Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2198 Wen Zhong and Jiang Shang

Chapter 2198 Wen Zhong and Jiang Shang

Chapter 2194: Wen Zhong and Jiang Shang

"Kong Peng and the mountain lion camel are warriors at the God of War level. I don't know to what extent they will be strengthened after fusing the Peng Demon King and the Lion Camel King."

Qin Hao sighed softly, although he was concerned, he was not worried.

The Luoyang coup led to the tragic death of Kong Rong, and Kong Peng also hated Qin Hao because of this.

But now even the Kong family has turned to Qin Hao. If Kong Peng really dares to fight against Qin Hao, Kong Xuan and Kong Qiu will deal with him.

As for the Mountain Lion Camel, who was once the No. [-] general of the Manchu Qing Dynasty, since the Manchu and Qing infighting, he has neither sided with Dorgon nor Aguda. Obviously, he is not ready to participate in the infighting.

The mountain lion camel's sloppy style is also the most hated by the superiors. No matter who wins the final victory, he will definitely not give the mountain lion camel a good face.

"The Jiao Demon King among the Seven Great Sages seems to be no worse than the Bull Demon King. His base strength should be between 106 and 107. If he dies, it would be a good name to cut him down.

As for Wuzhiqi, who is also one of the four great monkeys?

The four great monkeys are deadly enemies to each other. I already have Sun Lingming, so I can no longer subdue Wuzhiqi. What a pity. "

Qin Hao looked away regretfully, while waiting for the next round of balance.

[Balanced character 6, Grand Master of the Shang Dynasty, Wen Zhong: Commander 100, Force 106, Intelligence 94, Politics 96, Charm 90;

Implanted identity: Taoist Shangqing Daoist direct disciple, became an official during the period of Emperor Huan, assisted Huanling two times as Emperor of Han, served as prefect of Yongchang, Guanghan, Kuaiji, Lingling and other seven counties, and guarded southern Xinjiang for the Han Dynasty for more than ten years He defeated Nanman, Shanyue, and Baiyue successively, and became a general of hussars, and Jiang Shang, who guarded the north, was called the "pillar of the north and south".

Carry 11 people: Our Lady of Golden Spirit, Our Lady of Guiling, Our Lady of Wudang, Deng Zhong, Xin Huan, Ji Li, Yu Qing, Mo Liqing, Mo Lihong, Mo Li Hai, and Mo Li Shou. 】

"Wen Zhong was born? And he's still in the wild."

Qin Hao's eyes lit up when he saw this.

As long as the characters who can see the balance of attributes are born, they are not counted as carrying characters (the probability of wild characters appearing among carrying characters is high), most of them are directly implanted under the command of other princes, but a few of them are in the wild state.

For this type of outlaws, whoever is lucky enough to subdue them first will belong to them.

Therefore, Qin Hao still welcomes such outlaws very much. Even if he doesn't win and submit to others in the end, at least he still has a chance to subdue them.

"I heard that Grand Master's five dimensions are really magnificent. The dual attributes of commander and force have reached the gold level, which is stronger than the attributes of most founding emperors."

Looking at Wen Zhong's attribute panel, Qin Hao salivated greedily, planning in his mind that when the battle of super gods was over, he would ask Heibingtai to search for Wen Zhong's whereabouts, and if he found out, he would invite him back even if he visited the thatched cottage.

"Among Wen Zhong's carrying characters, apart from the three holy mothers, they are his four apprentices and the four generals of the Demon family. Among these eight people, there must be no generals at the level of God of War."

From Qin Hao's analysis, it was obvious that in the battle of Juelongling, Wen Zhong added four apprentices, five of them besieged Nezha, and two of them were killed. So how could there be a God of War among his four apprentices?

As for the four generals of the Demon family, all four of them joined forces and were wiped out by Huang Tianhua. It is obviously impossible for the God of War to appear with this record.

Although the four generals of the Demon family are not gods of war, they are definitely not weak among the gods. The combination of the four must be much stronger than ordinary gods of war, and there should be combos.

"The implantation of Wen Zhong's identity is a bit interesting. He and Jiang Shang are also called 'North and South Pillars'? In this way, the next balanced figure is..."

Before Qin Hao finished speaking, the system prompt came, and it was exactly as he expected.

