Chapter 323 Decisive Battle

Chapter 322: Decisive Battle
The first year of Zhongping, March.

The long-planned uprising of the Yellow Turbans officially broke out. During the next seven months of fighting, the common people broke out with extremely powerful forces, and they became stronger and stronger on the frontal battlefield.

Although the Han army also had a small victory, it was difficult to go against the general trend. Most of the land east of Hulao Pass was occupied.


Due to the stalemate in the war, the two sides of the Han and Huang stopped large-scale attacks and reduced their forces on the east and west lines of Hulao Pass, preparing for a decisive battle.

The second year of Zhongping, March.

The 45 Han troops from northern Xinjiang marched southward, and [-] troops gathered in Luoyang. The Han Dynasty was ready for war.

April [-].

Emperor Liu Hong of the Han Dynasty took Anbei General Qin Wen as the governor of Hulaoguan, and together with Ding Yuan, Liu Yu, Dong Zhuo and other generals, led 15 Han army leaders and presided over the defense of Hulaoguan.

April fifteen.

The Yellow Turbans were ready for the war, and after seven months of attack, six months of training, and all of their financial and material resources to be armed, the army of one million Yellow Turbans was completely reborn.

Although the Yellow Turbans today are not all elites, they are no longer as unbearable as the original history, and are no longer inferior to the ordinary Han army.

In the second year of Zhongping, the first day of May.

Zhang Jiao took the 25 troops led by Xiang Yu as the vanguard, and personally led the [-] elite vanguard troops. Together with Huang Chao, Fang La, Li Mi, Zhang Xianzhong and other Qu commanders, they took the lead in killing Hulaoguan.

The other Yellow Turban Canal officers stationed in the counties of Yanzhou, after receiving Zhang Jiao's military order immediately, also pulled out of their villages and headed to Chenliu.

This gathering of more than one million troops has affected tens of millions of heroes, and the unprecedented war can no longer be avoided, and it has finally officially started.


Yingchuan, Yingchuan College, Xun Shuang, the contemporary master of Confucianism, sits on the throne, with all the masters of the world on the lower left, and the masters of Taoism on the right.

"Let go, if you continue, the situation will really be irreversible." Xun Shuang sighed, and after saying this, he seemed to be discouraged.

There is also nothing in the hall for a long time. The plan of Confucianism and Taoism for more than 400 years has finally come to naught in this world, so how can it not make everyone feel sad.

Where there are people, there is struggle, and schools are also different from princes fighting for the world. Schools fight for inheritance.

The glory of a dynasty will not last for hundreds of years, but the inheritance of schools can be passed down through generations. This is the unremitting pursuit of all literati.

During the period of Emperor Wudi of the Han Dynasty, Confucianism succeeded, and the Confucianism was the only one who overthrew the hundred schools of thought and respected Confucianism.

Taoism, like bewitching Qin Shihuang to seek immortals, survived by bewitching Emperor Wu of Han to live forever.

Later, Confucianism and Taoism joined forces to suppress hundreds of schools, and in the process absorbed the essence of his family, and was able to strengthen their own learning.

Naturally, the hundreds of schools of thought will not let their own inheritance be wiped out. Fifty is more cruel than the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Periods, and the battle of hundreds of schools that lasted for more than 400 years began.

The Rebellion of the Seven Kingdoms was the first counterattack of the hundred schools of thought blocked by Confucianism and Taoism;
The Wang Mang Rebellion was the second counterattack of the hundred schools of thought blocked by Confucianism and Taoism;
But this third Yellow Turban Rebellion, Confucianism and Taoism were no longer able to stop it.

This time, the hundreds of schools of thought are too ferocious, and there are too many capable men and heroes in this life, even faintly surpassing the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period!

Once the 400-year grand career is exhausted, how can we not let everyone present feel sorry and painful.

Seeing that there was no one to answer for a long time, Zuo Ci, who was the first in the right seat, broke the silence.

"But even if we let go, will those guys agree? With their support, the Yellow Turbans are making great progress." Zuo Ci sighed.

