Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2726 Yang Ren fought against the famous generals of Tubo, Yang Shuang defeated the coalition

Chapter 2726 Yang Ren fought against the famous generals of Tubo, Yang Shuang defeated the coalition forces of the Western Regions

Chapter 2722: Yang Ren fought against the famous Tubo generals, Yang Shuang defeated the Western Regions allied forces

After Meng Tian captured the three counties including Xining City, he did not continue to attack Xining County, because the strategic goal of cutting off the connection between Haizhou and Daxing had been achieved.

Not only the South Route Army to which Meng Tian belonged, but even Longqi's North Route Army had only one goal from the beginning, which was to become the prisoner of Li Jing's trapped dragon and completely trap Yang Guang, the dragon.

If Meng Tian continues to attack the city, he will need to divide his troops to garrison, and the strength of the Qin army will be further dispersed. This is not a good thing. After all, the [-] army has to defend the three cities and three provinces of Xining, and its strength is far inferior to that of Li Jing. .

Meng Tian originally thought that even if this mission was not easy, it would not be too difficult. After all, he had an army of [-], while the Sui Kingdom only had [-] troops in Haizhou.

But what Meng Tian didn't expect was that Yang Guang would go all out to save the Sui Kingdom, even doing such insane things as the release of the Qiang Order, and there was no bottom line at all.

Under Yang Guang's series of measures, Haizhou has more and more troops. Although Meng Tian is not afraid of war, he also feels a great pressure on this, so he decisively decides to ask Li Jing for help.

However, due to the internal struggle between Yuan and Meng, Li Jing had to postpone the dispatch of reinforcements in order to wait for the order of the court, and the enemy troops in Haizhou also attacked the Qin army during this gap.

At this time, the 27 Qiang army has not yet formed an army. If the total of [-] troops from the three families go together after their training, the chances of winning will definitely be greater.

But Lun Qinling, the leader of the Tubo army, was unwilling to wait any longer. He thought that the longer it was delayed, the harder it would be to attack Xining City, and the Qin army's offensive in Wuwei County would become more intense.

Once the Qin army completely takes down the ten cities in the west of Wuwei in the Sui Dynasty, it will liberate [-] to [-] new troops, and this army will definitely come to support Xining.

Therefore, if the war started at this time, what the Sui-Tu coalition forces would face would only be Meng Tian's [-] Qin army.

But if you wait until the training of the 10,000 Qiang army is completed, you will face [-]+ Qin army.

Yang Xiong and Yang Xingmi originally planned to seek stability. After all, the news they received was that the Qin army had only surrounded Daxing, but had not launched a strong attack. Since there was no danger there, they could naturally be more stable.

But after hearing the analysis of Lun Qinling, both Yang Xiong and Yang Xingmi were persuaded by him. The two sides decided not to wait for the Qiang army, and first dispatched 17 Sui-Tian allied forces to attack Xining.

"The Qin army in Haizhou is now divided into three divisions. Meng Tian leads [-] troops to guard Xining, and Yang Ren and Fu Cunshen each lead [-] troops to guard Huangyuan and Anyuan counties."

Lun Qinling stood in front of the sand table in Haizhou, pointed in the direction of Xining with a ruler, and said with a faint smile:
"Meng Tian is worthy of being a famous general of the Great Qin Dynasty. The [-] troops are divided into three places. Although the troops are dispersed, the three cities are like horns of each other. When one side is attacked, the other two sides can immediately support them. This is what separates Haizhou from Daxing. The best deployment, no fear of the Sui army concentrating on the main attack all the way.

It's just that Meng Tian probably never imagined that my Tubo Kingdom would dispatch a hundred thousand troops to the plateau to support the Sui Kingdom this time. "

Lun Qinling's words were not wrong. Although Daqin had expected that Tubo would send troops to support him, he never expected that he would send a hundred thousand reinforcements.

You must know that the total military strength of Tubo is only over 20. It is not worthwhile to dispatch half of the country's army for the sake of Sui, an outsider, to offend the overlord Qin Empire.

Daqin had analyzed Songtsan Gampo internally, and believed that this person was also a hero of the generation, and he would definitely not do such a thankless thing. For the sake of Sui and Daqin, even if he sent [-] to [-] troops, it would be enough.

According to the normal logic, this is naturally the case, but what Daqin Fang did not expect was that Songtsan Gampo was rejected because of several marriage proposals, he had a deep resentment towards Daqin, and his sense of vigilance was at the highest level, so he was so dissatisfied. Reserve the rest to support the Sui State.

