Chapter 406

Chapter 405: What the People Want

When Yang Gang chose to stay, his ending was already doomed, but Yang Gang himself was relieved that he did not die of suicide, but died in battle.

Zhang Jiao deeply admired Yang Gun's loyalty, so he issued the order to capture him alive after breaking the inner city, but he did not expect that this move would make Yang Gun famous for a lifetime.

It was Zhu Yuanzhang who first discovered Yang Gun. Facing the enemy's heavy siege, Yang Gun launched a suicide charge against the Yellow Turbans with the mentality of killing one to earn one, and killed himself in the direction of Zhang Jiao.

Because of this horn's order, Zhu Yuanzhang naturally tied his hands and feet, but Yang Gun was more and more happy.

In the end, Yang Gong, who was nearly sixty years old, dragged his tired body from the inner city to the outer city, and no one could stop him head-on.

Looking at the corpses on the ground, Zhu Yuanzhang was so shocked that he was speechless. It was hard to believe that Yang Gun was an old man in his sixties.

If Yang Gun was allowed to kill like this, it might be possible to rush to Zhang Jiao's place, so Zhu Yuanzhang decided to take action himself.

Even in the face of Yang Gun, a very tired veteran, Zhu Yuanzhang did not face it alone, but made a prudent choice to join forces with Li Wenzhong and Zhu Wenzheng, and prepared to capture Yang Gun in one fell swoop.

But the final outcome was beyond everyone's expectations. Not only did Zhu Yuanzhang fail to capture Yang Gun alive, but Yang Gun seized the opportunity to capture Zhu Yuanzhang alive.

That's right, Zhu Yuanzhang, the ancestor of the Ming Dynasty, was captured, and he was a veteran. This has also become the biggest shame of Zhu Yuanzhang in this life.

After Yang Gun captured Zhu Yuanzhang alive, he took Zhu Yuanzhang as a hostage and fled all the way to where Zhang Jiao was, and wanted to kill Zhang Jiao alone, but there was little chance of success.

Yang Gun's ability to survive until now is entirely because of Zhang Jiao's order to capture him alive, and his ability to single out Zhu Yuanzhang's three generals is also due to the way of fighting for his life.

Therefore, it is completely a miracle that Yang Gun can come all the way to Zhang Jiao under his own control.

But if you want to kill Zhang Jiao, not to mention Xiang Yulong and wait for the generals, even if it is any of the two guards of Dian Wei Xuding, the tired Yang Gun cannot be an opponent.

Yang Gun naturally knew that it was impossible to kill Zhang Jiao, but he still resolutely charged towards Zhang Jiao alone.

In the end, under the witness of tens of thousands of troops and hundreds of thousands of Luoyang people, Yang Gong was directly shot by Wan Jian on the way to charge.

The order to release the arrow was naturally given by Zhang Jiao, and Zhu Yuanzhang, who was spared by Yang Gong, was extremely complicated when he saw Yang Gong covered with arrows all over his body.

After seeing Zhang Jiao, Zhu Yuanzhang has no use value. Yang Gang originally wanted to kill Zhu Yuanzhang, but when he was about to do it, Zhu Yuanzhang's words before his death made Yang Gang change his mind.

In front of Wanjun, Yang Gun stepped on Zhu Yuanzhang's back, and when he was about to kill Zhu Yuanzhang, he heard Zhu Yuanzhang unwilling to say: "I swear to the great teacher that I will fight for the people of the world for the rest of my life, but I end up dying like this. , I'm really unhappy."

Zhu Yuanzhang's words seemed to touch a string in Yang Gun's heart, which finally made Yang Gun change his attention.

"Let's go." Yang Gun let go of his feet and said indifferently.


Zhu Yuanzhang opened his eyes nervously and asked carefully, "Aren't you going to kill me?"

Yang Gun's eyes were filled with murderous intent, and he said coldly, "I say get out of here before this old man changes his mind."

