Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2170 The death of Nurhaci

Chapter 2170 Nurhachi's Death (End)

Chapter 2167: The Death of Nurhachi (End)

"Qin Hao, I will die with you."


Zhanlu Sword's blade was extremely sharp, and it easily pierced through Shuerhaqi's abdomen, but he ignored it, as if it was not his side that was stabbed, and then grabbed Qin Hao's left arm holding the sword with both hands, Zhang He wanted to bite Qin Hao's neck when he opened his mouth, and he really wanted to die with Qin Hao.

Qin Hao was taken aback by this madness. He struggled with his left hand but found that he couldn't get free, so he quickly let go of the Overlord Halberd in his right hand, and put his right hand against Shuerhaqi's forehead to prevent him from biting his own. neck, while pounding Shuerhazi's stomach with his knee.

One, two, three...

Every time Qin Hao hit hard, Shuerhaqi vomited a mouthful of blood, and the look in his eyes became darker, but his hands refused to let go.

Shuerhaqi could feel that his vitality was constantly passing away, and knew that he could not kill Qin Hao, but he tried his last bit of strength and shouted: "Brother, hurry up, run."

call out……

A hidden arrow strikes through the air, and the person who shot the arrow is Jiang Jiong.

Seeing that Qin Hao and General Qing were entangled together, he was worried that Qin Hao would be injured, so he secretly shot cold arrows for support.

Jiang Jiong's arrow grasped the timing just right. Normally, it would not be easy for him to hit Shuerhaqi, but at this time Shuerhazi was already under control, unable to move at all, so that he was shot by an arrow. The temple, and then penetrated his head horizontally, and he collapsed to the ground like soft mud, completely out of breath.

[Ding Dong, Jiang Jiong's basic force is 94 (+4), the basic force for shooting and killing Aixinjueluo Shuerhaqi is 98, the force is permanently +1, and the current basic force is 95 (+5). 】

[Ding Dong, Jiang Jiong's skill 'Arrow General' is advanced to 'Arrow King'. 】

I have to say that Jiang Jiong's luck was really good. He shot and killed three Qing generals who were stronger than him in a row, and Jiwu also rose by a full 3 points, and his skills also advanced.

This kind of force increase speed has never happened before. It can be said that it is unprecedented. As for whether there will be no one in the future, it is hard to say.

When his half-brother Murhaqi died, Nurhachi didn't react at all.

After seeing the tragic situation of Shu Erhaqi, the third brother of the same mother, Nurhachi couldn't hold back anymore, tears flowed down unconsciously, and shouted in grief and indignation: "Third brother."

[Ding dong, Shuerhaqi died in battle, the effect 2 of 'Siblings' is activated, Nurhachi's basic force is permanently +1, force +5, the current base force of Nurhachi is 105 (+8), and the current force has risen to 125. 】

Qin Hao, who received the reminder, couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth, really afraid of something.

Qin Hao deliberately left Shuerhaqi to kill at the end, just to avoid triggering the "siblings" effect 2, but Shuerhaqi lost his mind due to the death of his son Jierhalang, and took the initiative to bump into Zhanlu Jian was then shot dead by Jiang Jiong with an arrow.

Shuerhaqi wanted to die, and Qin Hao had no choice but his death also made Nurhachi's life and death appear again.

Anyway, Qin Hao never imagined that because of the death of a son and a brother, Nurhachi would be abruptly pushed into the ranks of the God of War, becoming the second monarch besides Qin Hao to reach the level of God of War.

The death of his son Azig only increased his strength by 3 points, but the death of his younger brother Shuerhaqi increased his strength by [-] points.

Permanently increase the basic force by 1 point, temporarily increase the force by 5 points, and directly increase Nurhachi's force value to 125 points, which is not considered weak even in God of War.

After Qin Hao experienced a big explosion and some entanglement, the effect of the 'critical strike' has passed, and the force value returned to 125 after entering the weak stage.

That is to say, now Qin Hao and Nurhachi's force values ​​are equal, and Nurhachi is once again qualified to confront Qin Hao.

Although the force value has been caught up, Qin Hao is not worried at all.

