Chapter 806
Chapter 804: Internal Struggle and External Struggle
If Qin Hao really wanted to defeat the Liang army quickly, there was no need to wait for Li Shimin's reinforcements to arrive. It can be seen that Qin Hao's heart to defeat the Liang army was not urgent, or he had a deeper purpose.

Li Shimin is worthy of being one of the most outstanding emperors in history. He has a very comprehensive perspective on issues. Du Ruhui just gave a brief outline. He has already guessed Qin Hao's purpose through his observation.

That's right, Qin Hao's formation of the coalition was not to revive the great Han, but to use the power of the princes to take down Sizhou, so that the forces of Qin and Jin could completely realize the border.

Although Qin and Jin are both the forces of the Qin family, they do not border each other. The main sphere of influence of the Qin family is in the north, and the direction of future development is also in the north. In this way, Nanyang has fallen into the embarrassing position of an enclave, so Qin Hao must occupy it. Sizhou integrated the two places into one.

Once the coalition forces defeated Dong Zhuo, Sizhou would naturally become a land without an owner, and due to various reasons such as geography, it was impossible for other princes to get an inch of land in Sizhou.

And there are only a few princes on the border with Sizhou. Besides Qin Hao, who is the leader of Sizhou, who is qualified to be the leader of Sizhou?
If he wants to completely occupy Sizhou, he must seize the surrounding Xiongguan, so of course Qin Hao must maximize his role as the leader while the major princes are still supporting him.

"Qin Hao, Qin Hao, all the princes in the world are praising your virtuousness, but you have plotted against all the princes in the world. What a good trick." Li Shimin said with a sneer, but he couldn't help but admire Qin in his heart. Hao's wisdom and boldness.

Relying on Qin Hao's own strength alone, it is undoubtedly a fool's dream to want to seize food from Dong Zhuo's hands, but borrowing the power of the princes of the world is the most sensible way.

All the princes of the world were counted in, and some people even noticed it, but they still had to cooperate with Qin Hao. It's really amazing!

"Qin Hao wants to seize Sizhou, I am not surprised at all, but who gave him the confidence, knowing that he will have an army of 30, and dare to divide the troops, he is so confident that he can break the defense of our army ?” Li Shimin said with some doubts.

"Qin Hao joined the army fourteen years ago. In almost every battle he fought, he was outnumbered and outnumbered, but every time he was able to win more with less. So far he has never lost a single battle."

Speaking of this, Yang Jian paused for a moment, and then continued: "Qin Hao's military strength is nearly twice that of our army. Perhaps in his opinion, such a military strength gap, plus under his command, is used to deal with our army. The army is enough."

"No, I know Qin Hao."

A strange look flashed in Li Shimin's eyes, and he broke through in a deep voice: "He is not the kind of person who would underestimate his opponent, even if the opponent is unknown, he will still go all out."

What's more, his opponent this time is me.Li Shimin thought to himself.

Although he didn't know why, Li Shimin always felt that Qin Hao attached great importance to him. It was precisely because he couldn't find the reason, and he attributed it to sympathy, so he was sure that Qin Hao could not make such a small mistake of underestimating the enemy.

A gleam flashed in Du Ruhui's eyes, and he said with a light smile, "Perhaps Qin Hao has arranged for some backup. After all, the long confrontation period between our two armies is enough for him to arrange a lot of things."

Seeing that there was something in Du Ruhui's words, Yang Jian frowned immediately after hearing the words, and frowned, "Mr. Du means that Qin Hao planted a traitor in our army?"

Du Ruhui smiled lightly, and said, "Hulao Pass has been closely inspected, so there may be no problem, but there must be one in Luoyang City."

Du Ruhui's words were a bit harsh, and Li Shimin couldn't help but sweat.

Today's Hulao Pass was personally supervised by Yang Jian, and it was never opened to the outside world after it was completed. If there were any internal problems, wouldn't even Yang Jian be suspected of collaborating with the enemy?
As for Luoyang, all major forces have dispatched spies, and it is difficult to investigate. After all, Luoyang is the largest city in the world, and there are countless people passing by every day, so it is inevitable that Luoyang has problems.

