Chapter 849
Chapter 847: Falling
Ordinary cavalry naturally cannot catch up with Zhao Yun and other generals, but the location of the ambush will not change, and it will only be a matter of time before the reinforcements arrive.

Although the coalition army has 7000 cavalry, the two ambushes set up only have [-] soldiers in total, and they are still at war with the Liang army. If Yang Guang really enters from the side at this time, the casualties will definitely not be small of.

At this time, at the ambush station set up by Ran Min, the duel between soldiers was still in a state of anxiety.
Because the opponent is the most elite Xuanjia army of the Liang army, it is not easy to completely wipe out the opponent. However, it will only be sooner or later that the Liang army is completely defeated, because the opponent has been completely surrounded by ambushes.

The battle between the generals was still going on, and some of them had already decided the winner, but no one thought that it would be Sun Ce who was the first to defeat his opponent.

Sun Ce was originally born with supernatural power. After abandoning the spear and learning the halberd, he got the true biography of Lu Bu, and now he has fully grown up.

Facing He Ruobi, the general of the Liang army, Sun Ce came forward to fight with vigor. The two sides fought for [-] rounds. In the end, Sun Ce directly smashed He Ruobi's weapon with a move of "dominant world".

After He Ruobi was defeated, he abandoned his troops and fled, but Sun Ce immediately came after him, but he was lost in the rebellious army, and happened to encounter a big battle between Luo Cheng and Ding Yanping.

Luo Cheng has not yet reached his peak state, and his marksmanship has not yet achieved great success. How can he be an opponent of the experienced Ding Yanping?
Ding Yanping gained the upper hand in only twenty rounds, and then completely suppressed Luo Cheng.

Seeing that Luo Cheng was defeated by Ding Yanping, Sun Ce immediately came to help Luo Cheng, but with the joint efforts of the two young men, they actually suppressed the veteran Ding Yanping.

After the [-]th round of the battle, Sun Ce's Ding Yanping couldn't move, and Luo Cheng took advantage of the situation and shot Ding Yanping off the horse, and then the two joined forces to capture Ding Yanping alive.

Both monk Shi Wansui, his master and his apprentice, were unable to block the combined skills of Yan Liang, Wen Chou, and Xia Houdun and Xia Houyuan, but it was not easy for the two of them to kill their opponents, after all, the opponents were not much weaker than them.

After Xiahoudun and Xiahouyuan defeated Master and Disciple Shang, they also failed to catch up with Master and Disciple Shang, so they went to help Elai, who was fighting the three generals alone.

The three generals Zhang Gongjin, Hou Junji, and Gao Shilian were already suppressed and beaten by Eilai alone. Seeing Xia Houdun and Xia Houyuan coming to help in the battle, how dare they fight again?
The three generals ran away resolutely, so how could they let them go.

Gao Shilian was killed by a flying halberd, and Zhang Gongjin was killed by Xia Houdun and Xia Houyuan. Only Hou Junji took advantage of the chaos and escaped.

Because neither Pang De nor Lai Huer liked to fight against people with hammers, Xu Chu and Pound switched opponents halfway, and it became Xu Chu vs. Liang Shitai, and Lai Huer vs. Pound.

Liang Shitai, the hammer general among the four fierce and eight hammers, is really not underestimated in his own strength. Xu Chu fought with him for nearly fifty rounds, exhausted all means, but he only quietly gained the upper hand.

After Luo Cheng captured Ding Yanping alive, he saw that Xu Chu was unable to win, so he came to help him, and the two teamed up to gain the upper hand.

Later, with the assistance of Xu Chu, Luo Cheng used the special skill of "returning the carbine", which was handed down in his family, and severely injured Liang Shitai with one shot, while Xu Chu took the opportunity to attack violently and smashed his head with a hammer.

At the beginning, because Wu Yunzhao was not familiar with Guan Sheng's style of play, he was indeed suppressed by Guan Sheng and other three generals. However, after twenty rounds of fighting, Wu Yunzhao also gradually figured out the opponent's routine, and in the end he was also like Dian Wei. Generally, one person presses the opponent and three people fight.

If Liangshan general Hu Yanzhuo hadn't come to help later, Guan Sheng and the other three generals might have been defeated by Wu Yunzhao instead, and it would be really embarrassing at that time.

In the battle between Ran Min and Jia Fu, it was expected that Ran Min had the upper hand. After all, Ran Min is a veteran who has been famous for a long time.

As for Li Cunxiao's ambush on the other side, the five hundred rear troops left by Li Shimin have been basically killed by Li Cunxiao's men, but the big battle between the generals is still going on.

Li Yuanba's fighting style was really too fierce. In the second battle between him and Li Cunxiao, it was no surprise that he had the upper hand again, but Li Cunxiao also gained a lot.

In the fight between Yuwen Chengdu and Jiang Song, it was Jiang Song who had the upper hand, which was beyond everyone's expectations and at home and abroad.

You must know that Yuwen Chengdu is the second in the martial arts list, while Jiang Song is a newcomer who has just become famous. Newcomers suppress the old people. This is very common outside the top ten of the martial arts list, but it is extremely rare if it is less than ten.

Both Li Yuanba and Yu Wencheng are too strong. If they want to leave, ordinary soldiers can't keep them at all, so even if they know that the soldiers are dead after the end, the two of them still have no intention of retreating. The three generals are different.

The three generals Xin Wenli, Mai Tiezhang, and Yang Yichen have not yet reached the point of ignoring ordinary soldiers. Seeing that the soldiers under their command are almost dead, even if they are the one with the upper hand, they still choose to run away without hesitation. , and this finally gave Xiong Kuohai a chance.

While commanding the soldiers to block the way of the three generals, Xiong Kuohai directly attacked and instantly killed Yang Yichen while the three generals were focused on breaking through the siege and had no intention of caring about him.

Once Yang Yichen died, even if Xin Wenli and Mai Tiezhang joined forces, Xiong Kuohai would be sure to defeat them alone, so he boldly came to pursue them alone.

Xin Wenli and Mai Tiezhang couldn't get rid of Xiongkuohai, so they chose to escape in two ways.

Xiong Kuohai chose a road at random and started to go crazy, and after chasing for twenty miles, he caught up with Mai Tiezhang.

Mai Tiezhang had no choice but to fight. Xiong Kuohai fought him and defeated him in ten rounds.

The battle situation of the coalition forces' ambushes on both fronts is roughly the same. If this trend continues, even if the enemy generals are completely wiped out, it is not impossible, but Yang Guang's reinforcements will not give them this opportunity.

After Xue Rengui, Zhao Yun and others returned the fast horses, they saw that although their side had an absolute advantage, the overall situation was still in a stalemate. It was obviously impossible to resolve the battle within an hour or two, and the enemy's reinforcements had half an hour at most. It's time to arrive.

"General Xue, what should we do now?" Zhao Yun asked.

Xue Rengui frowned immediately, such a rare opportunity, of course he also wanted to keep all these cold generals, but time is not waiting for me.

Xue Rengui thought for a while, and said decisively: "Fight for another quarter of an hour, and no matter the victory or defeat, the whole army must retreat."


A quarter of an hour is not long, nor is it short, it is enough to resolve a battle, but it is a pity that the Xuanjia army's fighting will is too tenacious, and a quarter of an hour is not enough to wipe them out.

Coupled with some transfers of the coalition forces, the generals of the Liang army also guessed that the reinforcements were coming, so instead of fighting the coalition forces, they ordered the soldiers to gather together and rely on the favorable terrain to defend in groups.

(End of this chapter)

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