Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2616 Breaking the Yangping Pass

Chapter 2616 Breaking the Yangping Pass
Chapter 2612: Breaking through Yangping Pass
"Last night, Tu Xingsun passed back a letter from the flying pigeon, saying that the mission had been completed and the Xinzheng grain depot was successfully burned."

As soon as Li Jing said this, the generals present immediately boiled over, and none of them knew the plan to attack Nanzheng.

In addition, Yangpingguan and Xicheng were not broken, but sneaked to the rear of the enemy and burned food and grass, which seemed almost impossible to them.
Seeing that all the generals except Wu Qi were in disbelief, Li Jing then informed the generals of his plan.

Originally, Yang Jian, Yang Ren and other Yuqing disciples were still a little curious. After all, it has been more than a month since the opening of Yangping Pass, but they did not see Tu Xingsun and Long Xuhu. Now it seems that the mission was arranged by the governor early. what.

But after knowing the whole picture of Li Jing's plan, the generals did not sweat for Tu Xingsun and others. After all, this task is too thrilling, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a life-and-death situation.

The [-]-sword army led by Tu Xingsun had to lurk under the eyes of the [-] Shu army and dig into Nanzheng City to burn the southern grain depot before they could return. If any of these steps went wrong, the entire army would definitely be wiped out. 's fate.

Yang Jian, Yang Ren and other Yuqing disciples were not worried about the safety of Tu Xingsun and Long Xuhu.

Although Li Jing arranged a retreat plan for Tu Xingsun, but God knows if it will be seen through by the people of Shu Han?
In the end, they are brothers and sisters from the same sect. Although they usually show extreme disgust, but now Tu Xingsun has given Yuqing a long face, and Tu Xingsun is not so annoying in the hearts of Yang Jian and others.

"Last night, the Governor had sent someone to use a telescopic mirror to observe the country. The fire in the direction of Hanzhong was soaring into the sky. The fire was so big that even the entire night sky was illuminated. It should be unlikely to go wrong."

Speaking, Li Jing also smiled after a long absence. After all, after the success of the plan to set fire to the Shu army's grain depot, his confidence in capturing Hanzhong also soared from [-]% to [-]%.

The reason why it is 10,000% instead of [-]% is because the people in Hanzhong still have some food in their hands. Although it is a drop in the bucket, it is difficult to support the [-]+ Shu army, but it is barely enough to support the Shu army for a while.

At present, in addition to collecting grain from the people, there are only two ways for the Shu army to obtain grain and grass:

One is to transport grain from Shuzhong, but this method is too inefficient.

Shu Road is difficult to walk, and it is difficult to even get people out, let alone transport food.

In addition, the cost of transporting grain from the middle of Shu is also high.

The second is to use human flesh for food, which is what Li Jing is most worried about, and is likely to happen.

Don't think that the Shu army can't do this kind of thing, after all, it's not that this kind of thing has never happened.

You must know that Shu Han did not rule Hanzhong for a long time, and the proportion of Chinese soldiers in the Shu army was also very low.

But once Hanzhong fell, it would become the bridgehead for Daqin to invade Shuzhong, and the people of Hanzhong would also become the help of the Qin army.

At that time, for the Shu army, killing the local people in Hanzhong would eliminate the calamity and prevent Daqin from continuing to grow.

Therefore, once the fall of Hanzhong becomes a foregone conclusion, the Shu army will definitely not care about the life and death of ordinary people. Even if all the jade and stones are burned and Hanzhong is scorched into a piece of scorched earth, it will not leave an intact Hanzhong for the Qin army.

In order to prevent his vision from becoming a reality, Li Jing must capture Yangping Pass as soon as possible, so as not to give Shu Han a chance to harm Hanzhong.

"The Nanzheng grain depot was burnt down and there was such a big commotion. The soldiers of the Shu army are not blind, and it is impossible for them to see.

Therefore, even if Zhang Ren and Liu Er block the news, they will certainly not be blocked for long, and all our army needs to do now is to let the Yangping Guan Shu army know the news.

