Chapter 339
Chapter 338: Cranky is shifting its focus
The [-] Yanmen cavalry, under the command of Qin Hao, decisively bypassed Kaifeng and headed for Chenliu in the east.

Qin Hao ordered Yue Fei to lead [-] elite cavalry as the vanguard, and along the way, there were several counties with few garrisoned troops, all of which were easily conquered by Yue Fei and became food and grass supply places for the Yanmen cavalry.

The Lv Bu army in Kaifeng was shocked when they received Qin Hao's order to abandon the battle plan and lead the army to Chenliu.

Liu Bei and Yu Guluo raised objections on the spot and firmly opposed going to Chenliu, but they were forcibly suppressed by Lu Bu, the main general.

Although Lu Bu also felt that Qin Hao's move was too dangerous, he finally decided to trust Qin Hao in order to repay Qin Hao's trust in himself.

Under the leadership of Lü Bu, the [-] Han cavalry coalition did not fight against Huang Chao as planned, but evacuated in time and went straight to Chenliu.


Kaifeng, Huang Chao Camp.

"What, Lu Bu didn't go into an ambush to persuade him, but instead led his troops to stay in Chen?"

After getting the news, Huang Chao subconsciously raised the volume.

Qin Hao guessed right, what awaits him here in Kaifeng is not an army of [-] troops, but an ambush circle composed of a whole [-] troops.

The Yellow Turbans' battle plan this time was mainly based on Xiang Yu, so Zhang Jiao did not hesitate to concentrate all the elites in Xiang Yu's army.

Even Zhu Wen under Huang Chao's subordinate was temporarily transferred to Xiang Yu's subordinate. It can be seen that the plan is very big, and it is definitely not enough to satisfy the Mengjin Pass, and there must be follow-up plans.

Huang Chao's mission this time was mainly to assist Xiang Yu, contain the Han cavalry, and prevent Xiang Yu from being retaken by the Han cavalry when his foothold was unstable.

The difficulty of the task is not high for Huang Chao, and Huang Chao naturally has more than this appetite.

Before the surprise attack on Hulao Pass, Huang Chao ruthlessly smothered Xiang Yu, but although he showed his anger, it caused Zhang Jiao's dissatisfaction.

How could Zhang Jiao, who is in charge of Taiping Guard, not know about Huang Chao's small movements. Although Zhang Jiao didn't say it, he was extremely disappointed in Huang Chao in his heart.

Afterwards, Zhang Jiao carried out a series of suppressions on Huang Chao, rising and falling in secret, etc., which made Huang Chao feel terrified.

Huang Chao didn't feel that it was his fault for pitting Xiang Yu before. After all, it was Xiang Yu who planned to plot against him first. Huang Chao was just fighting back, but who knew it was self-defeating, which caused Zhang Jiao's strong disgust.

One mistake made all the previous efforts go to waste, which made Huang Chao extremely angry.

Huang Chao was neither a disciple of Zhang Jiao nor the son-in-law of the Zhang family. The reason why he was chosen as the heir by Zhang Jiao was because of his credit.

The Yellow Turbans' plan for raising troops, strategic planning, etc., were all drafted by Huang Chao. It was with these credits that Huang Chao could get Zhang Jiao's favor and stand above the Qu Shuai.

However, in the previous battle of Yanzhou, Huang Chao was defeated by Lu Zhi and Cao Cao, and his prestige was not as good as before. Now, Zhang Jiao is even more dissatisfied, which makes Huang Chao's life extremely difficult in the future.

Huang Chao knew that he could no longer remain silent. Qin Hao's [-] cavalry was the great achievement that could get him out of his predicament.

The order Zhang Jiao gave to Huang Chao was only to hold back the Han cavalry. After all, the fighting power of the Han cavalry was obvious to all. Even if the Yellow Turban really wanted to destroy it, I am afraid that the casualties would not be small at this time.

However, in Huang Chao's eyes, as long as he was commanded properly, he would be able to wipe out the 5 Han cavalry with very little loss.

