Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 809 The Second Battle of Hulao Pass

Chapter 809 The Third Battle of Hulao Pass
Chapter 807: The Third Battle of Hulao Pass
Hulao Pass is a pass full of disasters. The first time it was destroyed was during the Yellow Turban Rebellion.

At that time, Qin Wen was dragged down by He Jin and was forced to give up Hulao. Before leaving, Qin Wen resolutely destroyed Hulao, leaving nothing useful to Zhang Jiao.

As for the second time, it was because of a prisoner of war riot in Sizhou, and Xiang Yu led the prisoners back to the former site of Hulao, and Hulao Pass, which had been half rebuilt, was destroyed by the war again.

Hulao Pass has been destroyed twice, and each time it was destroyed, it meant at least 10 people died.

Now the Hulao Pass rebuilt by Yang Jian has even stronger defense than before, but Qin Hao said that he wants to destroy it again?
Hearing this, all the princes could not help but shudder.

Is this the rhythm of making Hulao Pass once again a hell of flesh and blood?

This sounds indeed quite domineering, except for Qin Hao, the leader, no one is qualified to dare to say such a thing.

But the price behind these words is that I really don't know how many people will die under Hulao Pass.

Many princes showed a look of unbearable, but then they became calm.

In the eyes of these princes, human life is just numbers and military medals.

As long as the territory under his command is still there, the dead soldiers can still be requisitioned;

However, the merits of begging Dong can be passed down through the ages. If you miss this once, there will be no next time.

Seeing that he had suppressed all the princes with a single sentence, Qin Hao knew that this was a relatively perfect handling of the distribution of food, so the princes were more convinced of him, and if this trend continues, the coalition forces will no longer be in a state of disunity.

In fact, Qin Hao still hid his private interests in the matter of food distribution. Although Jingzhou needed to bear the military rations of the princes of Jing and Yi, the combined military strength of the princes of these two states was not comparable to that of Qin Hao alone.

In addition, Qin Hao got all of Ding Yuan's accumulation in Xiangyang, and extorted a large sum from Huang Zu and Han Xuan, so it was completely within the acceptable range.

As for the situation in other grain-producing states, no matter how good it is, it is impossible to be better than Qin Hao, especially Jizhou, but one state needs to bear the military rations of three states.

It should be noted that Hetao has been promoting new grains for many years, and the abundance of major grains in Bingzhou can even supply 20 Jin troops for three consecutive years.

Bingzhou had no shortage of food and grass at all, but Qin Hao still asked Jizhou to provide food, and Bingzhou returned after the war.

This is not superfluous, but to consume the grain reserves in the hands of the major princes.

This time, Qin Hao formed the allied army against Dong Zhuo not only to occupy Sizhou, but also to unify and merge the state, and even replace Dong Zhuo as the new princely overlord.

The old overlord was finally defeated, but a new overlord was ushered in to stand on his head. This must be something that all the princes don't want to see.

If the surplus food in the hands of the major princes is sufficient, there is no guarantee that they will not become resistance due to fear of threats.

But if the surplus grain in their hands is not enough, they just want to prevent Qin Hao from even having the ability to cultivate and promote the new grain that they have obtained.

During this period of time, it was the golden time for Qin Hao to develop his power. After the princes fully reflected, Qin Hao was already an existence that they could not eliminate even if they joined forces.

What Qin Hao used was a conspiracy, a naked conspiracy, even if some of the princes noticed it, they couldn't stop it.

His thoughts turned from the matter of food distribution, and Qin Hao turned his attention to Li Shimin.

Qin Hao has never underestimated Li Shimin, and Li Shimin has never disappointed Qin Hao. He actually arrived in Sizhou with reinforcements before the training of the coalition army was completed.

In this way, Qin Hao can also divide his troops openly and use the power of the princes to attack other checkpoints, so that he can completely occupy the four counties of Sizhou for himself.

"Li Shimin, after defeating Xiang Yu, is it finally time for us to have a showdown?"

A flash of excitement flashed in Qin Hao's eyes, and he thought to himself, "I'm afraid I'm going to lose this time. Dong Zhuo is the enemy of the whole world, and everyone in the world is on my side. The advantage is too great, and you are doomed."

With the arrival of Li Shimin, the total number of cavalry of the Liang army on the front line of Hulao Pass has also reached [-], which undoubtedly put great pressure on the hearts of the princes.

After Cao Cao thought about it, his eyes lit up, and he stood up and said, "Leader, there are only [-] Xiliang iron cavalry who came this time, but Li Shimin gathered [-] to the front line of Hulao. It seems that Li Shimin didn't Don't plan to fight to the death."

"If Li Shimin only defends but does not attack, and does nothing but defend? Then he is not Li Shimin."

Qin Hao laughed lightly, his eyes full of determination, and said in a deep voice, "Counterattacking while defending is the style Li Shimin should have."

All the princes couldn't help but nodded when they heard the words. After all, Li Shimin was also the leader of the alliance, and his ability was recognized as strong. It is absolutely impossible to do such a thing as defending the city.

"Hulao Pass has [-] troops, of which [-] are cavalry, and the main defenders of the city are infantry. Although cavalry are strong in field battles, they are not good at defending the city.
Li Shimin has so many cavalry in his hands, if he dares to go out for a decisive battle, then use our [-] cavalry to defeat his [-] Xiliang iron cavalry.

If Li Shimin didn't dare to go out, he could just concentrate on defeating the 55 defenders. Our coalition forces have a total of [-] troops. Can't we break the [-] infantry defense barrier? "

Qin Hao said with a smile, most of the princes nodded subconsciously, they had subconsciously convinced Qin Hao.

Seeing this, Qin Hao smiled knowingly, it was indeed true, but it was not the case.

At present, there are indeed only [-] infantry defenders in Hulao Pass, but Li Shimin can leave [-] fresh troops in Luoyang, and once Hulao Pass has insufficient troops, Luoyang will immediately send reinforcements.

At that time, the coalition forces will switch from a strong attack to a war of attrition, which is unbearable for all the princes, and Qin Hao will use the excuse of dividing Li Shimin's troops to take other checkpoints.

This plan is simply flawless!
Thinking that all the princes in the world are in his own calculations, Qin Hao felt an extremely satisfying sense of accomplishment in his heart.

"You can't just be complacent like this, my goal is to dominate the world." Qin Hao secretly warned himself in his heart.

Looking back at the princes, Qin Hao's eyes were full of confidence, and he said in a deep voice: "Everyone, the third battle of Hulaoguan is about to start, and our current priority is to integrate the army as soon as possible. It is possible to defeat the Liang army. How is the current training situation of the army?"

Ten team leaders headed by Yuan Shao and Cao Cao stood up, and Yuan Shao took the lead to report: "To the leader, the eleventh team of the coalition army has been integrated very smoothly this month, and the cooperation between them has become a lot tacit."

 Thank you for your reward, and thank you for your support.During this period of time, Liuxiang really suffered a serious crime. When he was on a business trip, he just had a slight cold. As a result, his tonsils became inflamed because of his busy schedule, and later it turned into suppurative tonsillitis. I was sick, but in the end I paid more than 100 for medical expenses.So I would like to remind all book friends that physical problems are no small matter, and don't procrastinate when you are sick, as you will become seriously ill if you procrastinate.

(End of this chapter)

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