Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 844 Lu Bu's War Horse Chao

Chapter 844 Lu Bu's War Horse Chao

Chapter 842: Lu Bu Wars Horse Chao

"Young man, are you courting death?"

Lu Bu's contemptuous words did not make Ma Chao feel very angry. After all, the other party was already a famous general in the world, and he was just a fledgling junior. It was normal for Lu Bu to look down on him.

Although Ma Chao didn't feel angry because of this, he was more eager to prove himself, and the battle for fame would start with Lu Bu.

Ma Chao's eyes were full of fighting spirit, he rode his horse and shouted: "Lu Bu, you are just relying on your age. If I, Ma Chao, were born ten years earlier, how could I have the prestige you have today."

Ma Chao stabbed in the air with the long spear in his hand, and instantly danced six or seven spear flowers. He kept this posture and rushed towards Lu Bu, and shouted: "Today, I, Ma Chao, will use the spear in my hand to tell you that the world belongs to our young people." ,kill."

"Ding dong, Ma Chao's skill 'Spearman' activates force +2, basic force 95, dragon rider tip +1, Shalifei +1, current force rises to 99."

Ma Chao's words can be said to be quite arrogant, but there is no trace of anger in Lu Bu's eyes, but a little approval.

In Ma Chao, Lu Bu saw his own shadow, the same youthful vigor, the same arrogance, the same self-confidence, and the same ignorance.

"Ma Chao? The son of Ma Teng?"

The corners of Lu Bu's mouth curled up slightly, and he said coldly, "The battlefield is not the place where such a young master should come."

Lu Bu still had the kind of eyes that looked at ants, which also made Ma Chao's heart filled with unknown anger, and he roared angrily: "Stop looking down on people, and look at guns."

"Ding dong, Ma Chao's skill 'Heavenly General' is activated.

Heavenly General: The mighty Heavenly General, Invincible Brocade Ma Chao, this is the unique skill of Ma Chao.

Effect 1, if it is strong, it will be strong. After this effect is activated, the force will be +3, and each time it is activated, the force will be +3, up to 3 times.

Effect 2, according to the level of the opponent's strength, in single combat, it can suppress the opponent's strength by 1~5 points, in group battles, it can suppress the opponent's strength by 1~3 points.

Effect 3, when leading the cavalry to fight, the commander +3, the morale, combat power, speed of the whole army... will increase significantly. "

"Ding dong, Ma Chao's skill 'Heavenly General' effects 1 and 2 are activated in succession, Ma Chao activates force +3, and suppresses Lu Bu by 1 point of force, Ma Chao's force rises to 102, and Lu Bu's force drops to 118.

Although Ma Chao is only 14 years old this year, his talent in both martial arts and fighting is extremely superb, far surpassing his peers.

Ma Chao also understood in his heart that he was far from Lu Bu in terms of strength and combat experience, and that the opponent underestimated the enemy was his only chance, so he had to go all out to defeat the enemy with one move, and if he failed in one move, he had to run away the way.

Ma Chao channeled all the strength of his body to his hands, and immediately saw an invisible air flow surging on his hands and weapons.

Although Ma Chao has not reached the realm of a master, but he already has a super-first-class late-stage cultivation base. After using the family secret technique, he can still use his internal energy to release it externally, although it is only for a short moment.

"Ding dong, Ma Chao's skill 'Heavenly General' activates force +3 for the second time, and the current force has increased to 105."

Seeing that Ma Chao actually used his inner energy to let it out, although Lu Bu was indifferent on the surface, he was also secretly surprised in his heart, thinking that he was like this back then?
Ma Chao, who was rushing towards Lu Bu at full speed, was secretly delighted to see that Lu Bu did not use his internal energy to release it outward.

"Lu Bu die."

Ma Chao roared and swung the long spear in his hand. The magical weapon wrapped in internal force instantly turned into a phantom, and in the next moment more than ten spear shadows formed, stabbing at Lu Bu overwhelmingly.

A smile flashed in Lu Bu's eyes, and he said lightly, "Boy, you don't know anything about power."

Lu Bu directly ignored the shadows of spears all over the sky, and raised the halberd in his hand unhurriedly, and with a casual swing, he bumped into the long spear that could not even see the shadow clearly.

Ding...the spears and halberds collided, making a sharp metal roar.

Ma Chao's eyes were full of horror, the dozens of spear shadows were all false moves, only this last shot was a killer move, and Lu Bu not only saw it at a glance, but also defeated his own unique move so easily, which is also true. Ma Chao was hit hard.

Under one blow, Ma Chao already planned to run away, after all, he had no chance of defeating Lu Bu.

However, Lu Bu was not going to let Ma Chao go. He raised the halberd high with one hand, and then slammed it down. Ma Chao, who couldn't dodge, quickly raised his gun to block.

"Ding dong, the suppressing effect of Lu Bu's skill 'Ghosts and Gods' is activated, which can suppress the owner of the general weapon skill by 4 points of force, and Ma Chao's force drops to 101."

Boom... Ma Chao snorted, a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, but he still gritted his teeth.

After receiving Lu Bu's move forcefully, the tiger's jaws of Ma Chao's hands were also cracked, his chest seemed to have been hit by a hammer, and he had already suffered serious internal injuries, but Lu Bu didn't seem to have used all his strength.

Lu Bu pressed Ma Chao with one hand, his face was full of indifference, and at the same time he said indifferently: "Boy, in the face of absolute strength, tricks are useless."


Ma Chao roared and wanted to push the eucalyptus away, but even though his handsome face was flushed, he still couldn't shake the eucalyptus at all.

"Is this the strength of the top ten in the martial arts list? It's really too strong." Ma Chao smiled wryly in his heart.

Only then did Ma Chao finally understand that the gap in strength between himself and Lu Bu was impossible to catch up without more than ten years of hard training, and it was really too much for him to challenge Lu Bu now.

The blade of Lu Bu Fangtian's halberd was getting closer and closer to Ma Chao's neck, but Ma Chao couldn't get rid of it, and his life was at stake.

Seeing this, Zhao Yun in the rear shouted hastily: "Brother Fengxian, do the lord some face, and please be merciful."

After hearing Zhao Yun's voice, Lu Bu pondered for a while, sighed and moved the halberd away.

Ma Chao looked at Lu Bu with fear in his eyes, but he mustered up his courage and asked, "Why didn't you kill me?"

Of course Lu Bu would not tell Ma Chao, because he owed Qin Hao a favor, and he glanced at him coldly: "Don't get out yet."

Ma Chao was captured by Lu Bu's murderous aura, subconsciously shrank his neck, and went to join Zhao Yun in desperation.

Zhao Yun arrived first and was relieved to see that Ma Chao was fine, and immediately cupped his hands and said, "Thank you, Brother Feng."

As soon as Zhao Yun finished speaking, Guan Yu, Huang Zhong, and Zhang Fei rushed over one after another, and the five of them faced Lu Bu side by side.

Seeing four old acquaintances here, apart from complex expressions, there was also a flash of reminiscence in Lu Bu's eyes.

In Changbanpo back then, in order to rescue Qin Hao who had escaped from Xinye, Lu Bu and the four of them joined forces to fight Xiang Yu, and even almost killed Xiang Yu with Zhao Yun. That battle became one of the most brilliant achievements in the history of the five of them. one.

Former comrades-in-arms, now enemies, how can Lu Bu not let Lu Bu lament the impermanence of life.

(End of this chapter)

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