Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 608 Warm water boiled frog

Chapter 608 Warm water boiled frog

Chapter 606: Boil the Frog in Warm Water

"This paper is so thin."

Xun Yu picked up a stack of paper, and then picked up a copy of the Analects. After flipping through two pages, he said excitedly, "And it's so white and flat, it's a hundred times better than Cai Hou's paper!"

"What's more, such a small book actually records the entire Analects of Confucius. This is simply a divine book."

Wang Xizhi also said with great excitement, and the other people's reactions were similar to the two.

Books, glass, soap, among these three things, glass and soap may be more profitable than books, but books have the biggest impact on everyone.

A copy of the Analects of Confucius, if recorded in bamboo slips, usually weighs dozens of bundles and tens of catties, but now it can be grasped with only one hand. This is a revolution in the academic world, and it cannot be ignored by the civil servants.

Qin Hao didn't take out the movable type printing. The "Analects of Confucius" in front of everyone was just a handwritten version, and he didn't take it out for two reasons.

First, the impact of papermaking alone is already earthquake-level.

If the printing technique is also used at this time, once the number of books overflows, it will inevitably break the monopoly of the aristocratic family in education, and Qin Hao will also become a thorn in the eyes of the aristocratic family.

Second, any item is rare and precious.

If there are too many books, it will not be conducive to Qin Hao's accumulation of wealth. Now Qin Hao needs books to accumulate wealth.

To sum up the above two points, so Qin Hao intends to spend ten years, from hand-copying books, to engraving printing, to movable type printing, to gradually promote the progress of printing, and to break the situation of the family's monopoly on education without knowing it. .

Qin Hao knew very well that he couldn't deal with the aristocratic family hard. He had to use the strategy of boiling frogs in warm water to gradually nibble away. When the family reacted, they had already lost control of education, and even if they wanted to target Qin Hao, it was too late.

The impact of books is so great that almost everyone surrounds them, ignoring the other two money-making artifacts.

Seeing this, Qin Hao just wanted to remind everyone, and also looked at the other two items. After all, what Nanyang lacked most now was money, but everyone couldn't bear to ask.

"My lord, where did this new papermaking technique come from?" Wang Meng asked.

"My lord, what is this new paper made of?" Liu Ye asked.

"My lord, how much does this new paper cost?" Xun Yu asked.

"Master, can this new paper be manufactured on a large scale?" Han Fei asked.


Each of the ministers had several questions, and Qin Hao couldn't answer them together.

"Alright, alright, calm down and listen to Ben Hou speak slowly."

Then it was naturally a perfect rhetoric, and everyone was shocked after hearing it. No one could achieve the artisan's knowledge that they didn't like, but it had such a huge boost to technology.

Among the crowd, only Liu Ye looked proud. He was born in a craftsman, and he knew the embarrassing position of a craftsman, but he never regretted joining the craftsman.

Once this new type of papermaking is born, the leader and the elders will probably not be able to sit still, right?

Liu Ye secretly said in his heart that he also hopes that the Gongjia can help the lord, and with this papermaking technique and various equipment drawings, it is enough for the Gongjia to bet.

"Congratulations, lord, congratulations, lord, with this new type of white paper in hand, in the future, whether it is selling paper or selling books, I, Nanyang, will definitely be able to survive the financial crisis."

Wen Tianxiang smiled and congratulated, and then everyone congratulated in unison.

"Congratulations, lord, congratulations, lord."

Qin Hao nodded with a smile. He took these things out, not just to get through the financial crisis.

The weapons such as the Tang Dao and Song Crossbow that are being developed by the Industrial Engineering Institute require a lot of money as the backing, so that they can be developed and equipped on a large scale, so it is absolutely impossible without money.

"Gentlemen, don't just stare at this new piece of paper, the other two are also good things."

Hearing Qin Hao say this, everyone also reacted that there were two more things, and they couldn't help but look forward to it, but after Qin Hao explained it, they all became less interested.

A luxury item, a daily necessities, turned out to be just money-making tools!

"Congratulations, lord, congratulations, lord."

Everyone congratulated in unison. Although the voice was loud, sincere, and joyful, it was far from the uncontrollable excitement when seeing the new paper.

Qin Hao's mouth twitched slightly when he saw this. Would it be so obvious?You are really arrogant, and treat money like dung!

For the formation of the Nanyang Caravan, Qin Hao handed it over to the most professional Shen Wansan, and there was absolutely no one who was better at doing business than him.

Others are probably reluctant to do it, after all, they have already entered the official career, how can they be willing to go into business.

As for the acquisition of land and the IOU with the family, Qin Hao handed it over to Xun Yu.

Xun Yu was born in the Xun family of Yingchuan, and he had the most confidence to face the family, and was the best person to deal with the family.

After this period of 'military' confrontation, the Nanyang family knew the people's determination to resist to the death, and also understood that the land might not come back.

Now Xun Yu came forward to ask for the land acquisition, the family naturally wanted it, and the market price was not unacceptable. After all, it was a little bit to reduce the loss.

But when Xun Yu asked for an IOU, most of the aristocratic family changed their faces.

"Is the Champion Marquis taking the heads of the households here as fools?"

"He, Qin Hao, doesn't know how much land we have in Nanyang, so he makes an IOU?"

"Yeah, even if we are willing to pay IOUs, can he, Qin Hao, afford it?"

"Isn't there a loan and no repayment?"

All the patriarchs present are all very young, so they are very rude when they speak, and even point at Xun Yu's nose and scold Qin Hao, but Xun Yu always shows people with a smiling face, which makes these elders very sorry.

"Don't worry, all patriarchs, my lord is the eldest son of the Qin family and the only heir of the Marquis of Jin. How could he do such a thing without paying back the money he owes?"

Xun Yu's simple sentence made the people who were still aggressive just now dispel their doubts about Qin Hao's financial resources.

Seeing this, Xun Yu hit the railroad while it was hot: "My lord has decided to form a Nanyang caravan and supply goods to aristocratic families who are willing to sell the land. Does this still not prove my lord's sincerity?"

When the patriarchs of Nanyang heard the words, their eyes suddenly lit up. The Qin family was now the first of the five major business families, and the families of the Bingzhou family also made great profits by drinking soup. The benefits of doing business with the Qin family were much greater than farming.

In the past, the common people swear to the death to resist, forcibly returning the land outweighed the loss, and later, there are businessmen who have a lot of money, as long as they are mixed in, they will make countless profits.

In addition, Qin Hao's attitude was very firm, which made the Nanyang family not hesitate, and most of them were willing to join in and share profits with Qin Hao.

Of course, it is not unwilling to sell the land, but it is difficult to reverse the trend, so it is directly ignored.

So far, Nanyang land reform has been completed peacefully.

This is a miracle, an unrepeatable miracle accomplished with the joint efforts of Qin Hao and the people.

(End of this chapter)

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