Chapter 624

Chapter 622: The Battle of Hetao

Just when Qin Hao and Xiang Yu got married, the battle that was taking place in the Hetao land finally officially ended.

In August of the third year of Zhongping, Qin and Wen united the four major princes of Bingzhou to form a 15 Bingzhou coalition army, while the outsiders pretended to be [-], and the troops were divided into three groups to attack the Hetao land where the Huns were empty.

Today, this battle has been fought for six months, and finally ended with the victory of the Jin army.

Of course, it was not easy for the Jin army to win. After all, most of the previous battles were defensive counterattacks, but this time it was an active attack. The two are not the same concept.

In the early days of the war, the Jin army showed all its strength, as if it would not give up until the capture of Hetao.

The Xiongnu obviously did not expect that the Jin army would take the initiative to come to the door.

The three-way army of the Jin army has been victorious, and it can be said that the morale is like a rainbow.

With the arrival of the reinforcements led by Ogotai and Zhebie, the situation in Hetao began to gradually tilt, and eventually returned to a stalemate.

Hetao is a flat river after all, and cavalry combat is the mainstream.

The Jin army was slightly inferior to the Xiongnu cavalry in the number and training of cavalry, so it gradually fell into a disadvantage in frontal confrontation, and the progress of the strategy was naturally not as good as before.

The stalemate lasted for more than a month, until the Jin army was equipped with new cavalry equipment, stirrups, saddles and horseshoes, and the situation in the Hetao tilted again to the Jin army.

Horse gear and equipment are very easy to copy, and the strength of the grassland cavalry is stronger than that of the Han cavalry. If you get these two pieces of equipment, it will be a disaster for the entire northern Xinjiang.

Qin Hao was not going to take out the harness equipment so early, but he figured it out later.

There are so many capable people in the grasslands, and the low-level equipment such as saddles must not be difficult for them, and there is no doubt when the saddles can be thought of by Temujin and others.

Therefore, it is better to use the harness to fight a big victory to strengthen themselves while they still have it.

Qin Hao expected that Bingzhou and the Xiongnu would have a battle around Hetao, so before taking office as the prefect of Nanyang, he had sent the drawings of the harness back to Bingzhou, and secretly ordered craftsmen to build [-] sets of new harnesses just in case.

Qin Wen led the army to the Hetao. If all goes well, naturally, these harnesses will not be used, but if they encounter obstacles, these harnesses will do wonders.

As expected by Qin Hao, the Huns guarding the Hetao were far more tenacious than expected, and the Huns also dispatched reinforcements as expected.

Qin Wen in the bathroom also took out the harness that was sealed in the warehouse and began to go all out to compete with the Xiongnu for the Hetao.

The [-] Jin cavalrymen equipped with new harnesses were no less inferior to the Xiongnu in terms of horsemanship and cavalry combat, and they even surpassed them faintly by virtue of their superior equipment.

The disadvantage of the cavalry has been completely made up. In addition to the advantage in military strength, the Jin army finally regained the initiative in the battle and began to erode the Hetao Xiongnu little by little.

After losing all his advantages, Wo Kuotai was finally driven to a dead end, and he could only fight the Jin army in advance.

This is also a helpless move. If you don't fight at this time, as time goes on, the Xiongnu's strength in the Hetao will become weaker and weaker. At that time, it will be a big deal even if Wokuotai wants to fight.

This decisive battle finally started at the foot of Yinshan Mountain, known as the Battle of Yinshan Mountain in history.

Qin Wen personally led [-] cavalry and [-] infantry, a total of [-] cavalry coalition forces, against the [-] cavalry coalition forces of the Xiongnu and Hetao ethnic groups.

In the decisive battle of the 13 army, 9 were cavalry, and the Jin army even invested [-]% of the cavalry.

If they win, the Jin army can take advantage of the situation and become a warlord that is not inferior to the Liang army;

But once they lose, the Jin army will have to cultivate for several years before they can fight for the Hetao with the Xiongnu again.

Risks and opportunities coexist, but Qin Wen chose to face the difficulties.

The Jin army did not crush the strength of the Xiongnu, so the decisive battle was also very difficult. After paying nearly [-] huge casualties, they finally defeated the grassland coalition forces and won [-] kills and [-] prisoners. Brilliant results.

After leading the [-] remnants of the army to retreat, Wo Kuotai continued to use the cavalry guerrilla method. He wanted to drag it out until Temujin completely eliminated the Wuhuan, and then led the army to a showdown with the Jin army.

Wo Kuotai thought very beautifully, but Qin Wen would not give him this opportunity, and directly used the thunder offensive to completely expel the Huns from the Hetao without leaving any future troubles.

From August of the third year of Zhongping to February of the fourth year of Zhongping, the Hetao battle lasted a full six months and lasted for half a year.

For the first four months, the Bingzhou coalition had been fighting against the Huns.

As for the next two months, the Jin army was eliminating the resistance forces of various ethnic groups in Hetao, and it also paid a considerable price.

After the resistance forces of all ethnic groups in Hetao were completely eliminated, the iconic Hetao battle was completely ended.

Although the Hetao battle was finally won, it was only a miserable victory for the Jin army.

Statistics after the war showed that the Jin army suffered nearly [-] casualties and [-] directly killed in battle. Most of them were cavalry during the period. This was second only to the casualties of the Yellow Turban War.

In addition, Yang Saburo, the third son of general Yang Ye, with a basic force of 94, was shot to death by Tebee with a dark arrow in the field battle, becoming the only super-class general to die in this battle.

Yang Qilang lost his mind because of the death of the third brother, and went to chase and kill Zhebei alone, but was shot by three arrows. Of course, they were not critical, so they were only seriously injured.

Zhebie was also severely injured by his old rival Zhao Yun, who shattered his breastplate with one shot and fled away.

Although the loss is great, the result is even greater.

The first is territory.

The land of Hetao, fertile and wild, is much larger than the eight hundred miles of Guanzhong, and it is the sum of the four counties in the north.

The Jin army originally owned the five counties in the northern part of Bingzhou, but after winning the Hetao, the territory under its command nearly doubled.

More land means more people can be accommodated, not to mention that the soil in the Loop is extremely fertile and very suitable for planting.

If the Jin army can immigrate by one million, as long as it takes three to five years of development, it can support ten million people, and the war potential is extremely huge.

The second is population.

In addition to the Huns, there are several medium-sized tribes and dozens of small nomadic tribes in the Hetao.

In addition to the people who were killed in the battle and the people who were purged, the total population of these dozens of tribes was nearly 15.

A population of 15 may not be a big deal for the Central Plains, but for the sparsely populated Bingzhou, it is the population of a large county.

Non-my family, its heart must be different.

It is not easy to completely recover these 10,000+ aliens. The Jin army must move to Hetao, which is more than four times the population of the local aliens in Hetao. In addition, it has been governed for more than ten years to completely assimilate these 15 aliens.

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