Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 822 Zhao Yun vs. Lingyan Pavilion

Chapter 822 Zhao Yun vs. Lingyan Pavilion

Chapter 820: Zhao Yun vs Lingyan Pavilion

The aura on Zhao Yun's body became stronger and stronger. His left hand drew out the long sword at his waist, and his right hand held the long spear completely wrapped in internal force. The tip of the spear even made a sharp tearing sound.

hiss... hiss...

Seeing this, Changsun Shunde couldn't help but take a deep breath. Zhao Yun's internal energy had been so concentrated that it was easy to know that his next attack would be extremely strong.

"You must persevere, as long as you survive this blow, Zhao Yun will definitely die."

The three generals thought of this one after another, because there are two other generals arriving soon, and then it will be a one-on-five situation.

In the hearts of Yin Kaishan and other generals, although Zhao Yun had a record of fighting against the eight generals of the Huns alone, how can the five of them be compared with mere barbarians?
If it was the top nine in the martial arts ranking, they would never dare to be so confident, but Zhao Yun's tenth in the martial arts ranking is very watery, and they are confident that Zhao Yun is by no means an opponent of their own.

Yin Kaishan and the other generals were right in guessing that Zhao Yun could not defeat the five Lingyan Pavilion generals, so he would never give the other party a chance to make peace.

"Ding Dong, Zhao Yun's skill 'Ni Lin' has an effect of 1, and once he activates his power +3, his current power will rise to 117."

Seeing that the other two generals were close at hand, Zhao Yun didn't dare to delay any longer. Holding a gun in one hand and a sword in the other, he charged straight at Changsun Shunde.

Yin Kaishan and the other three generals looked at each other, and they all saw a serious look in each other's eyes, but they didn't have the slightest fear, and instead took the initiative to kill Zhao Yun with the word 'pin'.

Zhao Yun saw the cold light flashing in his eyes, swung the spear with his right hand quickly, and shouted: "A hundred birds pay homage to the phoenix."

The silver spear danced faster and faster, and another phoenix shadow appeared vaguely, and when it was fully formed, it shot at Tuqu Tong on the right.

Boom... After a loud noise, Tu Qutong was directly driven back by his men and horses. Even the tiger's mouth was shaken open, and he almost couldn't even hold the weapon.

Tu Qutong's eyes were full of horror, this blow not only directly injured him, but even suffered serious internal injuries.

Just one blow to Tu Qutong was severely injured, but Zhao Yun was a little weak under full strength, Yin Kaishan and Changsun Shunde naturally would not let this opportunity pass.

"Suffer to death."

Yin Kaishan roared ferociously, and with the sword in his hand, he slashed at Zhao Yun with all his strength, forcing him to return to defense. He was creating an opportunity for the eldest grandson Shunde.

A flash of determination flashed in Zhao Yun's eyes, and then he raised the long sword in his left hand. He actually wanted to use the sword to defend against the opponent's broadsword.

Ding...Under such a fierce blow, Zhao Yun almost vomited blood from the shock, and a big gap was cut in the long sword in his hand.

"how can that be?"

Yin Kaishan's eyes were full of disbelief, he used a sword to fight head-to-head with a big knife, but it was very thankless, but Zhao Yunji blocked it.


Not reconciled, Yin Kaishan roared again, wanting to cut off Zhao Yun's sword.

Zhao Yun made the crack on the sword bigger and bigger, and at the same time Changsun Shunde was also attacking him. When he transferred all his strength to his right hand and blocked Yin Kaishan with one hand, he delivered the strongest blow to Changsun Shunde.

"Seven discs to detect the snake."

Ding... The gun and the knife slammed, and then Chang Sun Shunde's eyes widened. The big knife in his hand was cut off by the gun?
How can this be?

Changsun Shunde was terrified in his heart, because even if Zhao Yun's weapon was better than his, the gap would definitely not be that big, and the only thing that could explain it was the fact that the gun blade was enhanced by the internal energy released from the outside.

