Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2222 Qin Ben's surname Ying

Chapter 2222 Qin Ben Surnamed Ying (final)

Chapter 2218: Qin Ben's surname Ying (final)

The clothes of the first emperor, the seal of the king of Qin, and the genealogy of Ying Qin, these three things are all priceless treasures, and they cannot be measured by money.

Logically speaking, it is absolutely impossible for a family without hundreds of years of history to possess such a level of treasure.

The Qin family is just a nouveau riche who started their business by business, not only took out treasures of this level, but also took out three treasures in a row.

Based on this point, anyone who is not a fool can see that the Qin family is definitely not as simple as that, and must be inextricably linked with Qin Shihuang.

Through this incident, all the officials present thought of the Qin family's family practice "Ancestral Dragon Jue".

That is one of the most top skills in the world. The Qin family has gradually risen after acquiring this skill. However, the source of this skill is said to be that Qin Shan, the father of King Jin, spent [-] yuan from a Western Region Get it cheap from vendors.

In the past, people only said that it was Qin Shan's luck to buy this martial art that was enough to support the rise of the family, but now it seems that there are too many coincidences, but that is not the case.

At least it can't be as simple as buying tens of thousands of dollars, it is very likely that it is Ying's inherited skills, and the reason why it has been hidden and not practiced is just for self-protection.

Well, I found another piece of evidence that can prove Qin's lineage.

Of course, these conclusions have to wait until the true and false are identified. Only by confirming that these things are true can the identity of the descendants of the Ying family of the Qin family be completely confirmed.

Among the hundreds of officials in the Luoyang court, there are many capable people, and there are naturally those who can distinguish the true from the false, such as the three great Confucian scholars of Taixue: Xun Shuang, Cai Yong, and Qiao Xuan.

After the old Qin family took out the treasure, the three of Xun Shuang's eyes lit up, and after getting Qin Hao's approval, they trotted to distinguish the authenticity.

Xun Shuang held the Seal of the King of Qin and concentrated on observing it carefully, for fear of missing any details.

Qiao Xuan touched and sniffed the black golden ancestral dragon robe, and those who didn't know thought he was touching a peerless beauty.

Cai Yong was the most abnormal of the three, he was holding the tortoise shell family tree, his face was puzzled for a while, laughing for a while, and he muttered "that's how it is", and he didn't know what he was having fun with.

Seeing that the three of them were holding things and did not let go, and looked at all the civil and military officials in the court for nothing, the corners of Qin Hao's mouth couldn't help twitching, and he said, "Ahem, Master Xun, Master Qiao, father-in-law, can you tell the truth from the false? "

The three stopped their movements together, Cai Yong said: "The genealogy is true."

"The seal is real. The materials and characters are from the pre-Qin period. Judging from the texture, it has a history of at least 800 years."

"The first emperor's clothes are also real. I really can't believe that the clothes from 400 years ago can be preserved to this day without any damage."


The civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty were once again in an uproar. Since the three highly respected scholars all said that something was true, it must not be false. Now the status of the descendant of Qin Wangshihuang was completely stone hammered.

The supporters were all ecstatic about this. It was just a nonsense reason, but it turned out to be wrong. The king of Qin was really the descendant of the first queen, and it would be more justifiable to proclaim the emperor on behalf of the Han Dynasty.

If other princes proclaim themselves emperors, no matter what excuses they use, they cannot conceal the fact that they have usurped the throne, but King Qin is different. He is a descendant of the first emperor, and the Han Dynasty was snatched from Qin. But Restoration.

The Great Qin Dynasty has been subjugated for more than 400 years, and it’s okay that the Ying clan was not completely exterminated, but it was still successfully restored in the present world, which is simply outrageous.

But this also further shows that the destiny is in Qin, and the man's energy is exhausted.

"Brother, are you surprised or surprised?"

Qin Jian's face was full of excitement, and he said to Qin Wen: "Brother, I was dumbfounded when I found out, and I couldn't believe that my Qin family has royal blood, but this is the truth.

The Liu family has kindness to my Qin family, but two generations of my Qin family have worked hard for the big man, helping the big man to continue the country's fortune for more than ten years, and have already repaid his kindness.

Without you and Qin Wang's nephew, the great Han Dynasty would have perished long ago, not to mention the country and land of the Han Dynasty, which had been snatched from the hands of the ancestors.

