Chapter 811 Hundred Generals Gather

Chapter 809: Gathering Hundred Generals

Qin Hao rode a snow dragon horse, and walked slowly towards Li Shimin, and behind him were Li Cunxiao and other peerless warriors.

After witnessing the lineup of the generals of the Liang army this time, all the generals of the Qin army looked solemn. After all, most of them were old acquaintances.

Only Pei Yuanqing, who followed closely behind the generals, looked excited, and kept peeking behind Li Shimin.

Seeing this, Li Cunxiao frowned and reprimanded: "Boy, you should be more serious to me, Lord Anwei must not be careless."

Pei Yuanqing let out an 'oh', then pointed to the sledgehammer general in the distance, and asked, "Senior Cunxiao, is that Li Yuanba?"

"That's right." Li Cunxiao nodded.

"It doesn't look like much."

Pei Yuanqing couldn't help showing a look of disappointment. The legendary No. [-] fierce general in the world, the invincible General Shenweitian, was far from what he expected.

"Seniors, if there is a fight in a while, this Li Yuanba must be reserved for the younger generation. The younger generation wants to fight him." Pei Yuanqing asked with a smile.

All the generals looked funny when they saw this.

Indeed, from the appearance alone, Li Yuanba doesn't have the slightest demeanor of a master, but the appearance does not represent the strength!

"Just you?"

Li Cunxiao's eyes were full of helplessness, and he said lightly: "With your current strength, against Li Yuanba who is at full strength, you can only last five rounds at most."

"Five rounds? That's too much, three is the best." Ran Min said with a teasing smile.

"Three are about the same. After all, Boy Pei is really not weak." Xiong Kuohai laughed.

Seeing that all the generals were making fun of him, Pei Yuanqing couldn't help being furious, pouted and said dissatisfiedly: "You guys stop looking down on people, just wait, I will definitely defeat Li Yuanba."

"Look, look, this kid is not satisfied yet."

All the generals laughed, but Li Cunxiao showed a serious expression, and said: "Boy, in this world, the number of people who can block Li Yuanba for three rounds alone is no more than double ten, so being able to take him for three rounds is not a shame but an honor.

As for whether you can defeat Li Yuanba?Remember, you in the future may be able to compete with Li Yuanba, but now you will be courting death if you meet Li Yuanba alone. "

Seeing that Pei Yuanqing was still unconvinced, Jiang Song, who had the best relationship with him, smiled and said: "Remember, the seniors will not harm you."

"Got it."

Pei Yuanqing said something sullenly, with an unhappy look on his face.

At this time, Qin Hao has brought all the generals to the front of the two armies.

Just now they were too far away, and Qin Hao only recognized Li Yuanba, Lu Bu and other generals, but when he got closer and saw the lineup behind Li Shimin, Qin Hao suddenly had the urge to retreat.

Li Yuanba, Yuwen Chengdu, Lu Bu, Hou Yi, Jia Fu, Wu Yunzhao, Yu Juluo, Han Qinhu, Xin Wenli, Shi Wansui...

There are five gods of war, seven or eight generals, and more than a dozen super generals.

Li Shimin brought out nearly [-]% of the generals of the Liang army.Qin Hao thought to himself.

As for Qin Hao's side, although they are all top-notch experts, there is still a certain gap compared with the essence of the overall Liang army. It is impossible to win in a real fight.

But it's already here, it's naturally impossible to go back, and Qin Hao can't afford to lose this person.

Qin Hao gave Liu Bowen a glance at the rear, Liu Bowen understood and whispered something in Cao Cao's ear, Cao Cao immediately said to the princes in a deep voice:

"Everyone, there are heroes from Kansai around Li Shimin, but the leader is surrounded by only generals from the Qin army. Such an aura will definitely be suppressed by Li Shimin."

"That's right, I need to send generals to boost the leader's momentum, so that the Liangzhou barbarians can see that we are full of talents in the Central Plains."

All the princes agreed one after another, and Cao Cao's lips curled up slightly when he saw this, and said, "Xiahoudun, Xiahouyuan, Yin Zhou, Elai, Feilian, five of you, go quickly to protect the leader."


Kong Rong stroked his long beard lightly, and said, "In that case, Tai Shi Ci, you should go and protect the leader as well."


"Ce'er, Zhou Tai, you two hurry up and protect the leader."


"Second brother, third brother, you also go to protect the leader together." Liu Bei said in a deep voice.

"It's big brother." Guan Zhang said in unison.

"Young master, it's fine for the general to go, you don't have to go..."

"Lingming, how can I, Ma Chao, miss such a feast? Let's protect the leader together."

"Yan Liang, Wen Chou..."

"Gongsun Xuanyuan..."

The princes of the 36th Route sent generals to protect Qin Hao, and from the first count to dozens of generals, finally hundreds of generals slowly gathered behind Qin Hao.

Hundreds of generals gathered together just to protect one person.

Looking at the menacing crowd behind him, Pei Yuanqing couldn't help swallowing subconsciously. The lord who was looking at the front didn't even turn his head, and couldn't help admiring the lord's calmness in his heart.

In fact, Qin Hao was a little imaginary at first, but after thinking about it carefully, he found that there was no danger at all. After all, if he really wanted to start a war, he would not be able to bring only 3000 people.

Now Qin Hao has the absolute advantage, and Li Shimin is in danger.

If Qin Hao directly ordered the attack, Li Shimin would definitely turn around and run away without saying a word.

Safety is only one of the reasons why he brought so many generals, the main reason is that Li Shimin did not want to lose to Qin Hao in terms of momentum.

It's just that Li Shimin didn't expect Qin Hao to be so serious that he directly used the elite of the generals in the Kwantung region as the guards. This made Li Shimin speechless, but at the same time he couldn't understand Qin Hao's thoughts.

Glancing at Qin Hao who was not far away, Li Shimin said to Li Yuanba who was beside him, "Yuanba, you will follow the second brother in a while, and the rest of the generals will stand by."


Li Shimin stepped forward, while Li Yuanba followed 20 meters behind him. Seeing this, Qin Hao immediately said: "Cun Xiao, you go with the leader, and the rest of the generals must not move rashly."

"Follow the orders of the lord."

All the generals shouted in unison, the voice was so loud that Qin Hao's ears rang.

Before the formation of the two armies, Qin Hao and Li Shimin walked towards each other, and when they approached ten meters, they stopped at the same time, while Li Yuanba and Li Cunxiao behind them were all wary of each other.

"Brother Zixu, long time no see, Shimin would like to congratulate you on becoming the leader of the 36 princes." Li Shimin cupped his hands and said with a smile.

Qin Hao's eyes narrowed, and he said in a deep voice: "Brother Shimin, you have also been the leader of the princes, you should know that the position of the leader is not easy to sit."

"The position of leader is not easy to do, but once you can sit firmly, it will be a very great thing."

A gleam flashed in Li Shimin's eyes, and he said with a smile: "At the beginning, my position as the leader was not stable. I don't know how far you have achieved, Brother Zixu?"

Qin Hao was vigilant in his heart, but smiled lightly and said, "Don't bother brother Shimin, my position as leader is as stable as Mount Tai."

"is it?"

Li Shimin showed a strange look, and said meaningfully: "That's good."

(End of this chapter)

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