When the Shu army in Yangping Pass knows about it, and the food and grass are burned, and the front line is about to run out of food, the army will be in chaos and morale will drop, and our army will be able to easily capture Yangping Pass. "

The reason why Li Jing attacked Yangping Pass before was to attract the attention of Shu Han and create opportunities for Tu Xingsun, but he had no intention of forcibly breaking Yangping Pass.

But the facts have proved that it is really too difficult to forcibly break through the moat like Yangping Pass from the outside in a short period of time.

Even Li Jing felt a bit sullen, but he was not discouraged. After all, it was impossible to attack the city, so he would attack the heart.

Before Li Jing didn't attack his heart, he didn't have the chance to attack his heart at all, but now that a great opportunity is in front of him, it is naturally impossible for him to let it go.

Yangping closes.

Zhang Ren, Liu Er, and Kong Peng are all waiting in battle. After all, the Qin army has sent people to burn Nanzheng's grain depot, so the next offensive will be more violent.

What Zhang Ren's three generals did not expect was that the intensity of Qin's attack today was not as fierce as yesterday, and Yang Jian, Long Qi and other generals did not participate in the siege.

Could it be that the Qin army was exhausted after a continuous onslaught of so many distances?
Just when the three of them were at a loss, a personal soldier handed over an arrow and said, "Captain, look, this is shot by the Qin army, and each arrow is tied with the same arrow. The content of the letter of persuasion.”

Zhang Ren took the paper without being surprised. After all, Li Jing had used the same trick more than once.

The contents of the letterhead brought up by the arrow also changed from persuading the defenders to surrender to give up their resistance, to scolding Liu Yu for being rebellious and murdering the late emperor, and propagating how to do things well in Daqin, etc.

Zhang Ren wanted to see what kind of tricks Li Jing was going to play again.

But when Zhang Ren read it, his face turned pale, and he hurriedly shouted: "I immediately confiscate all the letterheads, and the letter of persuasion that Qin Jun shot up is all words that disturb the heart of our army, and no one is allowed to read it. Anyone who disobeys will be punished by military law.”


Seeing this, Liu Er and Kong Peng felt that Zhang Ren had gone too far. After all, this is not the first time that this kind of thing has happened to persuade him to surrender. Why is the reaction so big this time?

But after reading the contents of the letter, they understood why Zhang Ren was so extreme.

After the Daqin Zhuzi army set the fire, they ran away. Logically speaking, they did not know that Shu Han did not put out the fire.

But in the letter of persuasion sent by Li Jing, it clearly stated that the grain depot of the Shu army had been burned down, and yesterday the whole night sky in the direction of Nanzheng was illuminated, which was the best proof. Because soon they will run out of food.

If it is not stopped and the news spreads throughout the army, the Shu army will definitely be in turmoil, and how can it stop the Qin army's onslaught?
Zhang Ren's reaction speed can be said to be fast, and the punishment is also very heavy. It can really scare most people, but it is still useless.

Even if most of the Shu army obeyed the order and voluntarily turned it over without reading the contents of the letter, there were always a small number of thorns who read the contents of the letter out of curiosity.

As long as you read the contents of the letter and think of the vision in the sky last night, you can understand that what the letter says is true, not delusional.

In addition, the fire in Nanzheng also burned for more than one night. The fire spread from the grain depot to the Beicheng District, and a large number of houses were burnt down, so that Nanzheng was still on fire the next night.

On the first day, only a small number of soldiers at Yangping Pass noticed the fire in Nanzheng, but after Li Jing's letter of persuasion to surrender, many people noticed the fire in Nanzheng the next day.

When the soldiers saw that there was a real fire in the direction of Nanzheng, they secretly passed it on from ten to one hundred, and soon most of the soldiers in Yangping Pass knew about it.

The granary at the rear was burned, and the front line was about to run out of food.

It is impossible for the soldiers of the Shu army to not panic when they know this, after all, it will kill them on the front line.

Zhang Ren, Liu Er and others naturally knew about the situation in Yangping Pass, but there was no solution. After all, they could not even deprive the soldiers of the right to communicate privately.

Zhang Ren thought about it all night and couldn't think of a solution, and finally tried to come up with a solution that was not the solution.

