Chapter 2140 The Eight Arrays in White
Chapter 2138: The eight formations of Bai Qi
Although Bai Qi does not have conventional commander skills, his base commander is 106 tall, and this is not his limit, so he will be further improved in the future. It can be said that he is almost at the pinnacle of the commander profession.

In terms of commanding the army to fight, what is impossible for others is easy for Bai Qi, because he has already stood at the top, looking back at the scenery behind him, naturally there is nothing to be surprised about.

But regarding the matter of moving the Longmen Formation, even Bai Qi was also difficult.

Although Bai Qi didn't use formations much when marching and fighting, it didn't mean he wasn't good at it.

Formation is an essential skill for famous generals. Famous generals with more than 100 commanders basically have their own unique insights, not to mention the basic commander 106 in vain?

The reason why Bai Qi knows but doesn't use formations is that one is unnecessary, and the other is that he is tired of his reputation.

With his fame and record, he can win every battle without using formations. If he really set up formations, no one would dare to break the formations, so what's the point of setting up formations?
Therefore, on two points, Bai Qi rarely uses formations to face each other, but this does not mean that he is not well-versed in formations.

Bai Qi is a person who is not greedy for money, not lustful, and not in love with power. His only hobby is fighting and studying various tactics and formations.

Most of his free time is either studying military books, or deducing formations in front of the sand table.

All the famous formations that have been passed down for thousands of years, Bai Qi basically knows it, and he has mastered it and used it freely. He has basically stood at the apex of the formation.

If Li Shimin had half of Bai Qi's realm, he wouldn't have studied Longmen Formation for so long, and he had Sima Yi's high density, but he still couldn't create a real Longmen Formation.

It is precisely because Bai Qi's formation skills are high enough that he can completely control the top formations such as the eight formations in such a short period of time.

Bai Qi is actually very interested in the top-level formations such as the Eight Formation Diagram and the Longmen Formation, but these two formations are already the unique skills of Zhuge Liang and Xue Rengui, and he can't force them if they don't want to.

What Bai Qi didn't expect was that before the war started, Zhuge Liang took the initiative to ask Bai Qi whether the eight formations could be moved.

Bai Qi didn't think much at the time, and replied: "All formations in the world can be moved."

After Zhuge Liang got Bai Qi's affirmative answer, he proposed to teach Bai Qi the method of laying out the eight formations.

Can Bai Qi refuse such a good thing like a pie in the sky?Naturally, he agreed decisively.

Before the start of the war, Zhuge Liang passed the eight formations to Bai Qi.

With Bai Qi's formation skills, under Zhuge Liang's guidance, after a full month of study, he has surpassed Zhuge Liang in controlling the eight formations.

Although Zhuge Liang created the eight formations, the formation he created was too profound, even he himself could not fully control it, so that Bai Qi came from behind to overtake him.

Although Bai Qi's understanding of the eight formations surpassed that of Zhuge Liang, he still couldn't move the eight formations.

The internal structure of the eight formations is too complicated, and three conditions must be met in order to move it.

First, the army must have a very high overall quality, and must follow orders and prohibitions.

Second, the main general is able to drive every team like an arm, this kind of command ability is rare in the world.

Third, the chief general must have great computing power, and must be able to do two things at once, calculate every change in the formation while commanding the army, and make contingency preparations in advance.

In addition to the first point, the latter two of the three points are extremely harsh.

Zhuge Liang's calculation ability is sufficient, but his command ability is not enough, while Su Dingfang, Wei Qing, Huo Qubing and other generals have enough command ability, but insufficient calculation ability.

At present, Bai Qi is the only one in the Qin army who can have both, but...

Bai Qi's commanding ability is more than enough, and his computing ability is enough, but in the case of dual-tasking, his computing ability will be greatly reduced, which also prevents him from mastering the formation perfectly.

There can be no mistakes in the 16-level eight formation map. If the formation is messed up, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Just when the plan was at an impasse, Qin Hao proposed that Bai Qi should set up and control the formation, and Zhuge Liang would be responsible for assisting calculations, so as to make up for Bai Qi's lack of computing power.

As far as common sense is concerned, unless the two of them share the same mind, the formation formed by the two cannot be compared to that of one person.

But at this time, what Qin Jun wants is for the eight formations to move without confusion, not how mysterious it is, so naturally the standard can be lowered.

Qin Hao's proposal also made Bai Qi and Zhuge Liang's eyes shine. After the number theory sand table deduction, the two found that they could indeed complement each other after joining forces, so a bold plan was born.

Qin Hao deliberately asked Bai Qi to lay out the eight formations, just to confuse and paralyze Nurhachi, making the Qing army think that the infantry of the Qin army could not move. vertical encirclement.

That's right, whether it was a three-hour negotiation, or a big effort to move the eight formations, Qin Hao's goal from the beginning to the end was only one thing, and that was to minimize casualties.

However, the Eight Banners of the Manchu and Qing Dynasties came and went like the wind, and they would never give the Qin army a chance to encircle them. That's why Qin Hao staged such a big show around the corner.

But the effect is also leveraged. If it goes well, Qin Jun can at least reduce tens of thousands of damage.

In the center of the eight formations, point to the general platform.

Bai Feifei quickly waved the formation flag, and quickly issued one military order after another, which made all the small formations in the large formation also move quickly.

The eight-array map uses the four lands of Qiankun, Xungen, and Tiandi as the main formations of the heaven and earth, as the main soldiers, and uses water, fire, gold and wood as the four strange formations of dragons, tigers, birds and snakes, as the strange soldiers.

Zhengzheng, the northwest is the dry land, and the dry is the sky formation; the southwest is the Kun land, and the Kun is the ground formation; the southeast is the Xunju, and the Xun is the wind formation; the northeast is the Genju, and the Gen is the mountain. The mountains and rivers come out of the clouds, forming cloud arrays.

The odd formation, the left is the green dragon formation, the right is the white tiger formation, the front is the red bird formation, and the back is the Xuanwu snake formation.

The eight Zhengqi formations are also distributed in the main formation. The total formation is 64 24 formations, of which there are 24 formations of yang, 24 formations of yin, and [-] formations of guerrillas, which together form the unparalleled eight formations.

The Eight Arrays are all-encompassing, changeable, and contain the truth, even the creator Zhuge Liang has not fully understood it, and the difficulty of making it move is almost as difficult as reaching the sky.

But now, with the joint efforts of Bai Qi and Zhuge Liang, the most complicated eight-formation diagram in the world has actually moved while maintaining the posture of the formation, and the speed is getting faster and faster.

This is completely making history, people can hardly believe it is true.

(End of this chapter)

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