Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2200 Kong Xuan VS Kong Peng

Chapter 2200 Kong Xuan VS Kong Peng
Chapter 2196: Kong Xuan VS Kong Peng
Qingzhou, Qufu City.

As the land leased by the Kong family, the law and order here has always been very good. Few knight-errants dare to act wild here, so this place can be regarded as a rare pure land in troubled times.

But what everyone didn't expect was that the Kong Mansion, which is the god of Dinghai in Qufu, first heard screams and wailing continuously, and then a fire broke out without any warning.

"The Confucian mansion is on fire, put out the fire quickly."

The Kong family was very popular in Qufu. Seeing the Confucius mansion was on fire, the people spontaneously fetched water to put out the fire, but a figure mixed into the crowd and disappeared immediately.

"It's over, Kong Peng ran away."

"Quickly, quickly report to the county magistrate, close the city gate, and report to the Patriarch and Kong Xuan as quickly as possible."

The generals of the Kong family responded quickly, but they were still one step too late. Kong Peng had already escaped to Qufu, even if the city gate was closed.

Besides, for Kong Peng who escaped from the Confucian Mansion, even if the city gates were closed in time, the mere city walls were nothing more than a higher plow to him.

Ten miles outside Qufu City, a brocade-robed warrior about [-] years old was striding towards the south, his face was full of gloom and anger. It was Kong Peng, Kong Xuan's younger brother.

Kong Peng never thought that the family would be so cowardly.

Although Kong Rong died tragically in the Luoyang coup, he chose his own way. Kong Peng also persuaded him at the beginning, but Kong Rong didn't listen. Now that he is dead, no one can blame others.

Kong Rong's fate was his own fault, but his wife and children were innocent.

As the object of Kong Rong's surrender, Kong Peng has been close to Kong Rong since childhood, even closer than his brother Kong Xuan, so it is naturally impossible to watch his wife and children suffer.

Kong Peng sought help from his family, hoping to save Kong Rong's wife and children. The Kong family also agreed to protect Kong Rong's wife and children, but Jia Xu pushed him back with a single sentence, and he didn't even dare to fart.

Not long after, more than [-] members of Kong Rong's family were implicated, including his two nephews who were less than ten years old.

As soon as this incident happened, Kong Peng was furious, and his dissatisfaction with the Qin army increased, and he went to the Patriarch to ask for an explanation.

The head of the Kong family saw that Kong Peng was dissatisfied with Qin Jun. After some enlightenment to no avail, he worried that Kong Peng would use his temper and ruin the relationship that the Kong family had finally established with Qin Jun, so he ordered Kong Peng to be confined for reflection.

The head of the Kong family thought that Kong Peng could figure it out on his own, but he didn't want Kong Peng to get into the horns instead.

Kong Peng, who thought he had been wronged, accumulated more and more hostility in his heart without anyone to enlighten him, and finally killed all the guards guarding him and escaped from the dungeon, and then killed many masters of the Kong family. He set fire to create chaos and escaped from Confucian Mansion.

Turning his head to look in the direction of Qufu, Kong Peng's eyes flashed with remembrance, but he was soon filled with determination. He couldn't look back, but he didn't regret it.

Suddenly, a figure descended from the sky. Seeing this, Kong Peng hurriedly stopped, and immediately put on his guard after seeing the person coming.

The person who came was Kong Peng's elder brother Kong Xuan. He looked at Kong Peng angrily, and said coldly, "Come back with me."

"Go back and die?"

Kong Peng sneered and said that among the people he killed were not only guards, but also many children of the Kong family, and big families are most taboo against fighting with each other.

"Brother, you should be clear that if the crime I committed is dealt with according to the family rules, I will definitely die."

After hearing about Kong Peng's lake, Kong Xuan fell silent. He knew the severity of Kong Peng's crimes.

"Big brother won't let you die, but you have done something wrong and must be punished. Big brother will help you intercede with the patriarch for leniency."

"Leniency? It's ridiculous. Why should the Kong family treat me, Kong Peng? Just because my surname is Kong?
Well, from today, I, Kong Peng, will officially leave the Kong family, and nothing I do in the future has anything to do with the Kong family. "

Hearing this, Kong Xuan was also angry, and cursed: "Bastard, everything you have is given by your family, and now you want to betray the family that gave birth to you?"

"So what? I don't want to stay in Kong's house for a long time."

"Okay, okay, since you're determined to go your own way, don't blame big brother for being cruel."

Kong Xuan laughed back in anger, and said coldly: "Even if I break your hands and feet, I will take you back."

"Brother, you are still so conceited, I want to see how you break my hands and feet."

Kong Peng sneered, he was naturally not the opponent of the elder brother before, but now he has been reborn, even if he faces the eldest brother Kong Xuan, he is not afraid of a battle.


After two loud shouts, the two brothers collided directly, fighting with fists and feet.

Just after handing over, Kong Xuan showed surprise, and sneered: "I said, where did you get the confidence, it turned out to be a breakthrough, but this is not enough to challenge your elder brother me."

"Stop talking nonsense, see the real chapter under your hands."

Kong Peng's basic force is 107. After merging with Peng Demon King, the basic force has increased by 1 point, reaching the level of 108.

Kong Peng of Jiwu 108 has already ranked among the top fighters in the world, but compared with his big brother Kong Xuan, there is still an insurmountable gap.

Kong Xuan knew Kong Peng too well. Even though Kong Peng's strength had increased greatly, he was still not good enough in front of Kong Xuan. Soon after exerting his full strength, he gradually suppressed Kong Peng, and he was defeated and unable to fight back.


Kong Peng roared unwillingly, and then under the suppression of Kong Xuan, he entered a wonderful transition, and then became more and more courageous as he fought, and even had a tendency to break through before the battle.

Kong Xuan was shocked when he saw this. He never thought that his younger brother, who had just broken through, was about to break through again. If Kong Peng was breaking through, even he would have no way to defeat him without harming his life. Stop Kong Peng's plan to break through.

Normally, Kong Xuan would never stop his younger brother's breakthrough, but in order not to let Kong Peng continue to make mistakes, he had to interrupt Kong Peng's breakthrough.

"I'm sorry, Brother Peng."

[Ding dong, Kong Xuan's skill 'Shenguang' effect 3 activates, can randomly seal a skill of the opponent, and seal Kong Peng's skill 'Jin Peng'...]

In the blink of an eye, Kong Xuan unleashed five-color stellar energy and brushed towards Kong Peng who was rushing up.

This move was so fast and the range was so wide that Kong Peng had no time to dodge it, and was directly hit by the five-color stellar energy.

[Ding dong, Kong Peng's skill 'Jin Peng' was sealed, and the fusion of super magic skills failed. 】


After one blow, Kong Peng vomited blood and flew upside down, breaking three big trees in a row.

Among the 12 gods of war competing for the Super God General this time, Kong Peng, who has merged with the Peng Demon King, is the one who is closest to the Super God General. Knock down directly.

Kong Xuan's blow not only interrupted Kong Peng's breakthrough, but also made him lose a great opportunity to become a super general.

(End of this chapter)

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