Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2220 Qin Ben's surname Ying

Chapter 2220 Qin Ben's surname Ying

Chapter 2216: Qin's surname is Ying

In fact, Qin Hao has already refused to proclaim himself emperor twice.

It was the first time that it was proposed by the officials of the court, but it was rejected by Qin Hao without hesitation.

The second time was jointly signed by hundreds of officials and officials from all over the country, and the people from all over the country also signed the Wanmin Letter, but Qin Hao still rejected it involuntarily.

Qin Hao even used the same reason for his refusal twice: "Do you want to risk my lord by being unfilial and unrighteous?"

It has to be said that Chinese culture is extensive and profound, and the same words express completely different meanings from different angles.

Qin Hao's refusal to proclaim himself emperor only mentioned unfilial piety and unrighteousness, but did not mention disloyalty. This seemed like a clear hint to the supporters, but it made the supporters very excited.

Why is it unrighteous?The Liu family was not mean to the King of Qin, not only promoted him, but also married the princess, taking it for himself, and forcibly usurping the country.

How to break this situation?Simple, just get the support of Liu's royal family.

But now that Liu Xie is dead, and Liu Bian has ascended the throne and proclaimed himself emperor in the Kingdom of Shu, there is only one Liu Mu left in the Liu family.

Therefore, the only option is to get the support of female members of the royal family and Liu's collateral lineage.

Qin Hao's supporters chanted the slogan "The Liu family loses morality first, loses people's support last, and Qin's fate lies in Qin", and sent representatives to lobby Liu Mu and the Liu clan in various places with righteousness.

After all, Liu Mu is the princess of the Han Dynasty. Her attitude towards Qin Hao's proclaiming the emperor was neither support nor objection, but after the tireless lobbying of these people, she finally changed her attitude and turned to support, and let Cai Yan conveyed the message to her husband on her behalf.

The Liu clan and the clan of the Han clan from all over the country, seeing that the fire had reached their own homes, either for self-protection or to please Qin Hao, naturally dared not say a word, and sent representatives to Beijing to support Qin Hao. Hao proclaimed himself emperor.

The attitude of Liu Mu and the Liu clan basically represented the attitude of most of the Liu clan. Now that even the Liu clan supports Qin Hao's proclaiming the emperor, there is no way to talk about the unrighteousness. The only problem left is unfilial piety.

Why would the King of Qin be unfilial if he proclaimed himself emperor?Except that the first emperor was the father-in-law of King Qin, King Qin Wen of Jin was also a staunch opponent.

Not long after the proposal to proclaim himself emperor, the King of Jin returned to Luoyang from Bingzhou, and made it clear in the second proclaimed emperor that he resolutely opposed his son Qin Hao's proclaiming emperor, and even threatened him with death.

It was already a matter of course for King Qin to establish a new dynasty in place of Han, but at the last moment, he was blocked by his biological father, which was a bit difficult.

Even if people all over the world support King Qin, but his own father doesn't support him, it will be a scandal after all, and he will be reprimanded as unfilial.

This also made supporters speculate that King Qin refused to go further by proclaiming himself emperor because of his biological father's feelings.

King Qin is indeed a filial man.

As the biological father, King Jin became the biggest obstacle for King Qin to become emperor. However, King Jin's health has not been very good, and he has not survived for a few years. As long as he dies, this obstacle will naturally disappear.

But a country cannot be without a king for a day, even if the King of Qin has the patience to wait, their supporters don't have the patience, not to mention that the arrow is already on the string and has to be launched.

But how to solve this problem?Not to mention, the supporters really thought of a way, that is to start with the blood of the Qin family.

Isn't the Qin family from Xianyang, Guanzhong?Then weave an identity for King Qin as a descendant of the First Empress. With this layer of identity, that generation of Han would not usurp the throne, but restore it, and take back what should belong to its own family.