It is a vision to kill the bright sky last night, not the burning of the grain depot, and let the rear forcibly confiscated grain from the people and send a batch of grain to the front line to fool the soldiers on the front line. .

Zhang Ren had no other way, he could only do what he said. As for how long could this method fool the soldiers?It can only be said that you can fool as long as you can.

Li Jing's fire turned the Hanzhong defense line, which had been impregnable, into a broken ship full of loopholes in an instant.

Zhang Ren and Shen Shiqi are the paper painters of this broken ship. They are doing their best to slow down the sinking speed of this broken ship, but unfortunately it is doomed to be futile.

If faced with an ordinary general, it might be possible for the two of them to carry them over, but unfortunately, they met Li Jing this time.

It was obviously impossible for Li Jing to give them any chance to turn over.

On the third day of the burning of the Nanzheng Grain Depot, the Qin army once again launched a fierce attack on Yangpingguan, and this time the strength was unprecedented.

Yang Jian, Long Qie, Gongsun Xuanyuan and all the famous generals, all under the command of Li Jing, personally participated in the siege of the city, and the morale of the Qin army also recovered to its peak at this moment.

On the other hand, the Shu army was in turmoil and morale declined. How could it be able to stop the Qin army's offensive?

"Report... Report to the Governor, there are Qin troops in the east three districts coming to the city."

After hearing the report, Zhang Ren decisively ordered: "Command General Kong Peng to lead a thousand elites over, and be sure to kill all the Qin troops in the third east area."

As soon as the voice fell, another soldier came to report.

"The governor is not good, there are also Qin troops in the West Fourth District, and Yang Jian is among them."

"Let General Liu Er lead his army there immediately, and be sure to block Yang Jian and Qin army."

"Commander, Qin troops appear in the East Sixth District..."

"The Governor, West Second District..."


The defenders are still the original army, and they are guarding the same level. They are still facing the same enemies as before, but the performance of the Shu army is completely different.

The reason for this is not that the Qin army has become stronger, but that the Shu army has become weaker.

Zhang Ren commanded the army to defend from the morning to the afternoon, and the guards died in countless battles, but there were more and more Qin troops on the city wall, and they could not be driven out.

At this point, Zhang Ren had no choice but to accept the fact that Yangping Pass could no longer be guarded. What he can do now is not to guard the pass but to stop the loss.

Zhang Ren ordered the burning of grain depots, armouries, and material depots, and then issued an order to retreat, leaving Liu Er and Kong Peng to lead [-] soldiers who had not yet participated in the war to break up.

Li Jing was also worried that Yangping Pass would be burnt to rubble, so after entering the pass, he let most people put out the fire first, but he cleared the back door first and ordered Yang Jian to lead [-] iron cavalry to pursue, and soon ran into Liu Erhe Kong Peng's army after the break.

The narrow roads of Shu were not conducive to the cavalry charging, and the impact of the Daqin Iron Cavalry was difficult to exert.

In the end, under the siege of [-] Qin troops and nearly [-] Qin troops, the Wan Shu army who was responsible for the breakup was defeated after two hours, and only less than a thousand people fled back with Kong Peng and Liu Er. Nanzheng.

Yang Jian and his army continued to hunt down Liu Er and Kong Peng, but after chasing them for [-] miles, they were caught in the ambush by Zhang Ren and Shen Shi in a valley, damaging hundreds of elite cavalry and soldiers. Thousands of infantry had to retreat.

After Wu Qi heard the news of Yang Jian Zhongfu, he immediately said to Li Jingjin: "Zhang Ren's ambushes have already left, and there can be no more ambushes after the ambushes.

Li Jing nodded in agreement, and then appointed Wu Qi as a general, and put Gongsun Xuanyuan and Yang Ren under his command, and led a [-]-strong army to continue the pursuit.

Shen Shiqi did not expect that after Yang Jian and Long Qi, there would be a third chasing army, but Wu Qi beat him too quickly, and the [-] ambush soldiers were completely lost.

In this way, Li Jing attacked for more than a month, inflicted nearly [-] casualties, and failed to break through Yangping Pass, but broke the city within two days after completing the battle of burning grain and attacking the heart.

(End of this chapter)

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