The credit for eliminating 20 Han cavalry is no less than the elimination of [-] Han troops. Although it still cannot be compared with Xiang Yu's plan, at least the gap has been narrowed.

If you really wait for Xiang Yu to complete that plan, and Huang Chao himself is mediocre, then there will be no chance.

Huang Chao assured Zhang Jiao with his life, and finally got permission to transfer troops.

In order to ensure the complete annihilation of Qin Hao's 20 cavalry, Huang Chao transferred all the 30 troops around Chenliu and set up an ambush circle with a total of [-] troops.

Huang Chao is gambling with his future, betting that this battle can be won, but he never thought that Qin Hao would play cards so unreasonably.

He laid down a feast of 30 troops, but before the battle began, Qin Hao led the army and ran away, and even went to Chenliu.

Chen Liu was not only the base camp of the Yellow Turbans, but also one of the largest grain depots. Once Qin Hao broke through, the consequences would be disastrous.

In such an important place, it is logically impossible to be slack in defense, but in order to wipe out Qin Hao's [-] army, Chen Liu's garrison was also mobilized by Huang Chao, and now there are only [-] defenders left.

Today, Chen Liu's defensive strength is unprecedentedly weak, and Qin Hao is attacking right, just right to hit the key point of Huang Chao. Once Chen Liu is defeated by Qin Hao, Huang Chao will become the sinner of the Yellow Turbans.

Thinking of this, Huang Chao couldn't help but panic in his heart. Huang Chao forced himself to calm down quickly, and after communicating the key, he quickly issued an order.

"Go on, order the defenders of the surrounding counties to give up their local areas and concentrate on Chenliu's defense."

The Yellow Turbans built five large grain depots in Yanzhou, and the one in Chenliu City was the largest.

In Huang Chao's view, as long as Chen Liucheng is not lost, it doesn't matter if other surrounding counties are lost.

When he thought that Qin Hao's [-] Han cavalry was about to ravage Yanzhou, Huang Chao had a headache. Even if Yanzhou's Yellow Turbans were strong, they had to catch up.

Huang Chao can rely on his huge advantage to build a large encirclement first and then shrink it continuously, thereby completely annihilating the Han army.

But such a large deployment of troops also takes time. Who knows what will happen during this time?
Thinking of this, Huang Chao immediately ordered again.

"I immediately sent a request for cavalry assistance to Hulao, saying that I would need [-]. No, I want all the cavalry to intercept and wipe out the Han cavalry in Chenliu."

Only the cavalry catches up with the cavalry, and until now, Huang Chao has not given up the idea of ​​annihilating [-] cavalry.

Huang Chao was not afraid that Hulao would not give him the support of the soldiers. After all, Qin Hao was raging in Yanzhou, and the impact was not limited to Huang Chao.

Huang Chao was afraid that the number of cavalry supported by Hulao Pass would not be able to stop the Han cavalry.

Huang Chao also didn't know Xiang Yu's specific plan, but he knew that the plan would require a lot of cavalry.

The Yellow Turbans had only [-] cavalry in total, and if Xiang Yu's demand for cavalry was too great, there would not be too many cavalry to support Huang Chao.

Of course, these are not things that Huang Chao can consider now. The only thing he can do now is to stop Qin Hao with all his strength.


Just when Huang Chao was troubled by Qin Hao's affairs, the Luoyang court also exploded because of Xiang Yu.

Mengjin Pass was captured by Xiang Yu, which meant that between Luoyang and the Yellow Turbans, only Xiaopingjin remained.

Although Xiaopingjin has a small character, it is not small at all, but it does not bring enough security to the Luoyang court.

The time for the Yellow Turbans to take Mengjin Pass is still short, and they have not been able to send enough troops, so the Han Dynasty still has a chance to retake Mengjin Pass.

The Luoyang court made up its mind that Mengjin Pass must be recaptured. In the end, General He Jin led an army of 30 to retake Mengjin Pass with all his strength.

The focus of the duel between the Yellow Turbans and Dahan also shifted from Hulao Pass to Mengjin Pass.

 The foreshadowing before the decisive battle is really difficult to write, and there have been some cavities recently.

(End of this chapter)

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