Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2177 Changes at the sticky rod

Chapter 2177 Changes at the sticky rod

Chapter 2173: The change at the sticky pole

Although Aguda was deprived of his military power and sent to Liaodong County, it doesn't mean that he has no energy behind him. Wanyan's family is his biggest backing.

At present, there are three and a half states in the Manchu Qing Dynasty, namely: Manchuria, Jinzhou, Liaozhou (including the four counties of Youzhou and one vassal state), and the northern part of Hanzhou (Koguryeo).

Before the founding of the country, Manchuria was the territory of the Aixinjueluo family, while most of Jinzhou was the territory of the Wanyan family.

It is precisely because of this that in the early days of the founding of the Manchu Qing Dynasty, Nurhachi handed over Jinzhou to Aguda to take care of him, and the officials of the military and political system in Jinzhou were all single-handedly promoted. This caused the Wanyan family to have too much influence in Jinzhou. There is a tendency to never let go.

If Agu fights against him, Jinzhou will no longer be owned by the Manchus, and the Manchus will also usher in a bone scraping to cure poison.

It is precisely because of this that although Nurhachi was afraid of Aguda, he did not dare to force him too much. He just boiled the frog in warm water and tried to figure it out slowly.

After Aguda was assigned to Liaodong County, he only did three things:
1. Reached a conspiracy with Qin Hao to ensure that Nurhachi cannot return;
2. Secretly form an alliance with nobles such as the Tuoba family and the Fu family who are worried that they will also be seized;

3. Activate the secrets lurking inside the sticky stick until the sticky stick is fully controlled;

None of these three things is easy, but Aguda has a good helper, Zhang Yi.

With Zhang Yi's assistance, the three major events were carried out simultaneously. Although there were twists and turns, there were no serious problems, and they were generally developing towards the good side.

Now Aguda has reached the most important step, which is to exchange the elder brother Chu Ying from Qin Hao, and unite with a group of nobles to support Chu Ying's ascension to the throne, so that he will have the merit of supporting him and serve as the regent , In charge of the military and political power of the Qing Dynasty in an aboveboard manner.

"Qin Hao absolutely does not want to see Dorgon ascend the throne, he will definitely replay Chu Ying's return, military advisor, what should we do next?"

A Guda looked at Zhang Yi with burning eyes, he was only one step away from the position he dreamed of, and this was brought to him by his military adviser 'Su Qin', and he felt more and more that he couldn't do without him.

Seeing this, Zhang Yi smiled and said: "Your Majesty, you can attack the sticky pole now. Without the support from the sticky stick, it's like breaking Dorgon's arm."

A gleam flashed in A Guda's eyes, and he laughed loudly: "What the military division said is true, haha."

The few words spoken by the two of them was a big earthquake to the sticky pole.

Only a few days later, a large number of spies loyal to Aixinjueluo were inexplicably purged from within, and their original positions were replaced by people from Aguda.

The sticky place, the top espionage organization built by Nurhachi with a lot of painstaking efforts, changed hands within a few days, and became the sticky place of Wanyan's family.

Liaoxi County, the government office of Yangle County, a certain branch of Ciangan.

After learning the news that the entire frontline army was wiped out, Da Yuer immediately sent a message to the secret agents lurking in Youzhou, trying to secretly rescue the captured high-level officials and the royal family. Came back.

In addition, Manqing's interior has become a mess, and Da Yu'er has no time to be distracted. After she reacted, she found that she was vaguely excluded.

As the leader of the sticky pole, Da Yuer immediately realized that there must be a traitor inside the sticky pole. Although he didn't know who the traitor was, he still mobilized his forces to fight back at the fastest speed, but he was still a step behind .

Wanyan's family has consolidated most of the sticky poles, and Da Yuer's situation is gone, so he can only lead his loyal men to guard the last branch base, and at the same time ask for help from Dorgon in Manchuria, hoping get support.

After all, Da Yuer couldn't wait for Dorgon's support, because the distress message was never sent out, and more than half of the hundred swordsmen under her command had been killed or injured. an ambush.

Ah, ah, ah...

A series of screams resounded in a certain forest, which frightened the birds in the sky to dare not return to their nests, and the originally emerald green forest was also stained with a layer of blood.

Facing the internal pursuit, Da Yuer fought to the death with a sword, but the opponent was powerful and there were so many masters, all of her subordinates had died in battle. Now she is a bare-handed commander, and she is already in deep siege, it is impossible to escape out.

"Why, why did you betray?"

