Chapter 478
Chapter 477: Conquering the Princes
Although the Yellow Turbans now occupy most of the six states in the Kanto region, their overall strength is unprecedentedly weak, with less than 20 soldiers to fight, which is what Zhang Jiao picked up before.
Therefore, if Liu Hong was to send troops wholeheartedly, weakening the princes would be second, and regaining the land would be the most important.

After all, if the Yellow Turbans recover, it will not be so easy to recover.

"Is there really no food and grass to support the army for a month?" Liu Hong asked unwillingly.

Liu Hong is really unwilling to give up such a good opportunity.

In his opinion, the army of one million Yellow Turbans has already been defeated, and the rest of the old, weak, sick and disabled will definitely look down upon the Han army's conquest, so one month is enough to sweep across Kanto.

Facts have proved that Liu Hong is too taken for granted, what can he do in a month?
Marching all the way from Luoyang, if you do nothing, you can only reach Chenliu.

In addition, even if the Yellow Turbans are insufficient, they are still on the defensive side.

If they can't defend themselves, how many cities can the Han army conquer in a month?
Qin Hao lowered his head and curled his lips in disdain. He was speechless in his heart. Liu Honglian didn't understand this military common sense, and he wanted to be the savior of the big man. It was just a dream.

For Liu Hong's question, Wang Yun and others could only answer truthfully, after all, they couldn't make food.

Liu Hong's face was even more embarrassing. He had been fighting for power with aristocratic families before, but now he is finally in power, but he found that steering a country is much more difficult than he thought.

The people may not be wrong, I may really be a fool, right?Liu Hong laughed at himself.

At this moment, Yuan Feng stood up and said loudly: "Who said there is no food, isn't there a ready-made one in Nanyang?"

Liu Hong's eyes suddenly lit up, the big Han Xiang Yu slaughtered Nanyang and robbed a lot of money and food, and after Qin Hao defeated Xiang Yu, this part of the money and food fell into the hands of the Han army, so it can naturally be used as military food.

Qin Hao knew that he could no longer be silent, so he stood up and cupped his hands: "Your Majesty, the food in Nanyang has been used by the ministers for disaster relief."

In the First Battle of Hanshui, 40 yellow scarves died in the flood, and more than 200 million Jingyu people were affected.

Dahan, as the profiting party, will definitely attract most of the scolding, and Qin Hao, as a planner, even if the firepower he attracts is slightly smaller, it is enough to be drowned in saliva.

That's why Qin Hao consumes a lot of food and grass for disaster relief, because if he doesn't remedy it, he won't have a good reputation in the future, and I'm afraid he can't get rid of the butcher's reputation.

From his own point of view, Qin Hao used his capture to help the victims, which is understandable, but this is not a good thing for Dahan. After all, Dahan has no reputation.

Liu Hong was stunned immediately after hearing the words, feeling disappointed and helpless in his heart, not knowing what to say for a while.

A sneer flashed at the corner of Yuan Feng's mouth, and he pointed at Qin Hao and said, "Bold Qin Hao, who gave you the guts to go over the imperial court and order without authorization?"

The reason why Yuan Feng took the opportunity to attack is naturally to suppress Qin Hao's arrogance, and now Qin Hao is too sharp.

Qin Hao doesn't care about this. He also thinks it's not good to be too high-profile. It's time to keep a low profile, but he didn't speak, which doesn't mean that Qin Wen will be indifferent.

"Humph." Qin Wen snorted coldly, and said coldly, "Dare to ask Sir Yuan, why is it wrong for my son to put food for disaster relief at the beginning?"

"The local disaster victims are nothing more than the scourge of moss, and how can it be important to eliminate the Yellow Turbans. The court is suffering from no food to send troops, but Qin Hao rescues the disaster at this time. Isn't this adding chaos."

Yuan Feng said unhurriedly, not caring about the life and death of the people at all.