Du Ruhui slapped Yang Jian lightly by avoiding the seriousness, to let him understand that his current situation is not good, and if he is sensible, he should cooperate with Li Shimin honestly, otherwise if something goes wrong, it will be Yang Jian's responsibility.

Yang Jian frowned even tighter, of course he could hear the meaning in Du Ruhui's words, he was vigilant but also slightly annoyed.

What is this for?

Take away your military power completely?

This kind of thought Yang Jian just thought about it, let alone Li Shimin, a mere junior, even if Dong Zhuo came here in person, he would not dare to seize anyone's military power at this sensitive juncture, because such internal friction would only make it easier for the Kwantung Allied Forces.

Yang Jian guessed that although he expressed his stance on Li Shimin's side, it should be because his support was not strong enough, so he attracted Li Shimin's insinuations.

Today's young people are really more and more careful.Yang Jian secretly groaned in his heart.

Of the 15 troops in Sizhou, Yang Jian has [-], and Li Yuan has [-].

And with Li Yuan being made the governor of Yongzhou, although the [-] troops were temporarily handed over to Li Shimin, it was only a matter of time before they fell into Yang Jian's hands.

Although Li Shimin is the chief general of Sizhou's 30 troops, [-] of them must be moved by Yang Jian, and these [-] troops are still placed in extremely important places, and Yang Jian's attitude is not clear enough. How can I go to the decisive battle with Qin Hao without worry?
Yang Jian also noticed this, so he said decisively: "Mr. Du is right. There are serious problems in Luoyang City, and someone must be in charge."

Speaking of this, Yang Jian bowed his hands to Li Shimin, and said in a deep voice: "The final general asks to stay and sit in Luoyang to deter those monsters."

Li Shimin and Du Ruhui looked at each other the same way, they both saw a trace of shock in each other's eyes, they didn't compromise so easily like Yang Jian.

If Yang Jian hadn't rushed to the front line in person, he wouldn't have been able to affect his original army. With Li Shimin's influence in the Liang army, it would be much easier to command.

"Uncle Yang has such a heart, and it's really hard for my nephew to refuse. Let brother Yang Guang be my nephew's deputy. Uncle Yang, you can come and stabilize the rear for my nephew."

Li Shimin didn't want to seize Yang Jian's military power. After all, as the second largest force in the Liang army, it was impossible for Li Shimin to do it alone. What's more, the relationship between Li and Yang's two families is very good. The decisive battle environment that can defeat Qin Hao.

Seeing that Li Shimin wanted Yang Guang to be the deputy general, Yang Jian's expression improved a lot, which proved that Li Shimin didn't want to do anything wrong.

"Now Mengjin in the north is empty of troops, and our army's 15 reinforcements have arrived. In order to prevent the Kwantung Allied Forces from following Xiang Yu's example and breaking through the defense line by water, it was decided to send an additional [-] troops to Mengjin.

There are only [-] troops at Hulao Pass, which is a bit weak, so the general decided to personally lead [-] cavalry to sit in the fortress.

General Yang Jian led the remaining [-] troops and was stationed in Luoyang to support them. If any accident occurred at any of the three checkpoints in the north, central and south, Zeng soldiers should immediately provide support. "Li Shimin said sonorously.


 Recently, Liuxiang has been really unlucky. In July, he fell heavily on a bicycle and healed for more than half a month. At the end of August, he was bitten by a poisonous insect winged shadow bug. It took more than 1000 yuan to heal. , I thought it was a small cold and it would be cured in two days, but I went to a big hospital today to find out that it was suppurative tonsillitis, and the medical expenses were two thousand... It was a waste of a month. Main street.If I talk too much, I will be in tears. I have not updated Liuxiang for three days, so I will remember it. I will update it with one update today, and when I feel better, I will make up for it with two updates for at least three consecutive days.

(End of this chapter)

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