Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2190 Defeat the Shu-Chu coalition

Chapter 2190 Defeat the Shu-Chu coalition

Chapter 2186: Defeating the Allied Forces of Shu and Chu

"Reporting to my lord, Governor Yue Fei led his army to defeat the allied forces of Shu and Chu, and achieved a great victory in Xiangyang. A total of 15 enemies were wiped out and [-] were self-damaged.

Hou Yi, a general of the Shu Kingdom, was killed by the governor Yue Fei;

Liu Ji, king of Shu, was shot and wounded by General Zhao Yun, and his life is unknown;

The traitor Qin Hui was captured alive by General Yue Yun;

At present, the remnants of Shu and Chu have retreated to Nanjun, relying on the city to defend to the death, and are no longer able to invade Xiangyang. "

Qin Hao said that Jingbei will decide the winner in the near future, and the meeting has not yet ended, and the news of Yue Fei's defeat of the Shu-Chu coalition came back.

After hearing the news, Qin Hao was secretly relieved, and at the same time, he was very glad that he did not kill Zhao Gao, or Gao Yao, because without him, he would have won this battle.

In fact, I just found out that Zhao Gao was also born. Qin Hao's first reaction was to kill him. After all, he is a descendant of the Ying family. Reviving the Qin Dynasty was his mission engraved into his DNA, but Zhao Gao was the biggest pusher behind the death of the Qin Dynasty.

Qin Hao and Zhao Gaozhi had a natural grudge, and killing him was a matter of course, but after thinking about it, this Zhao Gao was not the Zhao Gao in history, but Gao Yao from "Mythology".

Compared to Zhao Gao, the treacherous minister in history, Gao Yao is just an unlucky guy who accidentally crossed over. He doesn't have the luck of the protagonist Yi Xiaochuan. If he doesn't want to be bullied, he can only fight against fate. By mistake, he also replaced Zhao Gao in the original history.

Zhao Gao is undoubtedly a villain, but Gao Yao is not, on the contrary he is still a poor person, and Gao Yao is Zhao Gao, but Zhao Gao is not Gao Yao.

After thinking of this, Qin Hao gave up on killing Gao Yao. After all, the wronged one has the head and the debtor has the right to pay. He doesn't even care about Xiang Yu, so what is a high Yao worth?
Gao Yao had already decided to die by himself, but he didn't expect Qin Hao to be so broad-minded, so he was moved and chose to reciprocate, ready to help Qin Hao complete the great cause of reunification.

Gao Yao knew that his ability was not ranked among the Qin army, and his only advantage was the experience of his previous life. He accompanied the two founding emperors of Qin and Han all his life. No one knew Qin Shihuang and Han Gaozu better than him, so Decided to take risks and lurk beside Liu Ji.

Gao Yao knows Liu Ji too well, even better than Liu Ji himself. Only by Liu Ji's side can he play the greatest role. While helping Qin Hao, he can also resolve the grievances with Liu Bang in his previous life.

Gao Yao, who has been a prime minister, is not weak. Five dimensions: Commander 60, Force 65, Intelligence 90, Politics 95, Charm 82;

If that's the case, Qin Hao would not agree to Gao Yao's lurking into the Kingdom of Shu. After all, it is not something ordinary people can do to deceive Liu Ji and Chen Ping.

The reason why Qin Hao changed his mind and agreed to Gao Yao's latent plan was actually because of Gao Yao's skills and heart.

[Heart defense: Once you deceive the other party, it will make the other party lower their vigilance towards you, and even eventually be completely undefended. When facing yourself, the other party's intelligence will drop by 1~10 points. 】

'Heart Defense' is undoubtedly a terrifying skill, once successfully activated, it will reduce the opponent's intelligence to an astonishing level.

It is precisely because of the skill of 'Heart Defense' that Qin Hao agreed to Gao Yao's adventure plan.

Relying on this understanding of Liu Ji and the intentional cooperation of Qin Jun, Gao Yao soon gained Liu Ji's trust after entering Shu, and was regarded by Liu Ji as a confidant and loyal minister.

Liu Ji and Chen Ping never thought that Gao Yao would rebel, because Gao Yao's personality is loyalty, so naturally they can't find Gao Yao's problem.