[Balanced character 7, the first hero in the founding of the Zhou Dynasty, the founder of military science, Jiang Ziya: commander 101, force 85, intelligence 103, politics 100, charisma 100;

Implanted identity: Taoist Yuqing Daoist disciple, became an official during the period of Emperor Huan, assisted Huanling two times as Emperor of Han, successively served as the prefect of eight counties including Liaoxi, Shangdang, and Jincheng, and guarded northern Xinjiang for the Great Han for more than ten years. After Xianbei, Huns, and Qiang people, he was an official to the general of chariots, and Wen Zhong, who guarded the south, was also known as the "God of the North and South Army".

Carrying 11 people: Manjusri Bodhisattva, Samantabhadra Bodhisattva, Taoxing Zhenren, Qingxu Zhenren, Wuji, Longxuhu, Tota King Li Jing (Li Jing), Yang Ren, Wei Hu, Xue Ehu, Han Dulong;]

After seeing the seventh balanced figure, Qin Hao became excited.

"Jiang Ziya, the Conferred God, was born, and he is still an outlaw. All four attributes have reached the gold level, which is too strong."

Qin Hao knew that Jiang Ziya's attributes would be exaggerated, but he didn't expect it to be so exaggerated.

Jiang Ziya is almost omnipotent and has no shortcomings except for the fact that he is a little hip-stretching with force. The sum of five dimensions is a full 489 points, ranking second in the history of comprehensive attributes, two points higher than Li Shimin who is third at 487, and Gongsun who is first at 492. Xuanyuan is three points lower.

"The task of the Black Ice Terrace is going to be aggravated. In addition to Wen Zhong, Jiang Ziya's whereabouts must also be paid close attention. This is a great talent who can change the situation of the entire world by himself, and must not fall into the hands of other princes." , If you don’t use it for me, you will be killed by me.”

A cold light flashed across Qin Hao's eyes, and then his eyes fell on the carrying figure again.

"Except for the two celestial beings and two bodhisattvas, the others are three generations of disciples of Chantaka.

Tota Heavenly King Li Jing was actually implanted in Li Jing's body. It seems that Jin Zha Mu Zha must be mine.

In the mythology, Li Jing's own strength is not considered strong, but only relying on magic weapons, and his military use is not as good as Li Jing of the Tang Dynasty. I don't know how much attribute increase will be brought to Li Jing after merging with the King of Tota.

Among the three generations of disciples of Chanjiao, Wuji, Longxuhu, Xue Ehu, and Han Dulong must not be Gods of War.

Although Yang Ren's record is not bad, it was achieved by relying on magic weapons. Without Fa Bao, he was born as a civil servant, and it would be good to have the strength of a god general after he was born.

In this way, among the three generations of Chanjiao's disciples, Wei Hu is the only one who can be confirmed as the God of War. "

Wei Hu's record is not weak, and he is a stable god of war. However, although he was born in Taoism, he converted to Buddhism and became the Wei Tuotian of Buddhism.

Qin Hao was the one who did the act of destroying the Buddha, and he also forced Shakyamuni to revise the teachings, making the teachings of Buddhism more oriental and more beneficial to the rulers.

Therefore, the relationship between Qin Hao and the Buddhist school is not to say that it is incompatible, but it is also quite bad. It is impossible for Buddhists to come to him.

Gold-level talents have a certain degree of freedom, and even the system cannot force them to recognize the master. For example, Taoist Shangqing and Kong Xuan did not recognize Qin Hao as the master after being intercepted, but only helped Qin Hao a little.

Therefore, even if Wei Hu can be passed on to the next one, Qin Hao is also worried that what happened before will happen again.

[The balance summoning is over, the host currently has three interception permissions, and can randomly select three people from the carrying characters to intercept, do you want to use it? 】

you still need to ask?Qin Hao is not stupid, how could he give up the opportunity to intercept, so naturally without thinking, he opened his mouth and said, "Use it."

 Listen to the opinions of friends and modify Yang Ren's attributes.

  Friends who feel that the data is unreasonable can raise it in the book review area, and the author will read it
  This is probably the third last balance, and there are at most two more balances, and the protagonist will complete the unification of the world.

(End of this chapter)

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