Nurhachi is already a bare-handed commander, and the injuries on his body are still unclear, how many percent of his own force can he use?

On the contrary, except for being bitten on the leg, Qin Hao didn't suffer any injuries. He was basically at his peak state, and he could trigger a 'critical strike' after the weakness period passed.

For Qin Hao, it was not difficult to deal with Nurhachi, but what really made him afraid was the second life-saving effect of 'God's Help'.

Nurhachi looked at Qin Hao with great hatred. In just one day, his two sons were captured alive by Qin Hao, and one son, one nephew and three brothers all died at Qin Hao's hands.

So many direct blood relatives of the Aixinjueluo family were all killed by Qin Hao alone, how could Nurhachi not hate it.

"Qin Hao, I will never die with you."

Nurhachi pointed to the sky and started cursing. Although he was angry at this time, he did not lose his mind. He knew his physical condition, so he didn't dare to continue to tangle with Qin Hao. He picked up his shield and rushed towards Jiulongwei.

[Ding Dong, Nurhachi and Qin Hao form an endless mission of immortality. If they can kill each other, they will be rewarded with a 'skill advancement' once. 】

Seeing that Nurhachi was about to run, Qin Hao quickly chased after him, but because of Shuerhaqi's delay, Nurhachi had already slipped away. It would take a lot of legs and feet for him to catch up, so he recalled Xuelongju to chase after him on horseback.

Seeing this, Jiang Jiong wanted to order the shooting of arrows, but he was worried that it would hurt the Youth Olympic Games in the middle, so he didn't dare to let everyone shoot arrows, and only let one side shoot arrows, but Nurhachi, who had a force of 125 and held a shield, could not be hurt at all.

Nurhachi raised his shield and rushed to the front and back. After killing several Nine Dragon Guard knights in a row, he easily snatched a horse, but Qin Hao had already killed it just as he got on the horse.

"Where to go."

Qin Hao shouted and blasted out with a halberd. Nurhachi quickly raised his knife to block, but due to lack of preparation and injuries, Qin Hao directly blasted him off the horse.

As soon as Nurhachi fell off the horse, he struck the ground with a big knife, barely stabilized his figure, kicked a soldier away, and easily snatched a horse again. He glared at Qin Hao angrily, and shouted: "Qin Hao, you bully me!" Too many people."

Qin Hao shook the halberd in his hand, and said indifferently: "So what if you bully you? Besides, this is where you are." As soon as he finished speaking, he rode his horse and charged up.

Nurhachi didn't want to fight Qin Hao, but his mount had already been shot down, and what he snatched was just an ordinary horse. The speed was too slow, and he couldn't get rid of Qin Hao's pursuit at all, so he could only bite the bullet and grit his teeth to fight to the death.

The hasty foot battle between the two turned into a cavalry battle.

[Ding dong, effect 1 of Nurhachi's skill 'God's Help' is activated for the second time. When encountering a crisis, he will be blessed by God to help him through the crisis. 】

Qin Hao's heart shuddered when he received the reminder. While guarding against Nurhachi's escape, he also had to guard against the sudden intervention of a master.

The strength value of both is 125, but the two people are in completely different states. They fought fiercely for [-] rounds without a winner.

Twenty rounds later, Qin Hao was still the same as before, basically unchanged, but Nurhachi's face became paler, and his breath became more rapid. It was obvious that he was about to reach his limit.

Seeing this, Qin Hao didn't feel any joy, but was secretly amazed in his heart.

What kind of situation will Nurhachi's second "God's Blessing" appear on the stage? Why hasn't it been revealed after so long?
At this moment, a large number of warships jumped out of the sea level, sailed from north to south, and quickly approached the shore.

The flags hoisted on the ship are neither Chinese characters nor Manchu, so there is only one possibility, this is the fleet of the Wa Kingdom.

Seeing this, Nurhachi was overjoyed, and after forcing Qin Hao back with a single blow, he gasped and said, "Qin Hao, the allied forces to meet me are here, you can't kill me."

Qin Hao sneered, "You're too happy."

