Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2185 Li Jing breaks through Wuguan

Chapter 2185 Li Jing breaks through Wuguan

Chapter 2181: Li Jing breaks Wuguan

Qin Hao, who received the system prompt, had arrived in Luoyang at this time, but the process of his return journey was not easy.

Originally, Qin Hao's route back to Luoyang should be to enter Jizhou, cross Weijun, go west to Hedong, cross the Yellow River in the south, and finally arrive in Luoyang.

But before Qin Hao left Youzhou and arrived at the border of Jizhou, he received a secret message from Heibingtai.

The secret agents of the Shu and Chu countries lurking in Jizhou secretly contacted some Hebei families, as well as the Songshan School, the Yellow River Gang, the Iron Palm Gang and other martial arts sects, and planned to intercept and kill Qin Hao on his way back to Luoyang.

Liu Xie is dead, and there will be no one who can restrain Qin Hao in the end. Qin Hao will definitely stand on his own when he returns to Luoyang this time.

Liu Xiu and Liu Ji, as clansmen of the Han family, naturally couldn't be indifferent to this, but there was no way to stop Qin Hao, they could only take risks and use all the forces lurking in Qin to intercept and kill.

Shu and Chu thought that their plans were very close, but they didn't know that all their actions were in the eyes of Heibingtai from beginning to end, and Qin Hao changed his route back to Luo.

This assassination not only involved the Jizhou aristocratic family and martial arts sect, but also involved forces from other countries, but Qin Hao still didn't take it seriously.

Although Qin Hao returned to Luo this time with light clothes and not many guards, but with Lu Bu and Sun Lingming around, they could kill all the people who participated in the interception with just the two of them.

But considering the situation in Luoyang, Qin Hao didn't want to delay too much on the road, so he agreed to change lanes halfway, go west, walk through Daijun, enter Yanmen, and then go all the way south, crossing the Yellow River and returning to Luoyang.

At the same time, another team pretended to be Qin Hao and his party, and continued to go to Jizhou and return to Luoyang. The purpose was naturally to lure the snake out of the hole, and then wiped it out in one fell swoop.

After entering Jizhou, this team went all the way without any crisis, but when they were about to enter Wei County, they were attacked by three thousand bandits.

These Hebei aristocratic families and rivers and lakes sects did not dare to blatantly intercept and kill Qin Hao, so they pretended to be bandits as a cover, but there are a large number of first-class masters among them, and there are also a few super-first-class masters, and there are even five grandmasters. It can't be bandits.

This interception is destined to be impossible to succeed, and the fate of those who participated in the interception is also doomed to be miserable.

After the traces of the forces involved in the interception were revealed, Julu prefect Tian Feng, Qinghe prefect Jushou, Zhao county prefect Wenzhong, and the prefects of the three prefectures came to the county soldiers to surround the opponent and cut off all the opponent's escape routes.

In addition, the Black Ice Terrace dispatched a grand master, two half-step grand masters, ten grand masters, and dozens of super first-class swordsmen to assist Tian Feng Jushou and others in their encirclement and suppression.

In the end, the [-] rebels who participated in the siege all died under the siege of the Qin army, and the gangsters headed by Zuo Lengchan were also killed by the black ice platform.

But this storm is not only not over, but has just begun.

After the siege was over, Tian Fengjushou and other talents led the army back, and launched a major purge of the entire Jizhou, labeling all the families and sects involved in the siege as rebellious, and directly sent troops to crusade.

There is a list provided by the Black Ice Platform, as well as the bodies of the participants as a fight, so there are no cases of wrongful killings and injustices.

In order to intercept and kill Qin Hao, these rebel forces have mobilized all their forces, and now facing the encirclement and suppression by the Qin army, they have no resistance at all.

In just three days, the nine counties of Jizhou were devastated.

23 big and small families including the Yuan family in Anping, the Zhang family in Jinan, and the Yan family in Bohai, and 27 big and small sects including the Songshan faction, the Yellow River gang, and the Iron Palm gang. .

In the end, Tian Feng executed 300 people for the crime of rebellion, and the rest were all reduced to slaves. The men were sent to Bingzhou to mine mines, and the women were reduced to officials.

Since then, the black and white in Jizhou have been completely clear, and there are no anti-Qin forces anymore.

Back on topic.

It was only after Qin Hao secretly returned to Luoyang that he discovered that he still underestimated the destruction of Sizhou by the Tang army.

After crossing the Yellow River, Qin Hao went all the way south and found that a lot of fertile land had been destroyed, most of the inns that had been built with painstaking efforts were also burned down, and the factories built outside Luoyang were directly evacuated.

As for the imperial capital Luoyang, it was even worse. Not only was it besieged by Li Tang's army for more than a month, but the imperial party even rebelled directly.

This also triggered fourteen great masters and a group of master masters to break out a big battle in the city.

This is the battle with the most masters involved so far, directly destroying nearly one-third of the buildings in Luoyang City, and thousands of people died as a result.

After the war, even though the government tried its best to provide disaster relief and help the people rebuild their homes, there are still many people living in tents.

Tang Jun's invasion of Sizhou this time did not cause too many casualties, but it caused great losses to Sizhou's brokers.

Qin Hao's preliminary estimate is that Sizhou's grain harvest will be halved at least this year, and don't even think about taxation. It might not be enough for disaster relief.

If Sizhou wanted to fully recover from his trauma, he might have to recuperate for a while.

"The four kingdoms of Shu, Chu, Tang, and Sui all sent troops together, and all three countries returned without success. Only the Tang Kingdom inflicted heavy damage on our Qin Kingdom. Li Shimin is indeed my king's great enemy."

Qin Hao sneered, but he was thinking about how to take revenge back, because he had just returned to Luoyang when he received the news that Li Jing had captured Wuguan in a surprise attack.

After the Sizhou War, the offensive and defensive between Qin and Tang were reversed. Li Jing ordered Zhang Liao to lead the army to coerce Tongguan on the surface, but secretly led elite soldiers and powerful generals to surprise Wuguan.

Li Shimin was only thinking about defending Tongguan, but he never expected that Li Jing would attack Wuguan. He was slightly slack in defending Wuguan, so that he was successfully attacked by Li Jing.

Knowing that Wuguan was lost, Li Shimin was shocked and turned pale, and hurriedly dispatched troops, trying to take advantage of the Qin army's unstable foothold to recapture Wuguan.

But Wuguan is guarded by Li Jing himself, how can it be so easy to grab?
Moreover, with the restraint of Zhang Liao's army, the Tang army could not spare too many troops to attack Wuguan.

In the end, after a fierce attack to no avail, Li Shimin finally chose to give up, and instead deployed heavy troops to guard the two counties of Shangluo and Shangxian after Wuguan.

In addition, Li Shimin is also preparing to rebuild the long-abandoned Gaoguan, and build a defense line in Lantian County at the end of Shangyu Road, in order to prevent the Qin army from taking the route of Wuguan to enter Guanzhong.

It has to be said that although Li Shimin's invasion of Sizhou this time caused a lot of losses to the Qin army, his own losses were also not small.

Of the 15 Tang troops who invaded, only [-] returned to Guanzhong, and [-] elite soldiers died in Sizhou.

In contrast, the Qin army successfully completed the great cause of unifying Hebei, adding tens of millions of people. Once it is digested, the national power will skyrocket to a terrible level.

The Tang State suffered heavy losses and did not gain an inch of land, but the Qin State was newly divided into two and a half states. With the ebb and flow of each other, the gap in national power will become wider and wider.

(End of this chapter)

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