Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2193 Shooting God Falls Martial Saint Out

Chapter 2193 Shooting God Falls Martial Saint Out

Chapter 2189: Shooting God Meteor Martial Saint Comes Out

Hou Yi saw that the pursuers had arrived, and the horse under his crotch was exhausted. Unless he snatched a horse that was still energetic, it would be impossible to shake off the pursuers.

But based on his current state, it is absolutely impossible to snatch the horse from Yue Fei and others. In desperation, he can only take out the Sun Shooting Arrow again, hoping to scare Yue Fei and others away.

Needless to say, this trick is really useful.

Even though Yue Fei had already learned from Jiang Song that Houyi had used the arrow to shoot the sun, he still felt a little apprehensive in his heart. He unconsciously slowed down and put all his strength on guard, but Huang Tianhua, Huang Tianxiang and Zhang Kui were on the fence. rushed up.

The Huang Tianhua Brotherhood is so hard-headed because they don't believe that Hou Yi can use the sun-shooting arrows again. Zhang Kui has never seen the power of the sun-shooting arrows, so he doesn't believe that Hou Yi is such a powerful archer.

Seeing that only Yue Fei was scared away and the other three didn't respond, Hou Yi knew that he was doomed today, and he was no match for any of these three when he fought alone.

However, before his death, Houyi had to shoot the last arrow to shoot the sun, and chose Zhang Kui, who he thought was the strongest among the three.

In fact, the person Hou Yi wanted to shoot the most was Yue Fei, but Hou Yi's act of intimidation just now had already made Yue Fei vigilant.

Just looking at Yue Fei's hiding so far away and his alert face, Hou Yi knew that even if he used the sun-shooting arrows, he might not be able to kill him, so he couldn't choose the strongest among the three generals in front of him.

Hou Yi regretted the intimidation just now. If he had known that he would die, he should have shot an arrow at Yue Fei directly, and pulled Yue Fei as his back.

You must know that Yue Fei is the governor of Jingzhou and the commander of the 21 Qin army. It is of the greatest value to shoot him. It is not a loss to have a famous general like Yue Fei accompany Hou Yi to die.

Unfortunately, it is too late to regret now.

Hou Yi didn't know which of the three generals Zhang Kui, Huang Tianhua, and Huang Tianxiang was stronger, because even Huang Tianxiang, the weakest of the three, couldn't beat him.

However, Zhang Kui and Jiang Songyu Wencheng teamed up and almost killed Xing Tian, ​​while Huang Tianxiang, Yue Yun and the other three were not Xing Tian's opponent.

Through this point, Hou Yi believed that Zhang Kui was the strongest among the three, so he decided to use the sun-shooting arrow against Zhang Kui

When Zhang Kui really shot the arrow against the sun, he felt the oppressive feeling of the sky falling and the earth cracking, and then he understood why Hou Yi was the best archer in the world, and he regretted his reckless move very much, but just like Hou Yi It's too late to regret, I can only do my best to resist the arrow.

Under the crisis of life and death, Zhang Kui burst out his full potential, unable to break through his own bottleneck, Ji Wu permanently increased by 1 point to 107.

But this is of no use.

Zhang Kui wanted to fly the Sun-shooting arrow with all his strength, but the ancestral sword in his hand was broken directly, and was shot through the heart, dying tragically on the spot.

Zhang Kui's death made Yue Fei very angry. Zhang Kui was borrowed from Han Xin, but now he died under Hou Yi's arrow in front of him. How could he explain to Han Xin?

Hou Yi had just used up his arrows for shooting the sun, and he could no longer use the second arrow, so Yue Fei rushed up to make up for it at full speed, and cooperated with Huang Tianhua and Huang Tianxiang brothers to launch a siege, without giving Hou Yi the slightest chance to continue using bows and arrows.

Under the full siege of the three gods of war, even Houyi, as a super general, couldn't last a single round. He was shot through both arms by Huang Tianhua with two piercing nails, and then his spine was broken by Huang Tianxiang. He flew out, and was shot through the heart by Yue Fei before landing.