The relieved Zhu Yuanzhang dared to stay longer, but he was stopped by Yang Gun before he took two steps.

"and many more."

Zhu Yuanzhang turned around with difficulty, and said in despair, "Old General, did you regret it so quickly?"

Yang Gun stared at Zhu Yuanzhang and said coldly: "Boy, remember what you said, if one day you break your promise, the old man will return as a ghost and drag you into hell."

Zhu Yuanzhang swallowed his saliva and said seriously, "I, Zhu Yuanzhang, will never break my oath."

Afterwards, Zhu Yuanzhang was also terrified. If it wasn't for those words, he would have been dead in a different place.

Since then, Zhu Yuanzhang never took the initiative to fight against others in person.

Yang Gong died in front of the Yellow Turbans and the people of Luoyang in a very tragic way of dying, and his deeds soon spread all over the world.

The 70 solitary army was alone in the city, facing the [-] siege army, but abruptly defeated the [-] Yellow Turban army.

Such a record of defending the city is simply a miracle.

Although Yang Gong's death did not cause any hindrance to the Yellow Turbans, it strengthened the confidence of the Han Dynasty loyalists.
Yang Gong's record, coupled with his tragic death, finally made his deeds famous and praised by future generations.

But the funny thing is that Yang Gong, a loyal minister who died in a tragic battle for the big man, the court did not even give him a posthumous title.

As for the reason, it was naturally because of the obstruction of the ten permanent servants, and this also disappointed everyone in the Han court.

On the third day after Yang Gong's death, another major event caused a sensation in the world, that is, Zhang Jiao officially announced the implementation of the "Tianmu System in the Kingdom of Heaven".

When the news came out, the whole world was in an uproar.

Land annexation is also a big problem in every state in the Han Dynasty, and when the Yellow Turban's "Tianmu System in the Kingdom of Heaven" came out, it can be said that it directly pierced the sky.

How to implement the "Tiangu Tianmu System", to put it bluntly, is to unconditionally seize the land in the hands of the family, and then distribute it to the local people according to the population.

The aristocratic family holds most of the cultivated land in the world, and if it was purchased peacefully, the Yellow Turbans would not be able to get that much money, so they could only forcibly expropriate it.

You expropriate other people's land without giving them compensation. This is no different from digging someone's ancestral grave. How could an aristocratic family agree?

In the past, every time the Yellow Turbans went to a place, they only targeted the scum of the aristocratic family, and in this way, they almost offended the world's aristocratic families.

Moreover, the current "Tianmu System of the Kingdom of Heaven", whether it is a good or evil family, also includes those who support the Yellow Turbans, and it is directly aimed at all the family in the world, and the two sides no longer have the slightest room for manoeuvre.

Sure enough, as soon as the new land policy came out, the aristocratic families under the Yellow Turbans basically opposed it collectively, and jointly fought against the Yellow Turban policy.

Yellow Turbans are basically from poor backgrounds, and most of them have hatred for the rich. Naturally, their attitude towards the family has never softened, and then you can guess without thinking. It must be another battle that swept the entire Kanto and Sizhou. Bloody storm.

The aristocratic family cried again, and so did the people, but one was crying in pain, and the other was crying with joy.

People have worked hard all their lives, and they may not be able to get their own land, but now Zhang Jiao has given them to them. This kind of kindness is higher than the sky and deeper than the sea, so there is a faint trend among the people to praise Zhang Jiao as a saint.

Ordinary people are grateful, and they know who is kind to them.

Under the rule of the Great Han, the people could hardly even get enough food, not to mention the land, and they were also oppressed by corrupt officials and noble families.

Under the rule of the Yellow Turbans, although life was still difficult, the people had hope. Now that the "Tianmu System of the Kingdom of Heaven" came out, the people's hearts all over the world have basically turned towards the Yellow Turbans.

Today's big men are basically fighting against the people of the world.

 The first watch will come, and the second watch will be after twelve o'clock.

(End of this chapter)

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