As for whether this lie will be exposed?The answer is naturally impossible. After all, the Xianyang people, who are descendants of the old Qin people, are more or less related to the pre-Qin Ying family. There is nothing wrong with saying that they are descendants of the first queen.

I have to say that Qin Hao's supporters are still very strong. Before Jia Xu had time to bring up the matter of Ying's blood unity, they encouraged it first, but the flaw was too big for people to see. I knew it was made up.

Qin Hao was also very surprised when he found out, this was earlier than he had planned, so he asked Jia Xu, Jia Xu also looked confused, obviously he only knew this happened.

The supporters accidentally revealed the identity of Qin Haoshi's descendants in advance, but it didn't have much impact on Jia Xu's plan, and just took advantage of the trend to propose a follow-up plan.

In the main hall of the imperial palace, all civil and military officials, as well as Jin Wang Qin Wen, who will not go to court, have been waiting for a long time again. Everyone is waiting for Qin Hao to bring him, and they all understand that this time of detachment is no small matter.

"King Qin is here."

"See King Qin."

Except for Qin Wen, all the officials saluted, but Qin Hao didn't even look at it. He strode up the steps directly and sat on the big nanmu chair next to the dragon chair.

"There is a book to play, and there is no book to retreat."

Qin Hao said impatiently, as if he was extremely anxious and wanted to escape.

Liu Ye, representing the Liu family, was the first to stand up, clasped his fists and said, "To the King of Qin, the Liu family of Beihai in Qingzhou, the Liu family of Weijun in Jizhou, the Liu family of Yanjing in Youzhou, etc., a total of thirteen Han clans, all The letter asks the lord to obey the destiny and proclaim the emperor on behalf of the Han Dynasty."

As soon as the words fell, Jia Xu stood up immediately: "Qin Zheng, the governor of Jingzhou, Wang Meng, the governor of Bingzhou, Wei Yang, the governor of Youzhou, and other governors of seven states, as well as the prefects of the 43 counties under their command, and the county magistrates of the 450 counties, all wrote a letter. I beg my lord to obey the destiny and proclaim the emperor on behalf of the Han Dynasty."

"Bai Qi, governor of Youzhou, Yue Fei, governor of Jingzhou, Meng Tian, ​​governor of Hetao, Li Jing, governor of Yongzhou, Zhou Yu, governor of the navy, Gongsun Xuanyuan, general of Lulongsai, Li Dingguo, general of Yanmen Pass, Gao Shun, general of Weijun, and Xue Rengui, Su Dingfang, Qin Qiong, Huo Qubing, Long Qi, Han Xin, and other 180 generals in the army, big and small, all wrote a letter begging the lord to obey the destiny and become emperor in place of Han." Qin Wu stood up and said loudly.

"In Sizhou, Bingzhou, Jingbei, and Hetao, more than [-]% of the people agree with the lord to be emperor, and more than [-]% of the people in Jizhou, Youzhou, and Qingbei prefectures agree. Please obey the destiny and proclaim the emperor in Han Dynasty. "Han Fei stood up and said loudly.

So far, all the forces in the Qin Kingdom have expressed their support for Qin Hao's proclaiming the emperor instead of Han, but everyone's eyes instead fell on Qin Wen who was sitting in a wheelchair, and his next reaction would determine King Qin's decision.

Qin Wen's eyes were calm, and he said indifferently: "Wait, are you going to force the palace and trap my son in infidelity?"

"Brother's words are wrong."

As soon as Qin Wen finished speaking, a loud voice came from outside the hall, and there was no one else who could call Qin Wen the eldest brother except Qin Jian.

Immediately afterwards, Qin Jian strode into the main hall, and with him were Qin Liang, Qin Ji, Qin Ying and other young children of the Qin family, as well as several white-haired elders of the Qin family who were leaning on walking sticks.

 I worked overtime for four days in five days last week. I was too tired, physically and mentally exhausted, so I took a vacation for myself on the weekend, went out to play with friends and colleagues, and went to relax. I will not work overtime next week.

(End of this chapter)

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