Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2760 Bison Mountain decisive battle 9, King Tota captures God of Fighting

Chapter 2756: Battle of Bison Mountain Nine, King Tota Captures God of Fighting
Yang Ren and the dragon beard and tiger fought one against another, but they were suppressed by Spartacus. In the end, Yang Ren was defeated and retired.

Longxuhu and Xin Wenli also played two against one, but they were still suppressed by Spartacus. In the end, Longxuhu was defeated and retired.

Xin Wenli, Jin Zha, and Mu Zha played three against one. Although Spartacus was suppressed, he was used by him to trade injuries for injuries, and Xin Wenli was defeated and retired.

Now Jin Zha and Mu Zha are two-on-one again. Logically speaking, the above three can't win, and the two of them should also lose, but the two of them have the upper hand, and the reason is naturally their third skill. started.

After the third skill of Jin Zha and Mu Zha was activated, their comprehensive combat power reached the level of high-level God of War, and the two were still in their prime.

On the other hand, Spartacus defeated the three war gods of Daqin, but his own consumption was not small, and Jin Zha's sword also caused him serious injuries.

Therefore, Spartacus, who was injured, faced Jin Zha Mu Zha, who had fully activated his skills and was in his prime. Naturally, he could not be an opponent. It was only a matter of time before he lost.

The three generals Yang Ren, Longxuhu, and Xin Wenli were all defeated one after another, but the two young men, Jin Zha and Mu Zha, suppressed such a fierce Spartacus, which also made many of the Qin army The soldiers were all dumbstruck, they couldn't believe that the two sons of the governor's family were so strong.

Li Jing was also shocked. He knew that Jin Zha and Mu Zha were very strong, but he didn't expect them to be so strong. He thought: I really deserve to be my son.

Although Jin Zha and Mu Zha had the upper hand, it was only a matter of time before they won, but after some hesitation, Li Jing decided to go to help the two sons in person.

Li Jing also noticed that Spartacus is not only extremely cunning and fierce, but also has rich combat experience. The current advantage of Jin Zha Mu Zha does not mean everything, and no one can guarantee what will happen next.

Therefore, it is the best way to deal with it in one go and completely defeat it with a crushing force.

Li Jing, the governor of Yongliang, went to the battle in person, and the morale of the Qin army naturally surged, and the nearby soldiers also took the initiative to make way for Li Jing to reach the front line as quickly as possible.

[Ding dong, Li Jing's skill 'Halberd King' is activated, force +3;


Currently, Li Jing's strength has risen to 113;]

Li Jing is just a super-class general of Jiwu 98, and his weapon skills have not yet reached the god level, only the king level.

In this battle where even super-god generals can't dominate, God-of-War can barely protect itself, and the god-general walks everywhere, Li Jing, whose strength is only super-first-class in the late stage, wants to participate in the battle between high-ranking God of War.

It has to be said that Li Jing's behavior, in the eyes of most people, is no different from courting death.

But is it possible that someone as smart as Li Jing would do such a stupid thing as taking the initiative to seek death?Naturally impossible, he would do this naturally because he has a hole card.

Jin Zha and Mu Zha were concentrating on dealing with Spartacus, and they didn't expect that their father Li Jing would come to help him in person. If he knew, he would definitely stop it.

After all, Spartacus is too fierce. Even if their brothers join forces, they can only suppress it, and cannot win it in a short period of time. However, their father Li Jing's strength is only first-class, so he obviously cannot participate in a battle of this level.

Although Jin Zha and Mu Zha concentrate on fighting the enemy, they also pay attention to the surrounding environment. After all, they are at the forefront now, and the soldiers on both sides are constantly fighting. , then they will fall into the siege of the enemy.

Suddenly, Jin Zha and Mu Zha glanced casually from the corner of their eyes, but they both saw an unexpected person, it was their father Li Jing, and he was charging towards them on horseback.

Although Jin Zha Mu Zha didn't respond on the surface, but he was already a little anxious in his heart, and secretly said: Dad won't come because he wants to help the battle, right?No way?Shouldn't it?

Mu Zha kept shouting in his heart, hoping that his father would not come over and cause trouble. After all, one Spartacus was enough for them. If his father really participated in the war, they would be powerless to take care of him.

