Chapter 471
Chapter 470: The Great Han Will Die
The old man was Xiang Yu's grandfather Xiang Yan. Although Xiang Yu was a sinner of the Yellow Turbans, he had nothing to do with Xiang Yan.

As the only generals of the Yellow Turbans, Xiang Yan was also in the team leaving, Zhang Jiao didn't expect him to leave.

Looking at the smoke not far away, Xiang Yan smiled lightly: "Master, you haven't left, how can the last commander abandon the master and run away?"

Xiang Yan has never called Zhang Jiao the lord. The two always wanted to be honorable, but now they call Zhang Jiao the lord directly. It can be seen that Xiang Yan has truly recognized Zhang Jiao.

Zhang Jiao endured the emotion in his heart and smiled bitterly: "Brother Yan, how will you face the future situation when you are not in Sheng'er?"

"Girl Sheng'er has that kid Zhu Yuanzhang by his side, so there shouldn't be any accidents. Besides, the last general is getting old. The current Yellow Turban is the same with me or not."

It's not that no one in the Yellow Turban knows Zhang Sheng's identity, but very few people know, and Xiang Yan is one of the very few. It can be seen that Zhang Jiao still trusts Xiang Yan.

"I heard that the road to Huangquan is very lonely, and I can't bear the lord to walk alone, so I came to accompany the lord for a walk."

Xiang Yan said with a smile, he did not have the slightest fear in the face of death, on the contrary, there was a sense of relief.

Indeed, their grandsons and grandsons made great contributions to the Yellow Turbans, but this defeat was mainly due to Xiang Yu.

Xiang Yan felt very guilty about Zhang Jiao, and Xiang Yu still didn't know whether he was alive or dead, so he thought of committing suicide.

"Brother Yan, what are you doing?"

Xiang Yan smiled nonchalantly: "My lord, don't you think I'm the only one left?"

Zhang Jiao was stunned for a moment, then said in shock, "Could it be, still..."

"My lord, and my old Xu."

Xu Ding walked out with a smirk, Zhang Jiao was stunned and said, "Xu Ding? Even you..."

Before Zhang Jiao could finish speaking, he saw more than ten more people walking out one after another, and looking at the familiar faces, Zhang Jiao suddenly trembled with anger.



"Good teacher."

"We didn't leave, we came back voluntarily."

"Master, let us fight side by side with you."

"Yes, I fought with the big son of a bitch."

"My lord, I will be your old soldier at the end of my next life."


These people are the essence of the Yellow Turbans, and if they are in the Yellow Turbans, there will be no chaos.

Zhang Jiao finally sent them away, but they ran back by themselves. This... Zhang Jiao was too angry to speak.

But after hearing everyone's words from you and me, Zhang Jiao was both moved and angry in his heart.

"You, you?"

Looking at the few people left behind, Zhang Jiaoqiang endured the emotion in his heart and said angrily, "You all come back, what should I do with the Yellow Turbans? Are the jars broken? I'm really mad at the old man."

Hearing the words, Xu Ding defended: "My lord, the young master has Lao Dian and Zhu Shuai to assist, so it will definitely be alright."

"You, I... hey!"

Zhang Jiao pointed at the crowd helplessly, and all his anger finally turned into a sigh.

Xiang Yan and others will come back, and since the Han army is about to arrive, they can't leave if they want to leave.

"You idiots."


Surrounded by a large group of Han generals, Liu Hong finally reached the gate of the palace, and what he heard and saw along the way also made the generals have mixed feelings.

Luoyang is the old capital, and they also brought life-saving food to the people of Luoyang, but the eyes of the people looking at them are full of disgust.

Yue Fei, Cao Cao and other people who still have illusions about the big Han, see this scene with pain on their faces, and their faith in their hearts is gradually shaken.

Xue Rengui, Su Dingfang and the others did not have many loyal people to the big Han, but they showed deep thought, and they also knew in their hearts that the change of dynasty might not be far away.

As for the two peerless commanders, Bai Qi and Han Xin, both of them were indifferent. In their eyes, the grassroots people were just ants.

As the emperor, Liu Hong was also not affected in the slightest. After all, if he cared about the life and death of the people, how could he have adopted such a destructive tactic as 'the trapped dragon'.

It's really cool. With such an emperor, it would be really strange if the big man didn't die!Qin Hao thought to himself.

Looking at Zhang Jiao with a haggard face on the tower, Liu Hong felt so happy, and immediately shouted to Zhang Jiao on the tower:
"Yao Dao Zhang Jiao, you have deceived the people into rebelling, causing the world's souls to be charred, how long will it wait to be captured if you don't hold back?"

Zhang Jiao looked at Liu Hong and asked sarcastically, "Liu Hong, you only said that the old man is bewitching the people, so do you know why the people are bewitched by the old man?"

A trace of anger flashed in Liu Hong's eyes, and he snorted coldly: "Hmph, the idiots of the countryside, unbearable to be educated and ignorant of loyalty, are you fooled by this demon."

Zhang Jiao was enraged and scolded: "Shameless and foolish monarch, you favored traitors, suppressed Zhongliang, indulged aristocratic families, sold officials and nobles, if the people were not really able to survive, how could they risk the risk of annihilating the family and raise troops against you?
You put all the faults on the old man, but you don't say your own incompetence, the old man has never seen such a shameless person. "

Zhang Jiao swallowed a faint, so angry that Liu Hong's face turned blue, he immediately said angrily: "You, nonsense, shut up."

Zhang Jiao naturally ignored it, and continued to scolded himself: "The tyranny of the big Han has caused the whole world to rebel, but you are a fool, not only do you not know how to correct your mistakes, but you are even worse.

This time, in order to defeat the old man, he even used Sizhou as a bait. Do you know how many people starved to death in Sizhou?How many people starved to death in Luoyang?

Have you ever felt the slightest guilt in your heart?

This time the old man really lost, but you, Liu Hong, didn't win either.

The current Dahan, just like the Daqin 400 years ago, has completely lost the hearts of the people of the world, and is no longer worthy of continuing to sit on the magic weapon of the country. "

When he heard Zhang Jiao say that the big Han will die, Liu Hong seemed to have been stabbed in the wound, and shouted violently with red eyes: "Shut up the demon, if you don't shut up again, I will punish your nine clans."

Zhang Jiao smiled disdainfully, and said coldly: "Even if the old man dies, even if the Yellow Turbans are defeated, as long as you, the drowsy monarch, remain in power for a day and the evils of the big man are not eliminated, there will still be people who will stand up and continue to resist, and the big man will die sooner or later. ."

Under the city tower, all the generals of the Han army were shocked when they heard Zhang Jiao's remarks that "the great Han must die".

Dong Zhuo, Yuan Shao, Sun Jian, Cao Cao, Gongsun Zan and others, who are not outstanding people in the world, naturally know that what Zhang Jiao said is true.

Tianjiao such as Li Shimin, Zhao Kuangyin, and Yang Jian were destined to walk the road of God King from birth, so even if the big man was in a peaceful and prosperous age, they would still have the same foundation of cholera.

Now Zhang Jiao has made these words clear, just to stimulate the ambition in these people's hearts.

Anyone who is a little ambitious will silently plan the future path in their hearts when they realize that the dynasty is about to change.

 After Zhang Jiao's death, he will be divided into princes, and the era of princes is about to come.

(End of this chapter)

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