As soon as the words fell, another fleet sailed from south to north, flying the banner with the word "Qin", which was the Qingzhou Navy of the Qin Army.

"Governor, the Japanese navy is really here."

On the bow of the main ship, Zhou Yu put away the binoculars, and ordered coldly: "All the warships will be pushed up to force the Japanese pirates to retreat. The governor wants to see if the Japanese pirates will fight to the death for the tartars and our army."

"But the governor, what if the Japanese pirates don't retreat?"

"Then fight the Japanese pirates here."

Zhou Yu said murderously, after fighting guerrilla warfare with the Japanese pirates for so long, his patience was almost worn out. If the Japanese pirates dared to fight decisively, he would be willing.

On the main ship of Dongpu, Oda Nobunaga's eyes were full of fear when he saw the majestic but unfriendly Qin State navy, he sighed after a while and said, "Send the order and retreat."

"But Your Majesty the Emperor, the Qing Emperor is on the shore. If we retreat at this time, it may be difficult for the Qing allies to explain." Toyotomi Hideyoshi said worriedly.

"Confession? What is there to explain?"

A trace of disdain flashed across Oda Nobunaga's face, and he said indifferently: "I, Dongying, are not a vassal state of the Manchu Qing, what explanation do I need to give them?
Besides, I, Dongying, have helped the Manchus enough. Without the restraint of my Dongying navy, the Youzhou sea area may have become the back garden of the Qin navy.

I, Dongying, have no obligation to help Manqing go and fight Qin Jun to lose both sides. "


Toyotomi Hideyoshi wanted to refute, but was speechless, bowed his head and said, "Ha Yi."

woo woo woo...

The retreat horn sounded, and the Dongpu navy turned around and left. .

Nurhachi was full of joy at first, thinking that the Dongying navy must have come to rescue him, but when he saw the Qin army navy also appearing, his heart suddenly became cold, because it is impossible for Dongying to fight the Qin army for him , because this is not in line with the interests of Japan.

Sure enough, as soon as Qin's navy became tougher, Dongying's navy immediately gave up and ran away in despair.

"Is there anyone coming to save you now?" Qin Hao sneered.

"Qin Hao, don't be complacent. Even if I, Nurhachi, die, I won't make it easier for you. Kill me."

Nurhachi, who was completely desperate, swung a knife and took the initiative to kill Qin Hao.

Qin Hao responded coldly, and raised the Overlord's Halberd wrapped in inner energy with his right hand, and shouted at the same time: "Fulong soars to the sky."

[Ding Dong, Qin Hao's skill 'Critical Strike' is activated, and his force instantly increases by 10.

Qin Hao's basic force is 105, Overlord's Halberd, Zhanlu Sword +1, Snow Dragon Horse +1, Holy Emperor +2, Golden Ge and Iron Horse +1, Halberd God +4, Vertical and Horizontal +5, Holy Emperor's Copy Force +7, current force up to 136. 】


A golden dragon-shaped aura was shot out by Qin Hao, roaring and rushing towards Nurhachi with bursts of dragon chant.

Nurhachi wanted to dodge immediately, but found that he could not dodge. He was directly pierced by the dragon's energy, and let out a painful and shrill scream.



The dragon energy comes and goes quickly.

After it dissipated completely, the armor on Nurhachi's body had been reduced to ashes, and a lot of flesh and blood had disappeared from his body, with almost no good flesh left.

"Kill, kill, I, please, quick, kill, I..."

Nurhachi murmured in pain. He was experiencing unprecedented pain. It is not an exaggeration to say that life is worse than death. Now death is a kind of relief for him.

Qin Hao pulled out his Zhanlu sword, walked to Nurhachi, and said calmly, "Go all the way."


A cold light flashed, Qin Hao put his sword back into its sheath, and Nurhachi's head fell to the ground.

A hero of a generation, Nurhachi, the founding emperor of the Manchu Qing Dynasty, after arousing "God's Help", even if he had two chances to save his life, he still died tragically under Qin Hao's sword.

The death was extremely miserable.

 It's finally over, and a new plot will start soon, and then the protagonist will become emperor.

(End of this chapter)

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