This wave was regarded as Ying Hao giving Yang Guang an assist, but even if it happened again, he would still refuse Songtsan Gampo's marriage proposal.

If Tubo was as capable as Nanman, and if Songtsan Gampo had Chi You's ability and strength, Ying Hao would not mind marrying the clan princess.

Therefore, in the final analysis, Tubo is too weak to be qualified to marry Daqin.

The 17 Sui army, plus the [-] Tubo army, a total of [-] troops, can already break Mengtian's layout, which is also the main reason why Lun Qinling is eager to go to war.

Yang Xingmi and Yang Xiong looked at the resolute and masculine Lun Qinling who spoke fluent Chinese and wore Chinese-style armor. It was difficult to associate him with the barbaric and backward Tubo people, but he happened to be a Tubo people.

Lun Qinling didn't care about Yang Xingmi's eyes, and said to himself: "The general believes that the key to this battle is to defeat them one by one and prevent the enemy from reinforcing..."

After some discussion, the three of them made a plan for this battle. Yang Xingmi and Yang Xiong were in charge of blocking the enemy's reinforcements, while Lun Qinling was in charge of defeating them one by one.

The specific plan is that Lun Qinling will lead [-] Tubo troops, and first concentrate their forces to eat the Qin army in Huangyuan City.

Huangyuan City protects the western front of Xining. If the guard Yang Ren can't defend it, Xining will be in danger.

As for Yang Xingmi and Yang Xiong, they led [-] Sui troops to intercept Qin's reinforcements in the direction of Xining.

If Meng Tian came to help, even if it was all out, the Sui army would fight with [-] to [-], and the result would definitely win, even if they didn't win, they wouldn't suffer.

As for Anyuan City, it's not that Qinling's calculations have been missed, but that the city is located on the east line of Xining, far from Huangyuan City on the west line, so direct support must be too late.

It was with a perfect strategy that the Sui-Tu coalition army was so eager to fight the Qin army, and it hit Meng Tian's weakness with one blow.

In order to deal with the three coalition forces, Meng Tian dispatched a large number of spies, and discovered [-] Tubo troops and [-] Sui troops, who came in two groups.

Meng Tian saw through Lun Qinling's plan at a glance, but he couldn't solve it, because it was a blatant conspiracy.

Meng Tian's troops were also limited, except for the troops left behind in Xining, he could only lead [-] troops to support him at most, but it would be difficult to defeat the [-] Sui army with this force alone.

Even if Meng Tian can win the battle, after the army has gone through a big battle, they don't have much spare power to support Yang Ren, so it is impossible to send troops directly, but it is impossible to watch Yang Ren be eaten.

Meng Tian couldn't do both, so he could only send a letter to Yang Ren, asking him to delay the time as much as possible, and at the same time transferred the Fu Cunshen in Anyuan City, asking him to bring [-] reinforcements to support him as soon as possible.

Only after joining with the Fu Cun Judgment Department and Meng Tian's troops reach [-], can he be sure to rescue Yang Ren while ensuring his own safety, but before that, Yang Ren needs to persist until that day.

Yang Ren combines the advantages of Fengshen Yang Ren and Three Kingdoms Yang Ren, not only his own strength has reached the level of God of War, but even the commander attribute is not low.

Yang Ren: commander 93, force 105, intelligence 86, politics 88, charisma 90, equipment: flying electric gun, cloud horse;

After receiving Meng Tian's letter, Yang Ren immediately realized the seriousness of the problem. Although the army under his command is strong, it only has 5000 people, while the Tubo army that is about to kill has [-].

Therefore, it is not advisable to sit still and wait for help. There cannot be too much delay. Yang Ren needs to take the initiative to buy time through mobile warfare.

On the same day, Yang Ren ordered all the [-] elite cavalry and [-] elite infantry to go out of the city, preparing to set a large number of traps on the Tubo army's marching route, so as to delay the Tubo army's marching speed. There was no chance of an ambush or a sneak attack.

Not to mention, Yang Ren really found an opportunity.

Lun Zanpo, the son of Lun Qinling, was greedy for meritorious deeds and led an army of [-] to break away from the main force and come straight to Huangyuan City. There is a suitable place to set up an ambush on the Huangyuan Road, which is the ultimate road.

Zhang Ren made a decisive decision and prepared to ambush Lun Zanpo on Huangyuan Road, but before the battle, Tu Xingsun heard that there was another army behind Lun Zanpo's army through the technique of listening.