Jin Zha is much calmer. Although he doesn't want Li Jing to come and cause trouble, he knows that with his father's wisdom, he will never do stupid and unnecessary things, so if he joins the war, he must have his reasons.

Compared with the second son Mu Zha, the eldest son Jin Zha knows Li Jing better, so when Li Jing enters the battlefield, he also inspires father-son friendship skills with him.

[Ding dong, Li Jing, Li Jinzha and his son are present at the same time, the combo skill 'Flesh and Bone Connection' effect 1 is activated, and the force of the father and son +3 at the same time.

Current: Li Jing's force has risen to 116;

Li Jinzha's strength rose to 133;]

Li Jing's basic force is only 98 points, but with the blessing of many bauffs, his force value has been increased to 116, reaching the level of a high-level general.

It has to be said that even some war gods do not have such an exaggerated increase, but Li Jing, who is super powerful, enjoys it.

Although Li Jing's strength has been increased to the level of a high-level god general, even so, it is difficult to intervene in a battle at the level of a high-level god of war.

Of course, Li Jing was well aware of this, so although he decided to come to help the battle, he didn't plan to join the battle in close quarters, but prepared to deal with Spartacus from a distance.

[Ding dong, Li Jing's skill 'Tuota Tianwang' is activated;
Tota King: A new skill born after the fusion of 'Tota' and 'Tianwang (pseudo)';
Effect 1, pagoda seal, when the fired hidden weapon hits the opponent, one of the opponent's skills can be randomly sealed. Even if the opponent with a sword fails to hit, the opponent's weapon skill can be sealed until the seal is automatically released after the battle. (Note: Except for super magic skills, facing your own son, you can seal the opponent's two skills;)

Effect 2, more sons, more blessings, when fighting side by side with one's own sons, each additional son's strength will be +2, and the maximum limit is 3 people;
Effect 3, father's love is like a mountain, when my son activates a combination skill, but there is a gap in the combination, he can fill the gap and cooperate with his son to launch all the combination skills;]

Although 'Heavenly King' is Ran Min's unique skill, theoretically only one person should have it, but now Ran Min is dead, so the unique skill 'Heavenly King' naturally no longer belongs to him alone, other people have it' People in the name of Uranus' are also likely to awaken.

There are actually many people who have the title of "Heavenly King", such as: Former Qin King Fu Jian, Later Liang King Lu Guang, Northern Yan King Feng Ba, Northern Zhou King Yu Wenjue, Southern Song Yijun King Yang Yao, Taiping Heavenly King Hong Xiuquan, Taiping Young Heavenly King Hong Tianguifu , as well as the purple-faced king Xiong Kuohai, the mythical Four Heavenly Kings and the Tota Heavenly King, etc.;

Except for the deceased Fu Jian and Hong Xiuquan, others may awaken the 'king of heaven', but it is unknown whether it is the 'king of heaven' or the 'king of heaven (false)'.

After all, unique skills like this kind of title, such as Xiang Yu Overlord, Yue Fei Martial Saint, etc., will have weakened versions of false Overlord and false Martial Saint.

It's actually a pity for Li Jing, after he merged with Fengshen Li Jing, the one who awakened first was 'Tuota', and then the awakened Heavenly King would be 'Heavenly King (pseudo)'.

If Li Jing changed the order and awakened the Heavenly King first, and then Tota, then it might not be a fake Heavenly King, but a full version of the real Heavenly King.

However, after Li Jing completely devoured the soul of Conferred God Li Jing, the two skills 'Tota' and 'Heavenly King (false)' were fused into a brand new fusion skill 'Tota Heavenly King'.

This also made Li Jing the fourth person in Daqin who has four-character personal skills after Lu Bu's "Dragon City Flying General", Li Cunxiao's "Flying Tiger Breaks the Army", and Jiang Song's "Sharp Spear".

The effect of the four-character skill is not necessarily stronger than the two-character and three-character skills, but it does look more noble and noble.