Da Yuer pointed at a group of spies with tears in her eyes and roared and questioned. Although these people were all masked, she could recognize most of them, because many of them were selected by her personally, but now they are chasing after them with swords. kill yourself.

After hearing Da Yuer's questioning, none of the spies responded with a word, and some people even lowered their heads in shame, not daring to look into Da Yuer's eyes, but at this moment a woman's voice came.

"Why? I'm going to ask Nurhachi."

The spies all tacitly made way for a plump and beautiful woman in a cheongsam of the Qing family to come out. She looked at Da Yuer and sneered, "He will be punished for the sins he has committed in the Aixinjueluo family." It's time."

When she saw the person coming, Da Yuer was struck by lightning. The person who came was her most trusted right-hand man, who gave her life to save her good sister, Cixi.

"Xingzhen, it turned out to be you."

It wasn't until this moment that Da Yuer understood why she had lost so badly, she didn't even have the slightest ability to fight back. With Xingzhen, the second in command, passing information to the opponent, all her actions were in the eyes of the opponent, so it would be strange if she won Woolen cloth.

"As expected, you still can't let go of your hatred." Da Yuer smiled wryly.

"Forget? Bloody hatred, how do you make me forget?" Cixi said coldly.

Aixinjueluo's family and Yehenala's family were feuds, and the two sides fought continuously. It was only Yehenala who was defeated and merged into the Qing Dynasty as a last resort.

Later, when Nurhachi was repairing the hall, he dug up a stone tablet with "Ye He, the one who destroyed the state" engraved on it.

This was obviously a tactic of alienation by hostile forces, but Nurhachi used this as an excuse to cleanse some Yehenala people who still hated Aixinjueluo's family, including Cixi's blood relatives.

The reason why Cixi escaped unharmed was firstly because she was still young at that time, and secondly because she was adopted to a childless uncle, and this uncle was loyal to Nurhachi, so she escaped unharmed.

This is also the biggest reason why Cixi was so easily won over by Aguda.

She wants revenge.

"My good sister, if it weren't for you, I wouldn't be able to avenge this bloody revenge. I should also thank you, so as long as you are caught without a fight..."

A cold light flashed in Cixi's eyes, and she sneered, "Sister, I can consider leaving you a whole body."

At this time, Cixi fully explained what it means to be ungrateful, cold-blooded and ruthless.Cruel.

"You actually want to kill me?"

Da Yu'er showed disbelief, she couldn't believe that Cixi could be so cruel, maybe she was like this in her nature, but she hid it too deeply, and she didn't realize it for more than ten years.

huh, huh, huh...

At this moment, a large number of crossbow arrows shot from the dense forest, followed by dozens of black-clothed swordsmen. They were all agile and skilled in martial arts. defeated.

Seeing this, Cixi's expression changed immediately, and she quickly shouted: "Quick, kill this bitch."


The four swordsmen surrounded them and slashed with their swords raised, but at this moment, two vigorous figures floated down from the sky, beheading the four second-rate swordsmen with a wave of their hands.

Cixi was a little panicked. She is not strong in martial arts, but she has a lot of knowledge and can tell who is a master.

"When did these two masters appear on the stick? It would be difficult to kill Da Yu'er with these two masters protecting them."

Ci Xi thought to himself, seeing that the enemy's reinforcements were approaching, and the good girl would not suffer, so he decisively ordered to retreat, and ran away with the rest of his men, preparing to go back and mobilize more men to continue the pursuit.

Cixi ran away, and the reinforcements who rescued Dayuer did not pursue, but fled westward with Dayuer.

Seeing this, Da Yuer asked puzzledly: "Shouldn't you go east when you return to Manchuria?"

Wearing a bronze iron mask and a close-fitting soft armor, the female swordsman turned her head to look at Da Yu'er, and said calmly, "Who said you're going to Manchuria? This is the way to Youzhou."

Da Yu'er's expression changed immediately, she stopped quickly, and asked coldly, "Who sent you here?"

"Why, won't you recognize this soon?"

The female swordsman took off her mask, revealing a soft and beautiful face, but Dayuer's pupils shrank suddenly, and she gritted her teeth and said, "Tian Yan, you are the one who saved me."

The mortal enemy at the sticky pole is Heibingtai, while Da Yuer's opponents are Tian Yan and Nongyu. She can't help thinking that she will be rescued by the mortal enemy when her own people are chasing and killing her, but the purpose of the other party to save her is obvious Not simple.

At this moment, Da Yuer was completely desperate.

(End of this chapter)

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