Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2187 Sending troops to Guanzhong

Chapter 2187 Sending troops to Guanzhong
Chapter 2183: Send troops to Guanzhong
In the bed warm as jade, Qin Hao hugged Liu Mu's smooth and tender jade body with his left hand, thinking in his heart that this is the fighting power that a great master should have.

He is also a great master, Liu Mu's fighting power on the ground is not as good as Ren Hongchang's, but his fighting power on the bed is not as good as that of two Ren Hongchangs.

The couple reunited after a long absence, Xiao Biesheng was newly married, and the fight lasted for an hour before it ended.

After the battle, Qin Hao, who had entered the state of a sage, caressed Liu Mu's jade back. Although he was very reluctant to give up, he was already powerless. If he continued, his waist and forehead would hurt, so he slowly got up.

But he had just sat up, when a soft figure leaned against him behind him, rippling thrillingly.

Liu Mu leaned on Qin Hao's shoulder, wrapped his arms around his arm, and expressed deep reluctance in his charming and lazy voice: "Husband, are you leaving?"

Qin Hao's heart couldn't help shaking, secretly thinking that he was going to die.

In the past, Liu Mu was not so charming. Obviously, Ren Hongchang's arrival made Liu Mu feel threatened, and that's why he acted like this. However, this was a good thing for Qin Hao, and he was able to experience a different atmosphere.

"Well, there is still a lot of mess to be dealt with here in Luoyang, and now is not the time for children to love each other." Qin Hao said pretending to be serious.

Liu Mu rolled her eyes. The husband and wife have been married for many years. She understands Qin Hao's temperament, but she didn't say much, and got up to help her husband get dressed.

Under Liu Mu's service, Qin Hao, who was dressed, thought for a while and said to Liu Mu, "Mu'er, there is actually one thing you are much better than Hong'er."

Liu Mu was taken aback. She didn't know how she was better than Ren Hongchang, but since her husband said so, she must have her own strengths, so she quickly asked, "Husband, what is it?"


Qin Hao leaned close to Liu Mu's ear and whispered something, but Liu Mu's face turned pink in embarrassment, and he wanted to pinch Qin Hao again if he refused.

Qin Hao was naturally prepared, laughed, and ran away in a flash, and Liu Mu stomped his feet in anger.

After appeasing Liu Mu, Qin Hao prepared to invite Jia Xu, Han Fei and others for a meeting, and before the order was issued, Liu Mu's lifelong enemy, Ren Hongchang, came to him.

"Have you coaxed your Wannian princess well?" Ren Hongchang asked with a smile.

Qin Hao shuddered, he was here to ask for guilt, so he embraced him directly, and said softly: "Hong'er, the relationship between us has gone through hardships, why should you be jealous of Mu'er?" Woolen cloth."

Ren Hongchang and Qin Hao were newlyweds, and when they were inseparable, they were hugged by Qin Hao, and their whole body softened. After hearing what Qin Hao said, they were even more elated, and snorted, "You're the only one who will coax me."

Qin Hao secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and said again: "Hong'er, can I ask you something for my husband?"

"What's the matter?"

"Mu'er is Hongye's biological mother after all, so, you know, don't bully her anymore, it will be embarrassing for your husband."

"Hmph, it's because she overestimated her own strength and brought shame on herself."

Ren Hongchang was not lying. It was true that Liu Mu took the initiative to provoke each time, but if it was said that Ren Hongchang did not set up a trick and deliberately provoked her to provoke him, Qin Hao would not believe anything he said.

It has to be said that compared to Ren Hongchang, Liu Mu's ranking is still too low, but he still regards Ren Hongchang as an opponent, and now he is almost being played by Ren Hongchang.

"You, you are a good boy even if you get it cheap."

Qin Hao pampered Ren Hongchang's nose, and said softly: "For the sake of my husband, next time Mu'er is provoking you, you should not remember the villain's mistakes, and give her some dignity."

Liu Mu and Ren Hongchang were born at odds, even Qin Hao would have a hard time changing Liu Mu's thinking so that she would no longer be an enemy of Ren Hongchang, and since Liu Mu couldn't be changed, then Ren Hongchang's subordinates could be merciful.

"I know, I know."

With that said, Ren Hongchang pushed Qin Hao to the ground, and then rode directly on top of him.

Qin Hao was stunned for a moment, and his expression became a little unnatural, and he said with a look of embarrassment: "Wait, Hong'er, it's broad daylight, what are you doing?"