Both Liu Ji and Chen Ping couldn't find out, and even Liu Xiu, who was an outsider, couldn't find out, so naturally he wouldn't be wary of Gao Yao.

In the end, under the effect of Gao Yao's skill 'Heart Defense', Liu Ji, Liu Xiu and even Chen Ping were demoted, so under Gao Yao's deliberate misleading, they miscalculated the combat power of the Qin army, and wishful thinking Thinking that the field battle must be won, he finally fell into the trap of Yue Fei and Han Xin.

The biggest mistake Liu Ji made was not to underestimate the combat power of the Hebei army, but to underestimate the combat power of Zhao Yun's [-] cavalry.

Soon after the decisive battle started, it turned into a big melee.

Yue Fei led [-] veterans to form a central army, and against Liu Ji's [-] Shu army, the two sides fell into a stalemate, and it was difficult to distinguish the winner for a while.

Han Xin led [-] troops from Hebei to form a right-wing army, and against Liu Xiu's [-] troops from Chu, the Qin army was slightly disadvantaged.

Qin Zheng led a mixed army of [-] old and new troops to form a left-wing army to face the [-] Shu-Chu mixed army of Shu general Cao Shen.

Due to the large number of recruits, the Qin army on the left wing fell below. If there were no reinforcements, they would definitely be defeated by the coalition forces.

The defeat of the first army means that the other two will also lose.

In the early stage of the Battle of Xiangyang, the situation was obviously unfavorable to the Qin army.

But just when Liu Ji and Liu Xiu thought that the Qin army had exhausted its troops and had no energy left to fight back, and their own chances of victory were at hand, Zhao Yun, who had been hidden as a trump card, led [-] cavalry and Beiwei troops to join the battle in time, and helped Qin Zhengjun defeated Zhou Bo's [-] troops in one fell swoop.

Cao Shen is a famous general in command of 96, and his [-]-strong army is not bad. It stands to reason that he would not be defeated so quickly, but the cavalry of the Qin Army came too suddenly, and the offensive was too fierce. With his [-] cavalry The mixed army couldn't stop it.

Under the offensive of Zhao Yun's [-] cavalry, Cao Shen was blocked even in the first round of charging, and the [-] army was directly defeated.

After defeating Cao Shen, Zhao Yun led the army to support Yue Fei's central army, leaving Qin Zheng to lead the army to pursue Cao Shen's defeated army.

Zhou Bo's army was defeated, and the situation between the two sides was reversed instantly.

Liu Ji didn't expect Cao Shen to be defeated so quickly, and it was too late when he learned about it. The Qin and Shu armies fought together.

Just when Liu Ji and Chen Ping were thinking hard about countermeasures, Zhao Yun's [-] iron cavalry rushed over, and directly stunned Liu Ji's central army, but they did not immediately be defeated. Instead, they gritted their teeth and persisted desperately. It's just futile.

No matter how the Shu army struggled, they could not escape the fate of being pierced by iron cavalry. In the end, they could not follow in Cao Shen's footsteps and were defeated by Yue Fei and Zhao Yun.

The two armies have won, and the battle of Xiangyang has been won.

Knowing that both Liu Ji and Cao Shen were defeated, Liu Xiu knew that he was powerless, so he resolutely abandoned the car to protect the handsome man, and the strong man cut off his wrist. He barely saved the main force and fled all the way back to Jiangling after paying a considerable price.

Liu Ji was not as lucky as Liu Xiu. The Shu army was the main target of the Qin army. As soon as his army was defeated, Yue Fei divided the cavalry into several groups to pursue and cut off Liu Ji's escape route to Jiangling.

The road to the south was blocked by the cavalry of the Qin army. Liu Ji had no way to go to Jiangling, so he could only go west, but Yue Fei personally led the Beiwei army to catch up.

It is obviously not easy to get rid of Yue Fei's pursuit.

Liu Ji changed his route several times, but he couldn't get rid of Yue Fei. Yue Fei was like a roundworm in his stomach. When Liu Ji was about to despair, Xing Tian took the initiative to ask for orders to stay behind.

(End of this chapter)

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