Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2204 Preparations before proclaiming emperor

Chapter 2204 Preparations before proclaiming emperor

Chapter 2200: Preparations Before Proclaiming Emperor

Jia Xu babbled for more than ten minutes, but the meaning can be explained in just one sentence, that is, the time is now ripe, all obstacles have been cleared, my lord, you really should be proclaimed emperor, if you drag on, the following All civil and military ministers will have opinions.

If this was said by other people, Qin Hao would hypocritically reject it, but the person who said it was his uncle Jia Xu, and it was not in public, so Qin Hao naturally had no need to cover it up.

After pondering for a while, Qin Hao said, "Proclaiming emperor is not a child's play. If you take this step, you can never turn back, so..."

Jia Xu thought that Qin Hao hadn't made up his mind yet, and was just about to persuade him, but Qin Hao changed the subject and said, "Let uncle handle all the matters before proclaiming himself emperor.

Zixu is relieved that his uncle is doing business. "

Jia Xu was immediately overjoyed when he heard the words, he had planned so much, because it was just this moment, so he quickly knelt down and replied, "Thank you for your trust, my lord, if there is any mistake, I will see you first."

After Jia Xu left, Qin Hao immediately restrained his smile, and a dangerous look flashed in his eyes.

He knew that Jia Xu was loyal to him and had nothing against him, but his uncle's status had already made him favor and spoiled him, to the point where he had to beat him up.

"It seems that Jia Xu needs to find a deputy." Qin Hao said to himself.

Before he was enthroned, Qin Hao had already thought about restricting his rights for a long time, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that he turned his face and refused to recognize others, but this was precisely the emperor's mind, and thinking like this proved that Qin Hao had grown up.


What preparations are needed before proclaiming emperor?First of all, building momentum is inevitable.

It was different from claiming the king before, claiming the king only needed the support of the majority of the courtiers, but claiming the emperor required the support of the people of the whole country
Qin Hao had always been a loyal minister before, even though other princes scoffed at it, the people at the bottom still believed it.

If there is no foreshadowing, if you suddenly proclaim the emperor, the contrast between the front and the back is so big, the people at the bottom will definitely not accept it, and the previously established character design will be destroyed.

Therefore, a propaganda process is needed to tell the common people at the bottom to adapt, accept and support Qin Hao's proclaiming emperor.

When they heard the news that Qin Hao might proclaim himself emperor, the common people had only three reactions, one was support, the other was opposition, and the third was nothing to do with me and just sit and wait to eat melons.

The big man has long lost the hearts of the people, even in Luoyang, the capital of the empire, few people still think of the big man.

With Qin Hao's achievements, long-term accumulated prestige and achievements, and the kindness he has given to the common people, most of the common people must support him to proclaim himself emperor.

As for the opposition, they have basically been wiped out. They have neither the right to speak nor the strength, so how can we talk about opposition?

Therefore, for Qin Hao, this campaign must be a matter of course, and then just wait for the people to push him to the throne, so that the negative impact of seeking to usurp the throne will be minimized.

When the vast majority of the people support Qin Hao's proclaiming the emperor, the next step is the support of officials big and small from all over the country. They are the real core of the country.

Political reckoning is the cruelest thing, even Yue Fei almost couldn't bear it.

With the entire army of the imperial party annihilated, Qin Hao's people above the county level in the territory of the Qin army are basically Qin Hao's people, and those below the county level are too small to be ignored.

A country is also made up of individuals. Qin Hao has the support of the people of the world and all the officials, so he naturally owns the whole world. Under the general trend, even if he doesn't want to be an emperor, he can't do it.

As for building momentum, Jia Xu is quite familiar with it. After all, Qin Hao became the king because he created the momentum, and now he is just repeating it.

This campaign, Jia Xu focused on three points:

[-]. Liu Xie passed away and the man was exhausted, so he focused on promoting the dark and cruelty of the man and the fable of "Liu the dead man";

Second, Qin Hao's various achievements to the country and the people, focusing on publicizing reforms and promoting new grains, and the people's lives are better now than in the Han Dynasty.

Third, Qin Hao is the real destiny, focusing on promoting some of his personal deeds, various halos on his identity, and implicitly pointing out that his ancestors also have royal blood, and it is only natural to stand on their own in the Han Dynasty;

At this time, there is no talk of public opinion wars, but Jia Xu is self-taught, and he is really professional in manipulating public opinion.

In just ten days, the vast majority of the people in the four counties of Sizhou, nine counties of Bingzhou, nine counties of Jizhou, ten counties of Youzhou, four counties of Qingbei, four counties of Jingbei, three counties of Hetao, and 43 counties in seven places knew The above three pieces of news were confirmed, thus starting a national discussion on whether to change the dynasty.

Luoyang, Tongfu Inn, a group of diners gathered together, discussing with each other.

"Have you heard that the little emperor has passed away?"

"This is old news, who wouldn't know it."

"Let me tell you, this little emperor died well. Look at the few emperors from his old Liu family, one is worthless than the other."

"Yes, this little emperor is only in his teens, and he wants to seize power in a coup d'état, and he even hesitates to collude with the Tang thief. He doesn't think that Li Shimin is the son-in-law of the Dong thief."

"Don't talk nonsense, the imperial court has issued official documents, the coup was done by the imperial party, and the little emperor was just coerced."

"Ah bah, this is a fool. Who doesn't know that Kong Rong, Ma Ridun, Yang Jun, and others are the little emperor's diehards."

"It means that His Royal Highness the King of Qin misses the old love, even if his brother-in-law betrayed him, he still has to consider the reputation of the little emperor after his death."

Seeing these people talking more and more outrageous, the shopkeeper Tong Xiangyu couldn't sit still any longer, walked over and started the Hedong Lion Roar directly.

"Shut up for my old lady. If you dare to talk about government affairs like this, you think it's too late, don't you?"

Tong Xiangyu's pungentness is well-known far and wide. All the old customers of Tongfu Inn present here, so naturally they dared not continue, so they couldn't help laughing, and they discussed in a low voice after she left.

Seeing this, Tong Xiangyu was angry and helpless, this was not the first time, people were discussing these things in her shop every day these days, even a woman like her could feel that this atmosphere was obviously not right, and something big would definitely happen.

At one side of the dining table, Ye Qingmei, who was drinking with a heroic face disguised as a man, saw this scene and said to Tong Xiangyu with a smile: "Shopkeeper Tong, the mouth of the people is better than that of Fangchuan, can't you still stop their mouths?" .”


Tong Xiangyu sighed, and then asked in a low voice: "Sister Gongsun, you are a person who has seen the world and is well-informed. Do you think King Qin will really be the emperor?"

Ye Qingmei looked at Tong Xiangyu with interest, and asked back: "Does the shopkeeper want King Qin to become emperor?"

"Of course I do."

Tong Xiangyu said without hesitation.

"Sister Gongsun, you ladies and gentlemen don't know how heavy the taxes were before the King of Qin came to power, and the life of the common people was a bitter one. There was no end to the last meal, and the precarious situation was so precarious every day.

After King Qin took power, he not only reduced taxes, but also reformed and exempted all exorbitant and miscellaneous taxes, so there is hope for this day.

Afterwards, the King of Qin asked the people to plant high-yield grain seeds, and the grain harvest came up. Everyone did not have to worry about food, and the common people finally lived their lives.

Let me tell you, my sister, I have met the King of Qin. He is a real hero and has people in his heart. If he becomes the emperor, the lives of our people will definitely get better and better in the future. "

(End of this chapter)

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