Ren Hongchang filled his lower lip with winking eyes: "Husband, you understand."

"But there are still important things to do as a husband..."

Ren Hongchang interrupted before he finished speaking.

"Nothing is as important as future generations."

As he said that, Ren Hongchang leaned close to Qin Hao's ear, and uttered the charm of Finland: "Hongye Ying'er and the others are so cute, and Hong'er also wants a child of her own."

After saying that, he stuck out his tongue and touched Qin Hao's neck, making Qin Hao's goose bumps all over his body.

"I'm going to die."

Qin Hao couldn't help but wryly smiled, and when he looked at Ren Hongchang, who was pressing on him, his eyes were as charming as silk, budding, ready to go, and he knew that he couldn't escape, so he simply gave up.



After a while, Qin Hao walked into the meeting room in a nonchalant manner, while Jia Xu, Han Fei, Qin Jian and others had been waiting for a long time.

Looking at Qin Hao with a tired face and black eyes, as if he had been hollowed out, all the civil and military personnel thought it was the result of rushing back to Luoyang overnight, so they said in unison: "My lord, Zhouma has worked hard."

Only the old driver, Han Fei, smiled wretchedly and showed an expression that I understand you.

Seeing this, Qin Hao couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth, thinking: You know what a fart.


Qin Hao coughed intentionally to ease the embarrassment, and then said: "During my king's conquest of Hebei, the Tang army took the opportunity to invade Sizhou. Fortunately, the kings fought to the death to keep Luoyang. You are all great heroes."

"It is our honor to die for our lord." Everyone responded in unison.

Qin Hao nodded, looked at Jia Xu, and asked, "Military division, how far has the war on the western and southern fronts progressed?"

Jia Xu stood up and reported: "My lord, the combination of the two generals Yue Fei and Han Xin, together with General Zhao Yun's [-] Hetao cavalry, has completely reversed the situation. Now the situation of our army in Jingbei is very good. The war in Jingbei may come to an end.

As for the western front, with General Li Jing's successful capture of Wuguan, the southern gate of Guanzhong has been opened to our army, and General Li Jing wrote a letter requesting to take this opportunity to enter Guanzhong. "

After listening to Jia Xu's words, Qin Hao showed a thoughtful expression.

At present, Li Shimin has deployed heavy troops on the front line of Shangluo in Lantian. Although Shangluo and Shangxian are also strong cities, compared with Wuguan, they are still far behind.

Li Shimin even wanted to rebuild the ancient pass, but this is by no means something that can be accomplished overnight.

So if we send troops from Wuguan now, it is really possible to capture Guanzhong.

After returning to Luoyang, Qin Hao knew that the day when he became emperor was not far away, and once he replaced Han, the country name would definitely be 'Qin'.

Since "Qin" is the name of the country, but the land of Qin is in the hands of others, it is inevitable that there will be some regrets if you call yourself emperor.

Therefore, if you take this opportunity to seize Guanzhong, you will have no regrets in proclaiming yourself emperor.

But the problem now is that the Qin army needs to recuperate and digest the results of the battle most now, and under the successive battles, the food and grass are about to be exhausted, and it has reached the point where it cannot survive.

If he attacked Guanzhong at this time, it would be tantamount to fighting a national war with Tang State. Li Shimin would definitely mobilize soldiers from all over the country to resist to the death, but Tang State still has nearly 30 troops.

Based on the current situation of the Qin army's food and grass, if it really starts to fight, it may not be able to persist until the end. If it fails halfway, it will only scare the snake, and the next attack on Guanzhong will be even more difficult.

Qin Hao always likes to do things with [-]% certainty, but now he is only [-]% sure of conquering Guanzhong, so he inevitably hesitates in his heart.

But thinking about it now that Wuguan is in hand, once Lantian is captured, they can go straight to Chang'an. It would be a pity if such a good opportunity is not grasped.

What's more, even if the battlefield is in Tang State, if they fail to capture Guanzhong this time, it will not be a big loss to the Qin army. On the contrary, it can further weaken Tang State and pave the way for the next attack on Guanzhong.

With this in mind, Qin Hao finally made up his mind, and ordered in a deep voice: "The order will pass on, appoint Li Jing as the governor of Yongzhou, command the 14 troops on the western front, and take full charge of the attack on Guanzhong."

(End of this chapter)

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