My Qin family didn't owe him anything to the Liu family, not to mention that now that the man is exhausted, the hearts of the people are in Qin, and the fate is in Qin, this dragon chair should be seated by the nephew of King Qin..."

Qin Jian is not a person who can speak well, but this time in order to be able to persuade Qin Wen and make his nephew Qin Hao the emperor, he obviously did his homework, and everything he said was reasonable and irrefutable.

And when this scene fell into the eyes of outsiders, it also made the officials sigh.

The entire Qin family, except for Qin Wen, the head of the family, all supported Qin Hao's proclaiming the emperor, but Qin Wen, the father, had served half his life for the Han family and was foolishly loyal to the Han family, which became the biggest obstacle for his son.

This is really a trick of good fortune.

Soon, Qin Jian finished speaking, but Qin Wen just lowered his head without saying a word.

Qin Jian was secretly anxious when he saw that he didn't talk to the elder brother, and quickly winked at the officials.

When all the officials saw this, Lian immediately shouted in unison: "The man's strength is exhausted, please obey the destiny of Qin King and become emperor in place of Han."

"The strength of the great man is exhausted, please obey the destiny of Qin King and proclaim the emperor on behalf of the Han Dynasty."


Not only all the officials were shouting, but everyone in the Qin family was also shouting.

Shouting and shouting, everyone knelt down towards Qin Wen and Qin Hao beside him.

After the shout came out of the main hall, the guards outside also knelt down and shouted together. After the shout came out of the palace, it even attracted the people of the whole city to shout together.

All of a sudden, the entire city of Luoyang was shouting: The man's strength is exhausted, I beg the king of Qin to obey the destiny and proclaim himself emperor in place of the Han.

The shouts resounded throughout the city for a long time, and even everyone in the palace could hear the shouts of the people outside the palace.

In the main hall, although Xun Shuang, Qiao Xuan, and Cai Yong knew that Qin Hao would stand on his own in the place of Han, they were all genuinely shocked by the scene in front of them.

What is one mind?
What is the aspiration of the people?
That's it.

Seeing that Qin Wen was still silent, Qin Jian became angry, pointed to the outside of the main hall, and said excitedly: "Brother, have you heard the voices of the common people? What are you hesitating about?"


After a long sigh, Qin Wen raised his head, as if he had aged ten years, and said bitterly: "I don't care about it, you can do whatever you like."

After saying that, he pushed the wheelchair and left the hall.

Seeing this, Qin Jian was worried that his eldest brother would be overwhelmed, so he quickly gave his son Qin Wu a wink and asked him to follow up and take care of Qin Wen.

After Qin Wu understood, he quickly ran out and followed Qin Wen all the way back to the palace.

After returning to the mansion, Qin Wen went into the study alone, refusing to see anyone, and refused to let anyone approach him, so Qin Wu had no choice but to return.

What Qin Wu didn't know was that not long after he left, there was a burst of suppressed laughter from the study.

"Hahaha, I, Yingshi, Daqin, can finally see the light of day again."

Qin Jian thought that Qin Wen didn't know that the Qin family was a descendant of the Ying family, but he didn't know that all of this was planned by Qin Wen and Qin Hao, and he was the one who was kept secret until the end.

But it is precisely because of this that Qin Jian's performance is so natural, helping Qin Hao to perform this play so realistically.

On the other side, shortly after Qin Wen left, the hall erupted.

Qin Wen no longer objected, and the last obstacle was gone, and King Qin could replace Han as emperor.

"The strength of the great man is exhausted, please obey the destiny of Qin King and proclaim the emperor on behalf of the Han Dynasty."

Under the leadership of Qin Jian, all civil and military officials asked for orders again.

This time Qin Hao finally didn't refuse, all the plays have been performed, and it's time to receive the fruits.

"The Han Dynasty lost its morality, and its rulers were overwhelmed, resulting in the loss of the country, the collapse of the Kyushu, the chaos of the world, the people's livelihood, and tens of millions of casualties.

The strength of the great man has been exhausted, and this king is determined to obey the destiny above and the people's hearts below, ascend the throne and proclaim himself emperor, establish a new dynasty, sweep away the troubled times, and unify China. "

Qin Hao's domineering remarks about proclaiming the emperor excited all the civil and military officials in the hall. This is the bearing that the founding emperor should have.

"Long live my emperor."

All the officials knelt down to salute. This time they were kneeling not the king, but the new emperor.

(End of this chapter)

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