[Ding Dong, Li Jing's skill 'Tuota Tianwang' effect 3 is activated like a mountain of fatherly love. When my son activates a combo skill, but there is a gap in the combo, he can fill the gap and cooperate with his son to launch all combo skills;

At present, there are two people absent from the "Four Godly Spears", so Li Jing can be used as a substitute to replace the Bronze Spear or Iron Spear;

Li Jing replaced the Bronze Spear and cooperated with Jin Zha and Mu Zha to jointly launch the four magic guns. When the three of them are present, their force will be +3;

Current: Jin Zha's force has risen to 134;

Mu Zha's power rises to 131;

Li Jing's strength rose to 119;]

[Ding dong, Li Jing's skill 'Tuota Tianwang' effect 2 activates more sons and more blessings. When fighting side by side with his own son, each additional son present will have +2 force, and the maximum limit is 3 people;
Currently, Jin Zha and Mu Zha are present, so Li Jing's force +4, and his force rises to 123;]

With the activation of the "Tuota Tianwang" effect 2, more sons and more blessings, Li Jing, whose basic strength is only 98, has actually increased his strength to 123. This kind of increase even exceeds the super magic skill, but the limit is also very large .

Li Jing's own combat power is not that strong, and after removing those extra buffs, the highest force value he can display is only 111 points.

But if you cooperate with your son, you don't need all three of them. As long as you have two, Li Jing's force value will skyrocket to 121, reaching a level comparable to that of the elementary level God of War, but because the basic force is too low, So it can't last too long.

Allowing a super-class fighter to display the strength of God of War shows how strong Li Jing's skill set is.

If Li Jing can break through to become the God of War, then he will be really amazing, but unfortunately he is already the father of three children, and he is too old. Even if he merges with Li Jing, the God of God, he does not have much potential to tap. It is very rare to be able to break through to the god general.

After Li Jing received the blessing of multiple buffs, although his force was raised to 123 points, he still did not dare to intervene in his son's possession. What about the pad?Therefore, it is safest to place hidden weapons at a long distance.

Li Jing originally thought that this battle would crush the enemy and win easily, but he never expected that there would be so many twists and turns, and even he would fight on the battlefield himself, so he didn't have a hidden weapon on him, so he decorated the gold tower on his helmet broke off.

The golden pagoda helmet that Li Jing wore was given to him by Ying Hao. It was all made of gold, and the golden pagoda on the top weighed five catties to show his recognition of Li Jing's contribution.

After Li Jing broke the urn, he weighed it and found that the weight was about the same, which could be used as a hidden weapon. Then he used the hidden weapon technique he had just learned, aimed directly at Spartacus, and fired the urn as a hidden weapon.

In fact, even if Li Jing didn't make a move, Spartacus wouldn't be able to hold on for long. After all, Jin Zha and Mu Zha's force value had been increased to 130+, and the combat power erupted by their joint efforts was enough to kill him.

Naturally, Li Jing could also see this, but since he made the move, he naturally had his reasons.

Under Jin Zha Mu Zha's onslaught, Spartacus was suppressed and could not move. Even if he had seen the opponent's hidden weapon, he couldn't dodge it at all.


The urn fell on Spartacus' shoulder, and Spartacus vomited a mouthful of blood, almost being knocked off his horse.

[Ding dong, Li Jing's skill 'Tuota Tianwang' effect 1 pagoda seal is activated, when the hidden weapon fired hits the opponent, one of the opponent's skills can be randomly sealed until the seal is automatically released after the battle.

Currently Spartacus is hit, the skill 'Unyielding' is sealed, and the current force drops to...]

After resisting Li Jing's hidden weapon, Spartacus was seriously injured, and his aura quickly declined, but Jin Zha's attacks followed one after another.


The swords and guns collided, and Spartacus, like Xin Wenli, was directly blasted by Jin Zha's blow and fell heavily to the ground.

At this time, Spartacus's consciousness was already chaotic, but his many years of gladiator career made him extremely able to bear the pain.

Even though he was so seriously injured, Spartacus didn't faint immediately, instead he was still struggling to get up, but before he could get up, his neck was blocked by a halberd.

"do not move."

Li Jing looked at the other party and said with a slight smile, and then used the halberd to knock this fierce and dangerous alien unconscious on the spot.

The second update, the May [-]th holiday, currently has six chapters, and the third is the last day off, will try to update two chapters, adding up to eight chapters, on average, there are three double updates in five days, this must be considered add more

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