Chapter 818
Chapter 816: Heavenly King vs. Tianbao
Li Cunxiao, Li Yuanba and even Xiang Yu, the fighting styles of the three are actually very similar, they are all powerful and powerful generals.

For a powerful general, if he encounters an opponent stronger than himself, he will be at a disadvantage if he uses the head-to-head style of play, so he must change his fighting style.

Although Li Cunxiao and Xiang Yu both rely on strength, they are warriors who emphasize both strength and skill, but most of their opponents don't need to use skills.

Li Yuanba is the only one who can force Xiang Yu and Li Cunxiao to change their battle mode. After all, his supernatural power is the best in the world, and it is undoubtedly a great disadvantage to confront him head-on.

Li Yuanba's strength was already unmatched by anyone, but now coupled with the blessing of fighting power released from the inside, it was simply too strong to make people desperate.

It's not that Li Cunxiao can't fight head-on, it's just that his own internal energy is consumed too quickly, and once it is exhausted, he will surely die, so even Li Cunxiao has to avoid the edge for the time being.

Li Cunxiao's arm was also slightly sore from the fight just now, but Li Yuanba didn't seem to have any consumption, and he continued to attack Li Cunxiao without stopping.

"I'll kill you."

Li Yuanba swung his hammer and shouted, but this attack was easily avoided by Li Cunxiao, and then Li Cunxiao rode his horse and ran northward, shouting: "This place is not suitable for you and me to fight, let's fight in another place."

Seeing that Li Cunxiao was about to run away, Li Yuanba slapped his horse to chase after him, and shouted: "Don't run away."

Seeing the two leaving the battlefield, Ran Min also followed them.

On Liangjun's side, Chai Shao saw that Li Yuanba couldn't be stopped, and Ran Min followed, worried that Li Yuanba would suffer a loss when the two teamed up, so he asked Yu Wencheng to go to help.

Yu Wencheng agreed after thinking for a while. After all, he didn't have an intuitive understanding of Li Yuanba's current strength. Anyway, Li Yuanba in the past must have lost to Li Ran and the two of them.

Before Yu Wencheng could catch up, he saw Ran Min riding alone in the middle of the road, and his aura soared to the peak.

Yu Wencheng narrowed his eyes slightly, and said lightly: "Ran Min, do you want to have a fight with me here?"


A murderous look flashed across Ran Min's eyes, and he said coldly, "I don't agree with the ranking of the generals list, why do you, Yu Wencheng, take the second place?"

The list of generals is made by famous experts, and it will be updated regularly every month. The competition for the list is extremely fierce, and the seats after the top ten change very frequently, only the top ten rarely changes.

After Xiang Yu's death in battle, Li Yuanba directly ranked first, Yuwen Chengdu also ranked second, and Li Cunxiao only ranked third.

Li Yuanba's record is well known all over the world. Of course, no one would be dissatisfied with his being number one, but there are many people who are dissatisfied with Yuwen Chengdu's second place.

You must know that today is not the same as before, there are endless newcomers in the list of generals.

In the Central Plains War, Luo Shixin resisted Li Yuanba and was not defeated.

In the chaos in Guanzhong, Xing Tian fought against Li Yuanba several times, but he was able to retreat unscathed.

In addition, Gongsun Xuanyuan and Hou Yi also relied on their own achievements to forcibly enter the top ten generals.

Today the top ten order of generals list is: Li Yuanba, Yuwen Chengdu, Li Cunxiao, Luo Shixin, Xing Tian, ​​Lu Bu, Ran Min, Gongsun Xuanyuan, Hou Yi, Zhao Yun.

The back wave of the Yangtze River pushes the front wave, and the front wave dies on the beach.

Veteran players such as Guan Yu, Long Qi, and Wu Yunzhao have already been squeezed out of the top ten seats.

At present, among the veteran fierce generals, there is only one left, Zhao Yun, who is still struggling, but it is only a matter of time before he is sent down. After all, there are three generals behind Zhao Yun, Jiang Song, Jia Fu, and Yin Zhou.

Because of their records and qualifications, these three generals have not yet entered the top ten seats, but they have been wandering around the top fifteen. If there is a chance, someone will definitely be able to enter the top ten.

The martial arts ranking on the generals list, because many people have never fought against each other, naturally caused a lot of controversy, and Yuwen Chengdu's second place was the most controversial.

Behind Yuwen Chengdu, there are many people who are not weaker than him, or even stronger, but the second seat falls to Yuwen Chengdu, so naturally there will be many people who are dissatisfied.

Li Cunxiao only regarded Xiang Yu and Li Yuanba as opponents from the beginning, and he was not very interested in the list of generals, so he was not dissatisfied with Yuwen Chengdu, but everyone else was eyeing Yuwen Chengdu's position. .

At the beginning of the establishment of the list of military generals, Ran Min was ranked sixth. At that time, Ran Min was very unconvinced. After all, they have never fought against me. Why do you say that I am not as good as them?

Later, Xiang Yu died, but Ran Min's ranking did not rise but fell, and he was surpassed by a few newcomers who had never seen him before, which made Ran Min even more dissatisfied.

This time he finally had the opportunity to fight Yuwen Chengdu, and Ran Min would definitely not let it go, he wanted to prove his strength to the world.

Hearing that Ran Min mentioned the list of military generals, Yuwen Cheng-du frowned immediately. He was also very dissatisfied with the ranking of the famous masters. After all, he also knew that there were many people who were stronger than him behind him, and the famous masters' actions would simply let him go. Roast it on the fire.

"The list of generals is just a joke. I didn't expect you, Ran Min, to care about this. Since you want the second seat so much, I can give it to you."

Yu Wencheng's nonchalant attitude made Ran Min even more angry, thinking that the other party was humiliating him.

"Bastard, who asked you to let me go?"

Ran Min's eyes were full of murderous intent, and the air flow in his body surged quickly, and he said coldly: "What I want, Ran Min, can only come and go by myself, and I don't need anyone to give it to me."

"Alright, I've wanted to meet you a long time ago, too."

"I wish I could."

The eyes of the two were full of fighting intent, and they shouted at the same time: "Kill."

"Ding dong, Ran Min's skill 'Killing God' is activated, force +6, basic force 106, equipment +2, current force rises to 114."

"Ding dong, Yuwen Cheng-du's skill 'Thor' is activated, force +6, base force 107, equipment +2, current force rises to 115."

With a double-edged spear in his left hand and a hooked halberd in his right hand, Ran Min swung his soldiers quickly, forming two large nets in an instant, attacking Yu Wencheng like an overwhelming attack.

"Ding dong, Ran Min's skill 'Heavenly King' is activated, when the same clan fights, the force will be +3, and the current force will rise to 117."

Yu Wencheng's eyes were full of seriousness. He had never underestimated Ran Min, but he still underestimated it.

Ran Min held a weapon in each hand, but he was able to display such a fast attack speed. Even Yuwen Chengdu could only use it to this extent, but Ran Min used two weapons.

One against two, Yu Wencheng will inevitably suffer, but he did not panic at all, instead the corners of his mouth slightly curled up.

"Ding dong, Yuwen Chengdu's skill 'Tianbao' is activated..."

(End of this chapter)

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