Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2148 Gold and Iron Horse

Chapter 2148 Gold and Iron Horse

Chapter 2145: Gold and Iron Horse

"My lord, the [-]-strong army of Huang Taiji has been completely defeated under the alliance of my lord and General Longqie. Our army has killed [-] enemies and lost [-] of our own. Fleeing in the direction of Lulong." Jiang Jiong reported excitedly.

Seven thousand elite cavalry only used one charge to defeat fifteen thousand Qing troops head-on, kill five thousand enemies, and self-injure three hundred. The casualty ratio was close to 1:17. Such a record is rare even in the elite battalion.

Qin Hao was not at all excited. In his opinion, the Nine Dragon Guards were dispatched, and even he himself was dispatched. It is completely reasonable to achieve such a record.

After nodding his head, indicating that he knew, Qin Hao asked again: "How many people were lost in the Nine Dragon Guard?"

Compared with the casualties of ordinary soldiers, Qin Hao still cares more about the casualties of Nine Dragon Guards.

"There were 37 casualties in total, of which 23 were directly killed in battle and 14 were seriously injured."

Jiang Jiong said with a distressed face, he is the commander of the Nine Dragon Guards, so many potential officers have been killed and killed at one time, how can he not feel distressed as the commander.

Qin Hao was also a little upset after hearing this, so he said: "The number of casualties in Nine Dragon Guards actually exceeded one-tenth of the total casualties. Jiang Jiong, you seem to be slack in command, and you will be punished with three months' salary."


The corners of Jiang Jiong's mouth twitched, and finally he clasped his fists and said, "The last general will be punished."

"Order Longqi, let him lead the army to chase down the defeated army. It doesn't have to be completely wiped out, just let him not be able to gather to form a combat force. Anyway, he is still a bird in a cage, and it will not be too late to clean up after the decisive battle is over."


After giving the order, Qin Hao wanted to lead the Nine Dragon Guards and the rest of the elite cavalry back to the eight formations, but when he saw the formation of the Qing army in the distance, he had an idea and led nearly [-] elite cavalry to detour to the rear of the Qing army.

In this way, after Qin Hao's seven thousand cavalry and Long Qie's three thousand cavalry jointly defeated Huang Taiji's fifteen thousand army, they were divided into two again.

On the other side, after Nurhachi ordered the Huang Taiji troops to attack, he immediately ordered the whole army to attack Wei Qing's troops. After all, he didn't know how long Jin Wushu and Huang Taiji could last.

But what Nurhachi didn't expect was that the Qin army, who was impatient and eager to fight immediately, actually shot a feint, and the soldiers were divided into two groups, one with [-] and one with [-], trying to bypass it. The main force of the Qing army is not in a hurry to have a decisive battle with the Qing army.

Seeing the situation, Nurhachi saw that it was okay, the Qin army could afford to drag the Qing army but could not, and the [-] cavalry would have to be given away for nothing, so he quickly ordered a full-speed pursuit.

Nurhachi didn't dare to divide his troops to pursue them. After all, dividing his troops would disperse the combat power. There were only so many people left in the Qing army, so he couldn't give the Qin army a chance to defeat them one by one.

Nurha was going to rely on his strength to defeat the [-] Qin cavalry who were inexperienced first, and then pack up the other [-] fine cavalry. This would save time and effort, and it would be easier than directly defeating the [-] Qin cavalry.

Nurhachi thought beautifully, but he didn't know that every step he took was beyond the expectations of the Qin army's military division, and he was always the one who was played with from the beginning to the end.

Facing the pursuit of [-] Qing cavalry, Huo Qubing, who was in charge of commanding [-] cavalry, naturally would not choose to face the Qing army head-to-head. While retreating at full speed, he also shot and killed Qing cavalry in the rear with crossbow arrows.

[Ding dong, Huo Qubing's skill 'Riding the God' is activated, effects 1, 2, and 3 are activated in succession, force +4, the force bonus is doubled when riding a famous horse, leading the cavalry commander +2, the morale and speed of the whole army are greatly improved ;

At present, Huo Qubing's commander-in-chief has risen to 103, his force has risen to 113, and the morale and speed of the whole army have been greatly improved;]

With the increase of 'Eight Banners', Nurhachi's commander attribute rose to 103, and Huo Qubing also tied with the increase of 'Qi Shen' and 'Holy Emperor', but this was not his limit.

[Ding dong, Huo Qubing's skill 'Iron Horse' is activated.

Iron Horse: This is Huo Qubing's unique skill. When he is on the field with 'Golden Ge', it can activate the combination skill 'Golden Ge and Iron Horse'.

Effect 1, when commanding cavalry, the commander +1, the speed and durability of the whole army are doubled, and the morale and combat power are greatly improved;

Effect 2, when facing a foreign race, commander +2, force +4; when facing the same race, force +3;

Effect 3, when duel, can seal the increase of the opponent's mount.

The 'Iron Horse' effects 1 and 2 are activated in succession, the commander +1, and the speed, durability, morale, and combat power of the entire army are greatly improved; when facing foreigners, the commander +2 and force +4;

Huo Qubing's current commander has risen to 105, and his force has risen to 117;]

Holy Emperor +1, Riding God +2, Iron Horse +3;

The increase of the three commander skills directly increased Huo Qubing's commander attribute from 100 to a shocking 106 points, allowing Huo Qubing to reach a level comparable to that of Bai Qi, but the only pity is that it can only be used in the field of cavalry.

Even without relying on any external force, when Huo Qubing was in command of the cavalry, the commander can reach the level of 105,
So, to put it bluntly, in the field of cavalry, Huo Qubing is a bug, almost invincible.

Huo Qubing, who can command the infantry, does not have any skill enhancement, and can only rely on the basic command to lead the army.

In this regard, it can only be said that if there is a gain, there must be a loss.

The cavalry equipment equipped by Qin cavalry, such as stirrups, saddles, etc., is also available in the Eight Banners Army, but the riding skills possessed by the Eight Banners Army are not available to all cavalry.

Because of the gap in riding skills, even if Huo Qubing's troops were all light cavalry, his speed was still much slower than that of the Eight Banners Army, and it would only be a matter of time before he was caught up.

It is precisely because of this that Nurhachi gave priority to pursuing Huo Qubing's troops.

But what Nurhachi never expected was that the speed of the [-] Qin cavalry was getting faster and faster, and there was even a tendency to throw the Eight Banners away.

It's so unreasonable, it's just hell.

Under the double blessing of 'Qi Shen' and 'Iron Horse', Qin Qi completed the direct corner overtaking, surpassing the Eight Banners Army in terms of speed.

Originally, with the speed of the Eight Banners Army, they could catch up with the Qin Army very quickly, but no matter how the Qing Army pursued them, they could only follow behind and eat ashes.

Seeing that the distance between the two sides was about, Nurhachi's heart continued to sink, and there was no back arrow on the bow. Now he has no other ways except he continues to pursue the pursuit.

Huo Qubing took advantage of his speed and led the Qing army in circles to delay time. In the process, the Qin army wiped out the [-] troops of Jin Wushu's troops, and also defeated a whole army of Huang Taiji's troops. Fifty thousand troops.

 Modify the attributes of Xialong and 'Dragon Yin'. Before setting this skill, I really forgot that 'Tenglong' has other effects.

(End of this chapter)

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