi crazy? Doesn't he know that the Lord is also a master who has been on the list of generals?" Luo Cheng said with a look of surprise.

"The Qing army has never relaxed its intelligence collection on our army, how could such basic information be missed." Huo Qubing said with a frown.

"Then why does he still dare to do this? Are you not afraid that the lord will capture him on the spot and use it to threaten the Qing army to surrender?" Lu Bu asked with a puzzled expression on his face.

Although Qin Hao's ranking was not high when he entered the list, he was only ranked 60th, but it was because of his age and status that he was deliberately suppressed so low by famous experts. Comparable to the top twenty.

It has been so many years now, but anyone with a little brain must know that as long as Qin Hao develops and grows normally, his strength will only become stronger, and he will never become weaker.

Although Nurhachi also fought with one sword and one gun, and also possesses extremely high single-player combat power, he has not had much experience in fighting fierce generals. In terms of single-round strength, he is definitely incomparable to Qin Hao.

But even so, Nurhachi still dared to face Qin Hao, such an enemy who could take his life at any time, which really puzzled Lu Bu and the other generals.

Military generals such as Lu Bu don't know it, so civil servants such as Zhuge Liang, Liu Bowen, and Zhang Liang naturally cannot and cannot see it.

Seeing that Nurhachi came to the meeting as expected, Zhuge Liang and other three military advisers looked at each other and smiled, then Liu Bowen and Zhang Liang retreated to the rear, leaving Zhuge Liang and Bai Qi in the central army.

"Governor, you can start now." Zhuge Liang smiled lightly.

Bai Qiqi nodded, and then strode forward, waving the military flag with his own hands, and the 16 infantry moved after hearing the news, and began to quickly change their ranks.

On the king's platform, Nurhachi sat firmly on his horseback, looking at the Qin army's camp.

Seeing that the situation of the Qin army had changed after he attended the meeting, a sneer appeared on the corner of Nurhachi's mouth, and a cold light flickered in his eyes, staring fixedly at Qin Hao who was sitting not far away.

Before he came, he had guessed that there was a conspiracy in Qin Hao's invitation, but what exactly was it?

Qin Hao's plan is nothing more than to reduce casualties, and the Qing army can make the Qin army fearful, and I am afraid that only the Eight Banners Cavalry is left.

The Qin army has two unique army formations, namely: Longmen formation and eight formations. After the formation, both infantry can fight against cavalry, and casualties can be minimized to the greatest extent.

Zhuge Liang can arrange the eight formations, Xue Rengui can arrange the Longmen formation, and both of them are in the Qin army.

Considering that Xue Rengui was injured, it might not be possible to set up the Longmen Formation, but Zhuge Liang was not injured, and Nurhachi also saw him.

Thinking of this moment, Nurhachi's heart moved, and he felt that he had seen through Qin Hao's plot.

Qin Hao's invitation must be to delay time, so as to buy time for Zhuge Liang to arrange the eight formations.

"Hehe, Qin Hao, let you do all kinds of scheming, I only need to do one trick, and I will do whatever I can."

Nurhachi sneered in his heart. He had already sent people to collect information on the two formations. Although he did not find a way to crack them, he also knew that the formations could not be moved.

Once the Qin army really arranges the dragon gate formation in an attempt to reduce casualties, as long as the Qing army does not take the initiative to break the formation, the movement speed of the infantry will never threaten the cavalry, and there will be only eight opponents left for the Qing army. Wan Qin army cavalry.

It was precisely based on this consideration that Nurhachi decided to do whatever he could, and took the initiative to ask Qin Hao to arrange a formation so that he could do what he could.

As far as the current situation is concerned, even if the entire Qing army is wiped out, as long as Qin Qi can be disabled, it will not be considered a complete defeat.

After dismounting and walking across from Qin Hao, Nurhachi glanced at the warm tea, fruits and vegetables on the table, then also knelt down, looked directly at Qin Hao's star-like pupils, and said calmly: "Qin Hao, what is your intention in inviting me here? It’s not like trying to capture me alive.”

"Nurhachi, you're overthinking it, why does the king need to do it himself to capture you?"

As he said that, Qin Hao pointed to the army behind him, and said to himself, "Isn't this military capacity enough?"

"Just because of this?" Nurhachi said with a look of disdain.

"Isn't that enough?"

"not enough."

Hearing Nurhachi's words, Qin Hao laughed and said meaningfully: "No, enough."

Nurhachi frowned slightly, and after a little thought, he said in a deep voice, "What do you mean?"

"Ha ha."

Qin Hao smiled and said nothing, but this made Nurhachi even more uneasy, but he didn't understand the key point, so it could only be attributed to Qin Hao playing tricks.

Just when Nurhachi was suspicious, Qin Hao was investigating Nurhachi's attributes, but was taken aback.


"Fuck, Nurhachi's attributes have actually increased so much. It seems that he, like Temujin, also has the ability to permanently increase attributes, and it is a skill that increases all five dimensions." Qin Hao secretly thought.

"Hmph, I didn't come to the meeting to listen to you playing riddles, tell me why you came."

After Nurhachi snorted coldly, he didn't talk nonsense, and went straight to the point, while Qin Hao said: "Since you are so impatient, then the king will just speak bluntly. Do you think you have hope of winning this battle?"

"My Qing Dynasty is united as one, with the same hatred against the enemy, even if the enemy is strong and we are weak,..."

"It seems that you also know that you can't win even if you burn the boat. The reason why you are still dying is just to cause more casualties to our army."

Before Nurhachi finished speaking, he was interrupted by Qin Hao. Nurhachi was so angry that he wanted to leave, but he was looking forward to Qin Hao's next words.

"I have to say, your move is really ruthless. Even if our army finally wins, I am afraid that we will have to pay [-] to [-] casualties. The land we gain is only two counties. It can be said that the gain is not worth the loss, so this king is going to make a compromise."

Nurhachi was taken aback, and asked, "What do you mean?"

"This king can consider letting you go, and your army will leave, but you must agree to a few conditions for this king."

As he said that, Qin Hao took out a piece of paper full of words, and saw that the first line of the letter read "Qin Qing You Beiping Treaty".

Obviously this is an unequal treaty.

 Wake up at eight o'clock and come back at ten o'clock, it's really involuntary
(End of this chapter)

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