Xun Shuang got up and walked slowly to the door, looking in the direction of Hulao Pass in the northwest, turned around after a long time, and said lightly: "Yes, there are too many hidden dangers in the Yellow Turban, even if you temporarily gain the world, it is impossible to sit firmly. Compared with the contemporary leaders of hundreds of schools, they must know."

"But can the hatred of more than 400 years really be eliminated?" Zuo Ci asked again.

Xun Shuang's face darkened and he didn't speak for a long time. If it were him, it would be impossible to agree.

As the last one on the left, Xun Yu, a young disciple of the Xun family who is called 'Wang Zuozhicai', stood up and said resolutely, "It's definitely possible, even if other people don't agree, Master Wang will definitely have a way to persuade them, once the big man falls Now, this world is not a troubled world, but an apocalypse.”

Looking at Xun Yu's handsome face, Xun Shuang couldn't help but sigh in his heart: It's so nice to be young, this world will eventually belong to you young people!


"Reporting to the Governor, the main force of the Yellow Turbans has been closed."

As the chief general of the 15-strong army, Qin Wen, the governor of the Han army, did not panic after receiving the news. Instead, he said indifferently: "It's finally here, and it's slower than expected. How many soldiers and horses are there in total?"

"It's endless, and it's impossible to liquidate at all. It's estimated to be between 20 and 30."

When the generals heard it, their collective discoloration suddenly changed. The first attack of the Yellow Turbans had so many troops. It can be seen that this defensive battle is not easy to fight.

Seeing this with a cold face, Qin Wen snorted coldly: "Humph, what if there are more people? It's just a mob, even if there are millions of governors, what's the fear?"

The indifference of the main general made all the generals also reassured, and they also remembered that there were many generals in the Han army, who had defeated the Yellow Turbans several times their own with a small number of troops, such as Huangfu Song, Lu Zhi, and Qin Wen.

Yes, the governor once defeated 13 elite Yellow Turbans with an army of 15 in Daijun. Now he has an army of 30, and there is Hulao Pass, which is easy to defend and difficult to attack, and said that the enemy is only coming [-], even if the million came, so why not be afraid?

Seeing that the impetuous hearts had settled down, Qin Wen looked around and nodded with satisfaction after a week, and said with a light smile, "Raise soldiers for a thousand days, and use them for a while. It's time for you to make achievements and build your career, so let's go to the city with the Governor to have a look!"


Qin Hao was the first to shout, and then the followers were like clouds.

On the way to the tower, Qin Hao happened to bump into Dong Zhuo.

Looking at Dong Zhuo, who was looking as usual but became more gloomy, Qin Hao couldn't imagine how heartbroken he was a few days ago.

Dong Zhuo's death was a big blow to Dong Zhuo. Even Dong Zhuo himself never thought that he would be so bad to his son, but this stupid son stood up to defend himself at a critical moment.

Thinking about what he did to Dong Yu, and thinking about what Dong Yu did to himself, in contrast, this made Dong Zhuo ashamed and sad at the same time.

My God, why did I, Dong Zhuo, really treat my own son like that?
Dong Zhuo felt extremely bitter in his heart. If there was any medicine for regret, he would have to buy ten pounds, but it was too late. He knew what the pain of losing a child was, and understood the feelings of Li Yuan, Yang Jian and others.
After the grief, Dong Zhuo's heart was full of hatred, and all the ambush soldiers except Xiang Yu had been killed by the Yanmen Army. He didn't even have a target for revenge, so he aimed at the entire Yellow Turban Army.

Pei Er, father must use the heads of millions of yellow scarves thieves to be buried with you, definitely.Dong Zhuo made up his mind.

 I took the monthly exam two days ago, and I didn't have time to code.I missed two days, so I will try to make up for it today and tomorrow.This chapter involves hundreds of schools. To be honest, Liuxiang regrets writing Baijia. It is not something that Liuxiang can master. However, it is too late to say anything. Just do your best to write it. I hope everyone can like.Second night!

(End of this chapter)

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