Chapter 838 Second Li World War II

Chapter 836: Second Li World War II

Although Li Shimin loves Xue Rengui's talent, Xue Rengui is Qin Hao's subordinate after all, and he almost killed him just now, so of course Li Shimin doesn't want to let him go.

But at this time, the Liang army's two wings have been completely defeated. If it is impossible to break out, once the three allied forces encircle, it will be difficult for Li Shimin to leave.

To break through and kill Xue Rengui, Li Shimin decisively chose the former.

Seeing that the enemy general did not give up his pursuit, Xue Rengui also heaved a sigh of relief.

The formation just now actually frightened Xue Rengui. More than a dozen generals joined forces to siege him. If he hadn't relied on fighting with his life, he might have died under the siege of the enemy generals long ago.

If the generals of the Liang army were really determined to kill him, ordinary soldiers alone might not be able to stop him, and of course the final outcome would be a loss for both sides.

Generals Qin Yong and Pei Yuanqing also looked rejoiced, but then they showed embarrassment.

The two of them originally wanted to save Xue Rengui, but they didn't expect that they would be shocked out of internal injuries after receiving Li Yuanba's hammer. Instead, relying on Xue Rengui's protection, they escaped from the siege of more than a dozen cold generals .

Anyone who saves but is rescued will feel ashamed, right?

"It's really embarrassing this time."

Qin Yong said with a wry smile, he was considered a veteran general, but he was seriously injured by Li Yuanba's hammer.

"I didn't expect Li Yuanba to be so strong."

Pei Yuanqing's face was also full of bitterness, and he said in a harsh voice: "General Cunxiao once said that I could fight him for ten rounds, but now it seems that he is just encouraging me."

Pei Yuanqing knew that he was not Li Yuanba's opponent, but he didn't expect that the gap would be so big. He and Qin Yong worked together to block Li Yuanba's flying hammer, and both suffered internal injuries at the same time. If it was a one-on-one match, he could last five One round is the best.

"I originally wanted to save the general, but I was saved by the general unexpectedly. I'm really ashamed." Pei Yuanqing said with a face of shame.

"No, if you two hadn't arrived in time, Xue Li might have died."

Xue Rengui's eyes were full of gratitude, and he said in a deep voice, "I can't stop Li Yuanba's flying hammer. Xue Li thanked the two generals for saving their lives."

Qin Yong and Pei Yuanqing looked at each other, Qin Yong smiled bitterly and said, "Where is it, Rengui, you also saved us."

When he finally escaped, Xue Rengui was almost single-handedly fighting against more than a dozen generals of the Liang army. Only then did Qin Yong and Pei Yuanqing discover that Xue Rengui was not only good at leading soldiers and bows and arrows, but also his own strength was so superb.

It's a pity for another fierce general who was delayed by the art of war.Qin Yong and Pei Yuanqing thought so in their hearts.

Xue Rengui's performance just now has convinced the two of them, so in their opinion, if Xue Rengui specializes in martial arts, he may not be able to be in the top ten of the martial arts list.

If he knew what the two of them were thinking, Xue Rengui would definitely shake his head and smile wryly, and tell them that for generals, the art of war is king!

"Report... General Qi, the two generals Qin Jian and Gongsun Zan have already defeated the two wings of the enemy army and are encircling Li Shimin's troops."

"So fast?"

Xue Rengui's eyes showed surprise, and he said in a deep voice: "Great, the end of the Liang army is here, quickly spread the word to the whole army, if you continue to persist, the Liang army will be finished."


After Qin Jian and Gongsun Zan completed the encirclement, the coalition forces attacked the Liang army from three directions at the same time. Even if Li Shimin could break out of the siege, he would have to lead his generals to break out. It would be really difficult for ordinary soldiers to escape. .

But Xue Rengui also knew that the more critical the situation was, the greater the Liang army's counterattack would be, and they had to survive this last round of counterattack.

It turned out that Li Shimin wanted to break through the siege head-on, and take as many cavalry as he could take away, but now that the coalition forces have closed the siege, Li Shimin must abandon the crowd to protect the elite.

This assault battle has been fought so far, Xue Rengui's defense line has already been weakened by the Xuanjia army.

Now that Li Shimin abandoned the large army, and concentrated elite troops to lead the breakthrough personally, the protective film that Xue Rengui worked so hard to maintain was finally broken by Li Shimin.

"Report... General Qi, Li Shimin's offensive is too fierce, the brothers really can't hold on anymore, the Liang army is about to break through."

Xue Rengui frowned tightly, and he also knew that it was not because the soldiers didn't use their strength, but because the enemy's offensive was too fierce. After all, there were so many strong generals around, and it was really hard for the soldiers alone to resist, even for the ace battalion. The same goes for soldiers.

After pondering for a while, Xue Rengui said in a deep voice: "Since Li Shimin and the Xuanjia Army can't be stopped, then don't stop them at all, and start to stop the Xiliang iron cavalry with all our strength now."

"General, wouldn't this let Li Shimin go?"

Xue Rengui glanced at the general, and said calmly: "With Li Yuanba and Yu Wencheng here, who can keep Li Shimin? Instead of wasting effort on Li Shimin, it is better to try to cause more casualties to the Liang army."

The generals couldn't help but nodded, Xue Rengui was right, it was really difficult to capture or even kill Li Shimin under the protection of so many generals.

"In addition, order the tiger and leopard cavalry and the white scorpion soldiers to immediately withdraw from the battle and go to pursue Li Shimin."

The reason why Xue Rengui didn't send the broken army camp to pursue was naturally because the broken army camp was heavy cavalry, and they couldn't catch up with the Xuanjia army at all based on their speed.

The tiger and leopard cavalry and the white cavalry are still light cavalry, so they can naturally catch up and follow after them, inflicting another round of damage to the escaped Liang army.

"Kill, rush out."

Under the joint efforts of Li Yuanba and other five war gods, and more than a dozen Liangzhou fierce generals, Li Shimin finally broke through the siege of the three trump cards including Po Junying, and then commanded his subordinates to flee to Hulao Pass while counting the number of people.

"How many people from the Xuanjia Army rushed out?"

"General Qi, there are only more than [-] people."

"What about the rest of the team?"

"There are only two thousand people."

"Is General Yujuluo out of conflict?"

"Come out, but there are only a few dozen riders left around General Yujuluo."

Li Shimin knew that this battle would have suffered heavy casualties, but after listening to his subordinate's report, he couldn't help but gasp.

A total of [-] Xiliang iron cavalry, including [-] Xuanjia fine cavalry, but only more than [-] people broke through, not one out of ten!
Li Shimin suppressed the grief in his heart, and said in a deep voice, "Retreat quickly..."

Before the words fell, there was another bad news.

"Report to the general, the coalition forces are catching up, and the tiger and leopard cavalry and the white scorpion soldiers are coming."

Li Shimin's face changed suddenly, and he shouted: "Quick retreat."

Under the pursuit of the tiger and leopard cavalry and the white scorpion soldiers, the Liang army that broke out of the siege suffered nearly a thousand casualties, while the damage to the chasing coalition army was minimal, but Li Shimin didn't care about these.

Li Shimin fled for ten miles with the Liang army, but when he arrived at a junction, he found that the road ahead was already full of enemy soldiers, and the leader was Li Cunxiao, the number one general of the Qin army.

(End of this chapter)

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