Obviously, Lun Zanpo was just a bait, and he would break away from the main force of Tubo to lure Yang Ren into being fooled.

After Yang Ren realized that he had hit the trick, he immediately gave up the ambush and withdrew his troops decisively, but Lun Zanpo led the cavalry to catch up.

Yang Ren was ready for a hard fight. After all, the army formations hadn't been set up yet, but he didn't expect that the fighting power of the Tubo army was weaker than he thought. Eight thousand Qin troops easily suppressed ten thousand Tubo troops.

The two sides fought fiercely for only an hour, and the Tubo army would not be able to hold on anymore. If Lun Qinling hadn't arrived in time with [-] reinforcements, the [-] Tubo army would have been defeated by the [-] Qin army.
After Lun Qinling led the army to arrive, the morale of the [-] Tubo troops was high, which was completely different from that of Lun Zanpo's troops. They were obviously the elite of the Tubo army, but their overall combat power was still inferior to that of the regular Daqin army.

Because the Qin army gained an advantage before and firmly controlled an important position on the battlefield, the [-] Tubo army formed a semi-encirclement trend against the Qin army, and it was still difficult to defeat the [-] Qin army in front of them.

Just when the two sides fell into a stalemate, General Wu Ji of the Qin Army arrived with [-] reinforcements, and Tubo General Lun Gongren also arrived with [-] reinforcements.

Lun Qinling saw that the Qin army's combat effectiveness was so strong that 8000 men could fight against his own 2 men, and now that [-] men had come, he might suffer a loss if he continued to fight, so he decisively ordered Ming Jin to withdraw his troops.

Yang Ren naturally accepted as soon as he saw it. After all, if he tried to consume it, he would not be able to consume the Tubo army anyway, so he also chose Mingjin.

In this battle, the Qin army killed [-] people, and the Tubo army killed [-] people.

The Qin army had 1000 troops against the Tubo army's [-]. The total number of the Tubo army was almost three times that of the Qin army, but the number of casualties was [-] more than that of the Qin army.

It can be seen from this that what Li Mu said is not wrong, although the three coalition forces have a large number of people, their combat effectiveness is not strong.

Before the Tubo army set off, they were full of confidence. After all, after internal unification and military restructuring, the Tubo army was much stronger than before, and they felt that even the Qin army was not their opponent.

But after the battle with the Qin army, they realized the gap. They were just watching the sky from a well before.

Even Lun Qinling was shocked for a while, but recovered quickly. After all, although the overall combat power of the army was weaker than that of the Qin army, the [-] elites he had carefully trained were not much worse than the Qin army. The battle has just begun, and the outcome is still unknown.

Although Yang Ren's ambush plan failed, but through this battle, he had a general understanding of the depth of the Tubo army. To be honest, it was weaker than Ding expected.

That night, Yang Ren personally led a hundred cavalry to launch a night attack on the left camp of the Tubo army.

Although Dayan Mangbuzhi, the defender of the left battalion, had already been prepared for the night attack, he did not expect that the Qin army only came with a hundred people, and they did not intend to kill people, but only rushed to kill and prevent fire, so he was completely defenseless.

Dayan Mangbuzhi issued orders one after another, intending to surround and kill Yang Ren in the camp, but in the huge Tubo camp, a mere hundred cavalry were like a drop in the ocean, and coupled with the mobility of the Qin army, it was really difficult to determine what it was. host.

After Yang Ren stirred up chaos in Zuoying, he attacked Dayan Mangbuzhi's big tent. If Lun Qinling's rescue was not timely, Dayanmangbuzhi might have died in the night attack.

In the end, when Yang Ren retreated, there were 71 Baiqi left, and only 29 died in the night attack, but it caused nearly a thousand casualties to the Tubo army, and the chaos created made them rest in place for a day.

With these two battles alone, Lun Qinling was full of vigilance, knowing that the Tubo army had marched to the city of Huangyuan, and never gave Yang Ren any chance.

When Yang Ren and Lun Qinling fought in Huangyuan City, the war in the far western regions changed again.

After the first battle with Gao Jie, Yang Shuang led the coalition forces of the three families of Yang, Li, and Ji to defeat the coalition forces of the Western Regions again. They gained the opportunity to behead [-] people and capture [-] soldiers, which further weakened the strength of the Western Regions coalition forces.

(End of this chapter)

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