In this way, Hou Yi, the world's number one archer, was besieged by the three gods of war, and finally died tragically at the hands of Yue Fei.

But before Hou Yi died, he shot and killed Huang Tianjue, Huang Feibiao, Xiong Tianqing and Zhang Kui four Qin generals one after another, including two gods of war, which is considered an honor to die.

[Ding dong, Yue Fei defeated the super god general Hou Yi with a weak victory and was rewarded with a skill fusion opportunity. The skill 'Jing Zhong' was fused with 'Gun God' to become a 'Warrior Saint'.

Martial Sage: Martial arts supreme, extraordinary and holy.This skill is a fusion of 'Gun God' and 'Jing Zhong'.

Effect 1...]

It stands to reason that the weak can defeat the strong, and the one who will be killed is a super general, so Yue Fei should always have a permanent +1 force.

But Yue Fei didn't have this treatment, he just got a skill fusion, which obviously didn't meet the feat of beheading a super general.

But this is also the case, which just shows that the skill of Wu Sheng is extraordinary. Just the fusion of skills is enough to match the feat of beheading a super general. It can be seen that this skill is by no means comparable to conventional fusion skills.

The same is the fusion of skills, Guan Yu only fused a fake martial saint, while Yue Fei fused the real martial saint by beheading Hou Yi, a super general.

Pseudo-warrior saints are not inferior to supernatural skills of weakness, but what Yue Fei possesses is a real martial saint, so he doesn't need to think about it and knows that he will definitely not be inferior to super-supernatural skills.

After killing Hou Yi with a single shot, even Yue Fei himself was stunned. He was only here to help the Huang family brothers, and he didn't have the idea of ​​killing Hou Yi, so why did he kill Hou Yi for the Huang family brothers instead?

It was only Huang Tianxiang's shot that created such a good fighter, Yue Fei shot subconsciously without thinking too much, and by the time he realized that Hou Yi was already dead.

Yue Fei knew that all the brothers of the Huang family wanted to kill Hou Yi with their own hands to take revenge, and they also had their own secrets, but now they killed Hou Yi by themselves, which made him feel ashamed of the two brothers, so he beheaded Hou Yi Yi's credit was recorded on the head of the Huang family brothers, and Hou Yi's body was also handed over to the Huang family brothers for disposal.

Yue Fei thought that the Huang brothers would whip the corpse to vent their anger. After all, this was a big revenge for killing brothers and brothers, but he didn't expect that they just cut off Houyi's head and did not do anything to insult the corpse. Brothers appreciate it even more.

Yue Fei decided to go back and ask Huang Zhong to see if the two young generals of the Huang family were married. If not, they could be included in the son-in-law's candidate list. His daughter Yue Yinping was also at the age to marry.

After beheading Houyi, Yue Fei and his party immediately returned to the fork in the road, and continued to chase in the direction Liu Ji was escaping. However, after two hours of continuous pursuit, they only found corpses all over the place.

Half a day later, Yue Fei and others met Zhao Yun, Huang Zhong and other generals who had returned, and learned what happened during their pursuit.

It turned out that after the generals pursued separately, Zhao Yun, Huang Zhong and other generals chased Liu Ji for three hours, but before they had time to kill Liu Ji, Kuafu, Fan Kuai and other Shu generals led more than a thousand elite soldiers to meet Liu Ji. season.

Kua Fu confronted Dian Wei and Xu Chu, Huang Zhong fought against Fan Kui, and Zhao Yun went to chase and kill Liu Ji alone.

Dian Wei and Xu Chu were considered not to be Kuafu's opponents in a single duel, but they joined forces to inspire the combo skill "Liger and Tiger Shuangsha", and once defeated Liangzhou's No. [-] fierce general with a high record.

In fairness, although Kuafu's strength is stronger than Gao Ang's, but not too much stronger, so the overall strength is weaker than Dianxu and the other two.

Kuafu and Dianwei Xu Chu fought for more than 100 rounds, but they were still defeated by the combination of the two, and finally they were injured and fled.

 Third watch, ask for a monthly ticket and a recommendation ticket, I haven't asked for it for a long time
(End of this chapter)

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