Qin Wen didn't have time to refute, but Ding Yuan stood up and asked bluntly: "Dare to ask Sir Yuan, if Sizhou suffers disasters, disaster relief can be given, but why can't Jingzhou disaster relief work? Are the people of Jingzhou not the people of the big man? Yet?"

"Uh, this..."

At this time, Dong Zhuo also stood up leisurely, and said lightly, "How can the words of Sir Yuan make people so uncomfortable. It must be known that if nephew Qin hadn't turned the tide, how could there be a great victory in the back, and I want to erase this mistake. All the credits to nephew Qin, Sir Yuan, I'm afraid this is not very good."

Ding Yuan would speak for Qin Hao because he was the governor of Jingzhou, and Jingzhou benefited from the disaster relief, so how could he watch Qin Hao be smeared.

As for Dong Zhuo, it was because both of them were from the Kansai faction. After the Yellow Turbans were defeated, the Kanto family began to become arrogant again. As the weak Kansai faction, it was natural for them to unite.

After Ding Yuan and Dong Zhuo, Liu Yu, Wang Yun, Cai Yong and others also stood up and defended Qin Hao.

Seeing that most of the imperial court was standing on Qin Hao's side, he turned the hornet's nest all of a sudden, and Yuan Feng's face suddenly turned ashen.

Qin Hao, who was watching with cold eyes, said at this time: "Jing Yu's disaster was so serious that he didn't have time to ask for instructions. This is indeed Qin Hao's fault, and I ask His Majesty to punish him."

Regarding Qin Hao's performance of being neither arrogant nor impetuous, Liu Hong nodded with satisfaction, and said: "Forget it, compared to the merits of the virtuous son-in-law this time, this small mistake is nothing, and there is no need for punishment. ."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

At this point, it was impossible for Liu Hong to order Nanyang to stop the disaster relief, but he was really unwilling not to send troops, so he thought of a bad idea... to sell the lord to collect food.

Now Liu Hong doesn't dare to sell officials indiscriminately, but the title is different. After all, this has no real power, it's just a reputation.

In this way, Liu Hong used this method of killing chickens to get eggs, but he was dumbfounded when he was about to send troops.

"Report... Your Majesty, the Qiang people in Liangzhou have rebelled again, and an army of [-] is approaching Chang'an..."

"Report... The Xiongnu Shanyu Temujin led an army of 20, and the soldiers captured Yanmen Pass..."

"Report...Xianbei's 20 troops invaded Youzhou..."

"Report... Wuhuan's [-] troops invaded Liaodong..."

For a time, the aliens from the northern border of the great Han rebelled together, and the momentum was even higher than that of the Yellow Turban rebels a year ago.

After all, everyone knows that the combat power of alien races is not the same level as the Yellow Turbans.

"These unfamiliar wolf cubs..." Liu Hong scolded through gritted teeth.

Now that the four bandits have invaded, it is obviously impossible to continue to send troops to the Yellow Turbans. The most important thing is to protect the border.

So Liu Hong issued several imperial decrees in a row, the contents are as follows:

Appoint Qin Wen as the shepherd of Bingzhou, the Great General of the North, and the Marquis of Jin;

Appoint Dong Zhuo as the shepherd of Liangzhou, the general of the expedition to the west, and the marquis of Liang;

He made Liu Yu the shepherd of Youzhou, the general of the Eastern Conquest, and the Marquis of Yan;

Feng Huangfu Song was made the shepherd of Jizhou, the general of the south, and the marquis of Zhao;
He made Liu Yao the shepherd of Yangzhou, the general of Zhendong, and the marquis of Danyang;
He made Liu Yan the shepherd of Yizhou, the general of Zhenxi, and the marquis of Hanzhong;
Feng Dingyuan was appointed by Jingzhou Shepherd, Zhenbei General, and Xiangyang Marquis:
Make Liu Dai the shepherd of Jiaozhou, the general of Zhennan, and the marquis of Jiaozhi!
 The first update arrives, and the second update comes back after class, so it may be late.The era of princes has officially begun, please recommend tickets and subscribe!

(End of this chapter)

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