The weapon was destroyed, and Changsun Shunde already wanted to retreat, but Zhao Yun would not let him go just like that.

Zhao Yun's eyes were full of murderous intent, and the long spear in his hand went straight to the opponent's throat. Changsun Shunde had no time to escape, so he waited to block with half a broadsword.

Ding... The tip of the gun directly poked the knife, and Changsun Shunde's face flushed abnormally, and a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

The long sword in his hand was about to be destroyed, Zhao Yun was also extremely anxious, and immediately roared: "Die to me."

"Ding Dong, Zhao Yun's skill 'Ni Lin' has an effect of 1, the second time he launches his power +3, the current power will rise to 120."

Boom... The surface of the fine steel knife was like paper, it was pierced by Zhao Yun with a single shot, and the silver spear directly penetrated the surface of the knife and pierced Changsun Shunde's throat.

"Do not."

Seeing this, Yin Kaishan's eyes widened, and then he roared hysterically. All the strength in his body rushed to cut off Zhao Yun's saber with both hands, and chopped off Zhao Yun's head with the sword.

Zhao Yun clamped the horse's belly suddenly, and Zhao Yeyu lion felt the master's intention, and sprinted to avoid the fatal knife.

Tu Qutong on one side, and the other two generals who had already rushed over, saw that Zhao Yun had actually killed Changsun Shunde, they were stunned and furious at the same time.

Li Shimin currently only has two wives, and the one he loves the most is not his regular wife Dong, but his second wife and eldest grandson Wugou.

The eldest grandson Shunde was the uncle of the eldest grandson Wugou, but Zhao Yun killed him in front of all the generals...

"Zhao Yun, my Marquis Junji swears to kill you."

"Zhao Yun, today you must die and remember. The one who takes your head is my Zhang Gongjin."

Hou Junji and Zhang Gongjin came to Zhao Yun together, while Qu Tutong endured his injuries and joined the battle. The addition of Yin Kaishan made Zhao Yun feel more pressure instantly.

Zhao Yun was a little exhausted just now when he broke out with all his strength, so if he fights head-on at this time, he will definitely not be able to beat him.

In desperation, Zhao Yun could only rely on horsepower and use the method of You Dou to take the opportunity to recover, and he would never fight more than two people at the same time.

On the other side, Chai Shao, who was commanding the army, also received the news that his grandson Shunde had died in battle.

"What? Zhao Yun actually killed General Changsun under the siege of Yin Kaishan and the other five? How is this possible?"

Chai Shao's face became extremely ugly. Even if he wins this battle now, it will not offset the fault of his elder Sun Shunde's death in battle.

Although the death of grandson Shunde had nothing to do with Chai Shao, he was killed in battle under Chai Shao's command after all, so Chai Shao must bear the responsibility.

Chai Shao has always admired Li Xiuning, originally he wanted to make a great contribution so that he could propose marriage to Li Yuan after the war, but now it seems that the marriage is probably going to fail.

Thinking of his good deed being ruined by Zhao Yun, Chai Shao's heart was full of tyranny, and he cursed angrily: "Damn Zhao Yun, if I don't kill you today, I will read my name Chai Shao upside down."

Although Yin Kaishan's four generals suppressed Zhao Yun, it was difficult to kill Zhao Yun in a short period of time.

Seeing this, Chai Shao, who was furious, decided to go out in person and kill Zhao Yun with the fastest speed, so as to damage the morale of the enemy army and defeat the Qin army.

What Chai Shao didn't know was that his irrational decision caused the Xuanjia Army to completely lose the battle.

After Chai Shao joined, the five generals teamed up. Although Zhao Yun was beaten by comparison and embarrassed, he still couldn't kill Zhao Yun. However, the Xuanjia Army had a little bit of command confusion due to the loss of the general, but Niu Xin seized the opportunity Break out in one fell swoop.

(End of this chapter)

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