Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2152 Eight Masters Fight Tie Shiwen

Chapter 2152 Eight Great Generals Fight Tie Shiwen

Chapter 2149: Eight Generals Fight Tie Shiwen

[Ding Dong, Cao Xing's skill 'Arrow King' is activated, the force is instantly +4, and the basic force is 94 (+4);
Holy Emperor +2, Golden Ge and Iron Horse +1, Parachutist +1, Iron Tire Bow +1;

Currently, Cao Xing's force has risen to 103 points. 】

At the critical juncture, Cao Xing drew his bow in time to rescue him, shot three arrows in a row, and shot at Tie Shiwen in the shape of the word 'pin'.

Tie Shiwen didn't expect that his luck would be so bad. In the first sneak attack, he met a Qin general who was very good at archery.

If it was just one arrow, he could still dodge it, but with the three arrows in a row, it was obvious that he was not going to give him a chance to dodge at the beginning, so as to force him to stop. If he still gave up the sneak attack, he would definitely be hit by the arrow.

Thinking of this moment, Tie Shiwen reined in his horse resolutely, and took back the sword that had been cut out. The horizontal sword shot all three arrows flying, but he didn't want Cao Xing to shoot three more arrows.

Tie Shiwen's pause gave Wei Xu a chance to escape, so he hurriedly rode away to prevent being attacked by Tie Shiwen again.

Cao Xing fired a bow and arrow with 103 points of force, and it was too whimsical to want to hurt Tie Shiwen, a God of War with a base force of 105, after all.

Without Tie Shiwen's precautions, Cao Xing couldn't hurt him at all, let alone now that he has taken precautions?
This time Tie Shiwen didn't even need to block, he lightly slid his horse's belly, and with a single leap of the horse, he easily avoided the three arrows, and then looked coldly at the gathered Qin generals.

After Wei Xu escaped to his death, he quickly fled to Cao Xing's side, and Hao Meng also gathered together, and the three generals were on guard against Tie Shiwen on the opposite side.

Cao Xing pointed his bow at Tie Shiwen, and said coldly, "Your Excellency, as a general of the Qing Dynasty, did not feel ashamed to conduct such a surprise attack?"

Tie Shiwen's attire is also different from that of a Qing general, it is at the general level, and he was named a general by Nurhachi not long ago.

As an admiral of a country, he carried out a sneak attack. This is indeed a bit shameful. If it is spread, it will definitely damage his reputation, but Tie Shiwen is not ashamed of it at all. Instead, he laughed suddenly: "This will be just I'm just afraid of trouble, even if Tangtang is real, killing you and others is like killing a chicken."


Tie Shiwen's almost contemptuous attitude made Cao Xing's three generals furious, but none of them dared to make any changes.

At this moment, Hou Cheng and Cheng Lian arrived together, which made Cao Xing secretly heave a sigh of relief.

The general of the Qing Dynasty not only means status, but also means strength.

Cao Xing didn't think that the three of them could defeat a general of the Qing Dynasty, so he deliberately delayed the time by saying something, but now that Hou Chenglian was helping him, his confidence was even greater.

"Brothers, the strength of this Qing general is not simple, let's kill him together."

"it is good."

Wei Xu sent out a righteous group fight, and the other four responded in unison.

Cao Xing also hung his bow on the horse's back, then took off his sword again, rode the horse with five others, and surrounded and killed Tie Shiwen.

[Ding Dong, Cao Xing's skill 'Sword General' is activated, force +2, base force 94 (+4), iron tire bow +1, current force rises to 101. 】

[Ding Dong, Hao Meng's skill 'Spearman' is activated, force +2, base force 90 (+2), current force rises to 96,]

[Ding dong, Song Xian's skill 'Spearman' is activated, force +2, base force 90 (+2), current force rises to 96. 】

[Ding Dong, Wei Xu's skill 'Knife General' is activated, force +2, base force 91 (+2), current force rises to 97. 】

[Ding dong, Hou Cheng's skill 'Knife General' is activated, force +2, base force 89 (+2), current force rises to 95. 】

[Ding dong, Cheng Lian's skill 'Spearman' is activated, force +2, base force 89 (+2), current force rises to 95. 】

Among Lu Bu's eight generals, apart from Zhang Liao and Zang Ba, Cao Xing had the most improvement in ability, and Jiwu surpassed the peak by a full 4 points.

Last time, during the battle in Youzhou, Cao Xing's basic strength was still 93, but now it has reached 94 points, obviously it has improved in the subsequent battles.

Of course, the other five and eight generals have also improved a lot, basically increasing their basic strength by 2 points, which is not easy for summoning generals.

As for Zang Ba, his experience was more tortuous.

During the Yellow Turban period, Zang Ba still belonged to the Han camp and served as the captain of the cavalry under Tao Qian. Later, Tao Qian was defeated by Zhu Yuanzhang, Zang Ba led the lone army and was besieged.

In the Central Plains War, Zang Ba led his army to fight between Xuhuai and Xuhuai. The ranks of famous generals in the Central Plains.

Back to the point.

Cao Xing, Hao Meng and other six generals, who were not considered powerful alone, showed an astonishing aura after joining forces. Even Tie Shiwen, who was at the level of God of War, had to deal with it seriously.

[Cao Xing, Song Xian, Hou Cheng, Wei Xu, Hao Meng, Cheng Lian activate the combination key 'Eight Generals'.

Eight Generals: The eight generals under Lu Bu and Ma Chao have a unique combo skill. This skill can only be activated when all four of them are present.

When four people are on the scene, all members' strength +1; when five people are present, all members' strength +2; when six people are present, all members' strength +3; All staff strength +4.

At present, there are six of the eight generals present, so the force of all members is +3.

Cao Xing's current strength has risen to 104;

Hao Meng's current strength is 99 after the increase;

Song Xian's current strength has risen to 99;

Wei Xu's current force has risen to 100;

Hou Cheng's current strength has risen to 98. 】

Without combo skills and other skill blessings, even if Cao Xing and others joined forces, they would still be delivering food to Shang Tie Shiwen, and it would be an exaggeration to say that one knife is one by one.

However, after obtaining the 'Holy Emperor', 'Golden Ge and Iron Horse', 'Flying General', and 'Eight Generals' successively, after the increase of these four skills, the overall combat power of the eight generals was directly raised to a higher level.

In the past, their combat power could only be considered weak among the super-class, but now they all have super-class late-stage combat power, and Cao and Wei Xu have even been boosted to the level of god generals.

During the Battle of Youzhou, Hou Cheng, Wei Xu, Cao Xing, Song Xian, and the four generals joined forces, but they still lost to Qin Wen, one of the four sects and eight hammers.

However, if they were to face Qin Wen again with the current lineup and current state, Qin Wen would undoubtedly lose.

Facing the eight strong generals in the current state, I am afraid that most of the great generals will shy away. It is a pity that this time they met Tie Shiwen of the God of War level.

Facing the joint siege of the five generals, Tie Shiwen held the sword in both hands to block with all his strength, and even blocked the six of them with his own strength, no matter how hard the six of them exerted themselves, they would not be able to survive in the slightest.

General Cao Xing and others were frightened by Tie Shiwen's divine power, so he quickly changed his tactics, and the five men surrounded Tie Shiwen, stabbing, chopping, and chopping for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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