Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 825: Burning the Company?

Chapter 825: Burning the Company?

Chapter 823: Burning Company?

Li Shimin actually discovered a flaw in the Kwantung Allied Forces?
This news was like a thunderbolt, which exploded among the generals of the Liang army, and everyone was deafened.

Although Li Shimin didn't specify what the Kwantung coalition's flaws were, the generals believed that Li Shimin would not target people indiscriminately.

Besides, this matter is too important, even for the sake of secrecy, it is impossible to say it in public. Once there are undercover soldiers from the coalition forces, wouldn't it make the coalition forces take precautions in advance.

Li Shimin didn't say, other generals are not easy to ask, but there is one exception, he is Yang Guang.

Yang Guang couldn't help but be curious, so he came to Li Shimin's camp alone at night.

After learning about Yang Guang's intentions, Li Shimin immediately burst out laughing.

"Brother Guang, that's why you came to me so late?"

Seeing Li Shimin smiling so happily, Yang Guang thought that the previous theory of flaws was false, so he said angrily:
"I knew, Shimin, you said that on purpose to stabilize the morale of the army. How could there be flaws in Qin Hao's arrangement."

Because it was in private, Yang Guang didn't call Li Shimin a general, and Li Shimin didn't care about it, obviously he was used to being called that by Yang Guang.

"But Shimin, if you lie to everyone like this, your morale will go up, but if you can't beat Qin Hao, what are you going to do?" Yang Guang said worriedly.

Li Shimin smiled lightly: "Who says I'm lying?"

Yang Guang's eyes widened, and he asked in surprise, "Is it still true?"

"of course."

A bright light flashed in Li Shimin's eyes, and he said with a sneer, "Who says Qin Hao can't make mistakes, but this time he made a big mistake, and this mistake will destroy the entire Kwantung Allied Forces."

"What mistake did Qin Hao make?" Yang Guang asked suspiciously.

"Do you still remember? The Kwantung Allied Forces used 5000 people as a small battalion, and the tenth battalion as a large battalion with 5 people. There were 110 battalions built along the mountains and forests, stretching for hundreds of miles, and the distance between battalions was only [-] yuan. Miles."

"Can this be considered a flaw?"

Yang Guang frowned tightly, and said in a deep voice: "If Qin Hao arranges it this way, if any place is attacked, the rest of the battalion can immediately provide support. It can be said to be foolproof."

"No, the distance between battalions is the biggest weakness of the Kwantung Allied Forces."

Li Shimin's eyes were full of wisdom, and he said with a sneer, "Most camps of the Kwantung Allied Forces are built near mountains and forests, but now the climate is cold and dry, as long as there is a strong wind, they can be used at that time..."

Li Shimin hadn't finished speaking when he saw Yang Guang stunned and exclaimed, "Shimin, do you want to attack with fire?"

Yang Guang is not stupid, Li Shiminzhi made a generalization, he has already guessed Li Shimin's intention, and then a chill suddenly appeared in his heart.

Li Shimin's plan was really too ruthless. Once the fire started, the coalition forces would not be able to run away even if they wanted to. After all, it was a huge fire.

After thinking about it, Yang Guang found that there were still flaws in this plan, so he asked, "I'm afraid this fire attack plan is not so easy to implement. The first thing is the strong wind. God knows when it will blow?"

If you want to use the fire attack strategy, the restrictions on a small area are relatively small, but for a fire attack with a range of hundreds of miles like Li Shimin, it is indispensable to rely on wind power, which is the case in Chibi and Yiling.

Therefore, if there is no wind, Li Shimin's fire will definitely not be able to burn.

Yang Guang could think of it, and Li Shimin could think of it, so he smiled and explained: "At the beginning when I led the army to confront Xiang Yu in Suanzao, I patiently investigated and studied the climate in Yanzhou. I predicted that there would be strong winds in Suanzao within a month."

"real or fake?"

"I don't dare to say that what I say is absolutely accurate, but it is probably close to ten."

Seeing that Li Shimin was so sure, Yang Guang also believed this for the time being, but asked again: "But even so, it is still not easy to start this fire. Besides the wind, there is... besides..."

Hearing Yang Guang's last two questions, Li Shimin smiled lightly and said, "Don't worry, I have a perfect plan in mind, just..."

Li Shimin seemed to have considered everything, but Yang Guang always had a sense of uneasiness in his heart, and this uneasiness came from his opponent Qin Hao.

You must know that Qin Hao has never lost a battle, and most of the battles he has experienced are outnumbered. Will this kind of person who has no doubts really show such a big flaw?
"Shimin, could the flaws you saw be exposed by Qin Hao on purpose?"

Li Shimin frowned, and asked back: "The Kwantung coalition army camp has been set up, and we have the initiative to set fire or not, and Qin Hao used 55 coalition troops as a bait. Isn't the price too high? Taking such a big risk And for what?"

"Of course it is to lure you out of the pass, so as to capture Hulao Pass. After all, if you want to carry out such a large-scale fire attack, you must mobilize most of the soldiers and horses in Hulao Pass, and Qin Hao only needs to block me. If the army retreats, the tiger prison can be easily broken..."

Yang Guang's tone became more and more false, and he also found that the logic he was thinking was not smooth.

Using an army of 55 as bait in exchange for an opportunity is indeed too high a price.

You must know that there are too many variables in it, and if you are a little careless, you will really pay a heavy price.

Qin Hao himself can say it, but will other princes let Qin Hao do this?
After hearing Yang Guang's words, Li Shimin frowned even tighter. After thinking for a long time, he said seriously: "Brother Guang, don't worry, I have remembered what you said is possible, and I will definitely think twice before acting."

Seeing that his casual remarks had attracted Li Shimin's attention, Yang Guang laughed embarrassedly instead.

"Brother Shimin, I just said that casually, so don't pay too much attention to it. Although our army should focus on stability, if there is a chance to defeat the coalition army in a battle, we must not let it go."

Li Shimin nodded with a light smile, but his mind was full of thoughts. Yang Guang really reminded him this time.

Li Shimin will not let go of any opportunity, nor will he ignore any possibility of being calculated. He will definitely not be able to sleep tonight.


Jujube, the camp of the coalition forces.

After Li Cunxiao and others returned, they learned that there were only less than [-] cavalry left in the [-] cavalry, and that General Zhao She was still captured.

In order to confront Qin Hao, Yuan Shu sent troops to pursue him without authorization, but is it Qin Hao's fault?

If Lord Qin Hao didn't remember the villain's faults, Yuan Shu wouldn't even be able to keep the 3000 cavalrymen.

Blame Zhao She?

But Zhao She avoided Li Shimin's first wave of ambushes, and the second wave of ambush was beyond everyone's expectations, and I'm afraid it would be the same if he changed it.

There are so many strange things, Yuan Shu can only blame himself, if he hadn't forcibly dispatched troops, how could there be such a big loss.

"I really did it to myself." Yuan Shu thought bitterly in his heart, and at the same time made up his mind not to provoke Qin Hao.

Yuan Shu found that in the competition with Qin Hao, he had never taken advantage of it, and every time he lost money, he was always himself. He was really afraid of losing money.

(End of this chapter)

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