Chapter 852
Chapter 850: Battle in the Tiger Prison Rain
Li Yuanba and Yu Wencheng escaped easily, but the dozens of generals of the coalition army had nothing to do, but the battle was arranged to continue, after all, the battle was not over yet.

After the [-] coalition cavalry surrounded the [-] Liang army cavalry, Li Shimin saw that the situation was not good and decisively led the generals and a few elites to break through. Although the two subsequent ambushes were extremely fierce, the main course was still the besieged [-] cavalry. Cool cavalry.

After Li Shimin broke through, Xue Rengui not only ordered the three parties to advance the [-]-member siege layer by layer, but also ordered them to be divided into regions, so that they could not form a limited combat power and completely lost the chance of breaking through.

After arranging everything, Xue Rengui let go of his command and went to catch up with Li Shimin wholeheartedly. Although he still failed to kill Li Shimin, the trapped Liangzhou cavalry would definitely not be able to escape
When Xue Rengui returned with all the generals and two ambush soldiers, the main force of the coalition forces had divided the Liang army into five divisions, each of which was scurrying around like flies in the encirclement, and there was no possibility of breaking out of the encirclement.

The reason why the army did not launch a general attack was Xue Rengui's deliberate action. After all, the Liang army's fighting spirit was outrageously strong.

During an ambush, all five hundred Xuanjia troops died in battle, and none of them escaped.

During the second ambush, the remnants of the besieged Liang army were not defeated until 1000 people fought bloody battles.

It can be seen that even if they are besieged, even if they lose hope of breaking out, the Liang army is not powerless to resist, and if these Xiliang iron cavalry are pushed into a hurry, then both sides will suffer.

That's why Xue Rengui adopted the strategy of boiling frogs in warm water to gradually wear down the fighting spirit of the Liang army. When their morale was exhausted, it would be okay to recruit them all.

Xue Rengui led all the generals up a hillside and looked down at the battlefield from a high position. Seeing that one of them broke out again, he immediately asked the left and right: "How many times have the trapped Liang army cavalry broke through?"

"General Qi, four large-scale ones, and small-scale ones... probably more than ten times."

All the generals were shocked when they heard it. They were able to launch four large-scale breakthroughs when they completely lost the chance to break through. This shows how tenacious the Liang army's will to fight is. Among the princes in the world, there are probably only the Qin army and the Jin army. comparable.

Xue Rengui was also a little surprised, and then said in a deep voice: "I'm afraid this is the last counterattack of the Liang army, and it's time for it to end... Order the three divisions, at [-] noon, the whole army will attack."


"General Zilong, you lead [-] cavalry to be on guard to prevent Yang Guang from turning back."

Zhao Yun stepped forward resolutely, cupped his fists and shouted, "No."

Noon was fleeting, and the Liang army, which was besieged and divided, had been tortured enough by the coalition forces, and even surrendered on a small scale.

The fighting spirit of the Liang army was already extremely weak, Xue Rengui chose this time to launch a general attack just right.

In the end, under the command of Xue Rengui, Qin Jian, and Gongsun Zan, the Liang army finally couldn't bear the onslaught of a group of fierce generals from the coalition forces.

A large number of troops surrendered one after another, while the troops that were still stubbornly resisting were directly strangled by the coalition forces without mercy.

In the evening of the battle, the shouting and killing finally stopped, and the war came to an end.

According to statistics, [-] of the [-] Liang soldiers who left the pass died directly, and more than [-] surrendered. Only a thousand horsemen fled back to Hulao Pass.

In addition, [-] horses, [-] pairs of armor, and countless weapons were seized in this battle.

Because the coalition forces were besieged by three parties, the casualties were not large, and they only lost more than [-] people in total, of which [-] died at the hands of Yang Guang's reinforcements.

This is a hearty victory.

Not long ago, Li Shimin wiped out [-] cavalrymen in Yuzhou in the first battle, which also caused the morale of the coalition forces to decline to a certain extent.

But now, the leader Qin Hao turned his back on and wiped out nearly [-] cavalry from the Liang army, which wiped out the previous decline of the coalition army and greatly boosted their morale.

What is Li Shimin?How can it be the opponent of our leader?

What are you talking about, you haven't lost a single defeat in the army so far, but you haven't lost at the hands of our leader.

It has to be said that the elimination of [-] Liang army cavalry this time made Qin Hao's prestige rise again, and no one in the coalition army dared to disobey Qin Hao.

"Ding dong, test, although the number of participants in the 'Hulao Rain War' is less than 20, the number of people involved is far more than 20, so they are qualified for the battle, and now the inventory begins."

The minimum standard for a battle is to involve 20 troops, and although the "Hulao Yuzhan" has less than 20 troops, in order to attract Li Shimin, Qin Hao mobilized far more than 20 troops, so this battle is still possible. up to the standards of the campaign.

"Ding dong, the 'Hulao Rain War' killed 370 enemies, took 2400 prisoners, 2770 self-damages in the battle, and [-] casualties in the fire attack. A total of [-] summoning points were rewarded after deducting the battle damage. The host had [-] summoning points before. Possess summon points: [-]."

"Ding dong, the 'Battle of the Tiger's Rain' lasted a total of two days. From Li Shimin's burning of the company camp to the surrender of the besieged Liang army, there were four large-scale breakout battles and two ambush battles. A total of 6.7 enemies were killed and wounded. The loss is 1, the battle loss ratio is [-]:[-], the score is SS, and a silver summoning card is specially rewarded."

Before the rain, the fire caused by Li Shimin did burn the tenth battalion of the former coalition army.

In order to perform this play without flaws, Qin Hao also arranged 1 soldiers and horses in the ten battalions, and the fire also caused a lot of casualties to these [-] people.

However, compared with the results of the battle, this casualty is nothing to mention, and it is completely within the tolerable range.

"Ding dong, the host currently has a gold force summon card, a gold commander summon card, and a silver summon card."

Among the summoning cards in Qin Hao's hands, the worst ones are all silver-level. Of course, they must be used after begging Dong Zhuo. After all, once the balance is triggered, if he helps Dong Zhuo, then Qin Hao will be shooting himself in the foot. .

After the system prompt ended, Qin Hao recalled the details of this battle. Although this battle lasted only two days, many things happened during these two days.

First of all, Li Shimin's "God Bless" saved his life twice in a row.

Although this effect is not as absolute as "Mandate of Heaven", and it is not as exaggerated as "Mandate of Heaven" affecting the climate, but in terms of life preservation alone, the practicality of "God's Blessing" is still higher than that of "Mandate of Heaven".

"During this battle, the life-saving effect of 'God's Blessing' was activated twice in a row. As long as Li Shimin is in danger, can this skill be activated without limit?"

Qin Hao frowned and asked the system. This is what he was most worried about. After all, if this is the case, it will be really difficult to kill Li Shimin.

(End of this chapter)

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