Chapter 832
Chapter 830: Iron Cavalry
In the 400 years since the establishment of the Han Dynasty, the most prosperous period of cavalry development was during the reign of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty Liu Che. At its peak, there were hundreds of thousands of cavalry in the country.

The Han-Hungary War was the longest war in Chinese history, which lasted for 43 years and was not completely over until Liu Che's death.

During these 43 years, there have been as many as 15 major and minor battles between the two countries, including 3 large-scale battles.

The first time was in 127 BC, when the Xiongnu invaded the border with [-] cavalry. Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty sent Wei Qing to attack with [-] cavalry.

The second time was in 121 BC. Emperor Wudi of the Han Dynasty sent a young general Huo Qubing to attack with tens of thousands of cavalry, chased the Huns for thousands of miles, defeated the main force of the Huns, captured the Hun Chieftain Tu Wang, Shanyu Yanshi, and princes, and wiped out more than a hundred people. There are more than 3 enemies.

The third expedition was in 119 BC, and it was also the largest expedition. At that time, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty mobilized 10 cavalry, 14 horses, and 10 infantry and transporters. Commanded by Wei Qing and Huo Qubing, they went to Mobei in two routes from east to west. Marching forward, he surrounded the Xiongnu Shanyu with his left and right wings. In the end, Yizhi Xie Shanyu led hundreds of cavalry to break through and escape. Since then, the Huns have completely weakened.

In the past 400 years, the largest cavalry battle in the Han Dynasty only mobilized 15 cavalry, but in today's civil war, the total number of cavalry involved has reached [-].

From this, it is not difficult to imagine how powerful the military power of the princes of the world is.

This battle can be said to be a big man, no, it is the largest cavalry duel in the history of Chinese civilization. Unfortunately, because this battle is a civil war, it has lost a lot of heroism.

In this battle, [-] Kanto cavalry allied forces faced off [-] Xiliang cavalry.

In normal times, with the bravery of Xiliang iron cavalry, even facing twice as many enemies might not be impossible, but the situation is different now.

The [-] Kwantung coalition cavalry were divided into three groups. Qin Jian led [-] Bingzhou wolf cavalry to outflank the Liang army's left flank, Gongsun Zan led [-] Youzhou fine cavalry to outflank the Liang army's right flank, and the remaining [-] prince cavalry coalition troops directly Intercept the enemy's rear.

Even if the Xiliang iron cavalry is brave, it is impossible to deal with enemies from three directions at the same time when the morale of the retreat is greatly reduced. However, if they want to return to Hulao Pass, they can only break through from three sides.

Li Shimin knew that it was basically impossible to bring all the cavalry back, and even if one was not handled properly, the entire army might be wiped out.

In this fight, he was completely defeated, and he was convinced of the loss. It was too late for Li Shimin to regret it now, and since the failure was unavoidable, he could only minimize the loss as much as possible.

Now the guards are definitely unstoppable. The enemy's army is twice as large as his own, and under the encirclement on three sides, even if he can finally break out of the encirclement, it is quite good to have [-] cavalry left.

Now Li Shimin has given up hope for the soldiers. This time Qin Hao used all the cavalry of the coalition army. It is obvious that he wants to destroy the Xiliang iron cavalry in a battle. He just wants the generals to return unharmed.

A thousand troops are easy to get, but a general is hard to find.

Thinking of this, Li Shimin didn't hesitate anymore, and directly ordered to abandon the two wings, concentrate his forces and the strong generals in the army, and attack the enemy's central army with all his strength. Only in this way can they have the hope of breaking out.

Qin Jian, who was attacking on the left, was about to launch an attack. He didn't see the Liang army sending troops to intercept him. He naturally knew the left wing that Li Shimin had given up, and couldn't help but exclaimed: "My boy, Li Shimin is amazing. Important, he gave up when he said he would give up, he is really courageous."

Qin Qiong on the side frowned slightly, and said in a deep voice: "Not only the left wing, but Li Shimin may have given up on the right wing as well. He wants to concentrate his forces to break through the central army."

"This kid is so courageous, no wonder Hao'er values ​​him so much."

A gleam flashed in Qin Jian's eyes, and he laughed loudly: "Li Shimin's arrangement is equivalent to giving credit to us and Gongsun Zan. Then I, Old Qin, can't do without. Order the whole army to attack immediately, after defeating the enemy's left wing , encircle the Liang army as quickly as possible."

"No." Qin Qiong and Yu Chigong shouted in unison.

Following Qin Jian's order, [-] Bingzhou wolves rode towards the left wing of the Liang army and launched the most violent charge.

On the right wing, Gongsun Zan of Youzhou Iron Cavalry, who commanded the same situation as Qin Jian, couldn't help sighing: "After all, he was also the leader of the coalition army. He has great courage. Tens of thousands of cavalry gave up as soon as they said they would. If it were in exchange for me, Gongsun Zan, I'm afraid he would have to struggle a bit."

Gongsun Xuanyuan urged him to go forward immediately, and said in a deep voice: "Brother, Li Shimin actually gave up his left and right wings. It is easy to fight with General Qin Jian now, but I am afraid it will be difficult to fight with the Chinese army. All the fierce generals of the army."

"What does the Chinese army have to do with me?"

A strange look flashed in Gongsun Zan's eyes, and he smiled lightly, "The task assigned to us by the leader is to defeat the right wing of the Liang army and completely encircle Li Shimin. I, Gongsun Zan, only need to complete my task. Even if the central army is broken through, it has nothing to do with you."

Gongsun Xuanyuan was stunned for a moment, knowing in his heart that Gongsun Zan was probably trying to preserve his strength, but this was also human nature.

Qin Hao arranged the cavalry under his command in the central army, but arranged [-] Jin troops on the left flank. Isn't this also for the purpose of preserving strength?It's just that people can't find fault with it.

Gongsun Zan took a closer look at the place, and then ordered, "Xuanyuan, take Baima Yicong as the vanguard."

"No." Gongsun Xuanyuan shouted loudly.

Gongsun Zan drew out the long sword at his waist, pointed straight ahead and shouted, "The whole army is attacking."

"Where righteousness comes, life and death go hand in hand! The sky can learn from it, and the white horse is the proof!"

Five thousand white horses let out a roar that shook the sky, and twenty-five thousand Youzhou cavalry followed closely behind.

Unlike the overwhelming momentum on the left and right wings, the rear army is extremely anxious.

The [-] cavalry in charge of intercepting Li Shimin's retreat gathered all the cavalry except Youbing Erzhou. Although the composition of the army was a bit messy, its combat effectiveness was the strongest among the three teams.

Because Qin Hao's broken barracks, tiger barracks, Cao Cao's tiger and leopard cavalry, Liu Bei's white scorpion soldiers, etc., all the elite cavalry under the command of the major princes are all concentrated in these [-] cavalry.

Qin Hao had expected from the very beginning that with Li Shimin's personality, he would definitely concentrate on breaking through the Chinese army. That's why he arranged so many ace battalions in the Chinese army in order to kill Li Shimin in one fell swoop, although he also knew that this was feasible. not big.

Li Shimin has Li Yuanba and other five war gods by his side. It can be said that even if all [-] Xiliang cavalry are wiped out, as long as these five people are there, no, as long as Li Yuanba is still alone, it will still be as difficult as heaven to kill Li Shimin.

But there is only one ten thousandth possibility, Qin Hao still wants to give it a try, what if it really succeeds?

(End of this chapter)

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